VA260-15-Q-0803-SOW - BID DOCUMENTS by ATC

July 15, 2015
Paint Flooring, Ceiling, & Roads
Portland VA Medical Center
This project requires the following:
Demo and disposal of existing VCT and cove base in rooms 5C 146,147,148B, and 151A. Provide and
install new Armstrong Medintec or equivalent flooring and coving up walls with welded seams in the
areas 5C 146,147,148B, and 151A. The contractor is responsible for moving all items in order to
accomplish the project. Replace all floor mounted door stops and replace with new. See drawing A-1 and
Demolish and dispose of existing asphalt in areas shown on drawing S-3. Provide and install new asphalt
according to the drawings and specs. Repaint road lines that have been removed in the process. Replace
road markers that have been removed in the process. Contractor is to provide flaggers, signage, and
approved methods to minimize traffic related delays and to keep busy traffic moving while work is
ongoing. Contractor will not block off any road ways while performing work. Contractor will be in
constant contact TriMet and C-Tran to Co-ordinate these road repairs and to make sure that the bus stops
are not obstructed.
All work shall be completed in accordance with the drawings and specifications.
This is a summarized description of work; refer to the drawings and specifications for additional detail.
The period of performance for this effort is 120 calendar days from notice to proceed. This is considered
to be a practicable schedule length. Schedules submitted for less than 120 calendar days will not be
The following options shall be priced separately as identified in the bid schedule, see applicable drawings
and specifications for additional detail:
Option 1, CLIN 0002:
Install plank flooring and cove base in the PT/OT area of building 11 in Vancouver as shown on the
drawing A-2 and specifications. Remove and dispose of existing flooring materials. Prep floor according
to manufactures specs. Work to occur after normal working hours and/or on the weekend.
The period of performance of Option 1, CLIN 0002 is 60 calendar days.
Option 2, CLIN 0003:
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Patch and Paint Building 20 Dental as shown on drawing A-3 and specifications. Work to occur after
normal working hours and/or on the weekend. This suite includes wall hung items. It will be the
contractor’s responsibility to move these items in order to paint the suite and replace them.
The period of performance of Option 2, CLIN 0003 is 60 calendar days.
Option 3, CLIN 0004:
Remove and dispose of ceiling tiles shown on drawing A-4 and specifications. Install new ATC ceiling at
the same elevation as existing ceiling. Remove, replace and/or relocate any existing ceiling mounted
devices as needed for this installation. Patient care in this area requires installation to be completed
without blocking access to any part of the corridor or patient rooms. Work must be performed in a clean
and safe manner and may require phasing.
The period of performance of Option3, CLIN 0004 is 60 calendar days.
The Contractor shall keep the COR and the Contracting Officer informed at all times of the status and
progress of the project. The contractor may be required to go thru General Hospital Environment
Awareness information and/or training. These requirements will be informed in the pre-construction
meeting. This information or training is typically short in duration and may consist of videos, special
instructions, or seminars. The period of performance for this effort is 120 calendar days from notice to
proceed. This is considered to be a practicable schedule length. Schedules submitted for less than 120
calendar days will not be accepted.
1. ACCESS TO WORK SITE: The contractor will contact the COR for access requirements and
hours. A majority of work under this project is required to be performed outside of normal,
including weekends.
2. CONTRACTOR FURNISHED MATERIEL: Contractor shall provide all materials, equipment,
supplies, and service tools necessary to complete the work identified under this project.
3. EXECUTION: All work is to be completed within 120 calendar days of notice to proceed. All
work will be in accordance with applicable VA design guides, specifications, directives,
standards and requirements, energy conservation methods, local and federal codes including but
not limited to the following:
Life Safety Code
OSHA Standards
JCAHO Standards
EPA regulations
National and Local Building Codes
Others as applicable
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4. Submittals: All documents will be submitted through the contracting office to the CO and COR.
The contractor shall provide all required submittals prior to the start of any work on the project.
A schedule for the work will be provided at a pre-construction meeting. Submittals to be
provided are but are not limited to:
Work schedule
Employee listing
Project Schedule
Schedule of Values
Environmental Protection Plan as required in the specifications.
Working Drawings and/or Shop drawings
Safety plan
Bond Requirements
SF1413 Statement and Acknowledgment
5. Scheduling: The contractor shall provide the work schedule for the work to be performed. The
schedule will be part of the proposal package. One section of the schedule should include a
breakdown of personnel required to perform the service. Since parking is limited at the VA
Medical Center scheduling is very important for the completion of this project and some work
may need to be done in evenings or on weekends.
In the event climate or weather conditions become unsuitable for work or may provoke an
environmental hazard, the entire work shall be re-scheduled and be approved by COR.
Postponement will not reflect any penalties assessed to the Contractor, nor should there be any
additional cost to the Government.
6. Interference with Hospital Functions: Contractor personnel are required to interrupt their work at
any time so as not to interfere with hospital functions. This includes but not limited to, utility
service, fire protection systems, and the passage of facility patients, personnel, equipment and
7. Utility Shutdown: The contractor will coordinate with owner before disconnecting any circuit or
conducting any utilities modification or stoppage. Any shutdown shall be coordinated with a
minimum of two weeks notification and shall be submitted with the appropriate action plan.
8. Status and Schedule of Work Reports: The contractor will complete and submit on a weekly
basis, daily logs to the COR and the CO.
9. Identification of Workers: Uniforms or work attire are to be cleaned and maintained in good
condition, and will be worn as designated by the manufacturer. On the absent of the CFS a
temporally acting supervisor will be identified and he/she will assume full responsibility for the
work site till relieved from his/her responsibilities.
10. Documentation of Products to Be Used: The Contractor will be required to submit a material
approval submittal of all supplies and material to be used in the project, as required in the
submittal section of this scope. Any material safety data sheet, company specification and
brochure will be attached to the form. The form must be returned to the CFS approved prior of
using the material or supplies. The CFS must comply with all comments, remarks and
instructions attached to the form. A separate sequential logged must be maintained by the
Contractor and CO to keep track of all submittals processed.
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11. Damages: Any damage by contractor personnel during the performance of this project shall be
corrected/repaired to the previous existing condition or better.
12. Disposal of Waste: The Contractor will not dispose of any excess materials at any location on the
Medical facility premises unless approved by the COR. All waste and rubbish materials are to be
disposed off the Medical Facility premises by the Contractor, and disposal shall be in accordance
with Federal and local regulatory guidance and laws. At completion of work, all areas of
construction and surrounding areas will be thoroughly cleaned of any debris.
13. Safety: While in the performance of the work, the Contractors personnel shall abide by the safety
requirements of the Medical Center. The Contractor shall exercise extreme care in making the
work area safe at all times. The number one priority is to protect patients and hospital staff from
any possible injury resulting from the equipment or materials. The Contractor is responsible for
security of equipment each day. There is no storage area available on site. The hallways nor
corridors shall not be used to store, pile or place construction materials or supplies. In the event
of a situation requiring use of the corridor for such purposes, approval of the VA Medical Center
Safety Manager/Officer shall be obtained previously. No painting material or supplies shall be
placed where patients may recover them. Any safety violation or emergency situation should be
reported to a hospital official immediately. The Contractor shall conform to all Federal, State
and local regulations governing painting chemicals and equipment, which may be in effect. All
equipment used to perform the work will conform to OSHA regulations. Work site safety will be
governed by the Medical Center.
14. Phasing: Required phasing coordination. The work needs to be closely coordinated with the
COR to minimize disruption of the normal facility function.
15. Inspections: The daily work will be inspected by Contractor Field Supervisor (CFS) to be
provided by contractor. This CFS will ensure that all the work is being performed according to
the specifications and regulations involved in this contract. The COR and VA Facility
Management Service personnel may regularly inspect the work and accept if satisfactory. COR
will schedule the inspections and provide a copy of it to the CFS and CO. The CFS or
representative will be present during the inspection. The COR must inform the CFS of any
hospital staff taking part on the inspection. The result of the inspection must be presented, in
writing, to the CO. The Contractor must request the project final inspection in writing through
the contracting office to the CO.
16. Final Inspection: The contractor shall schedule a final inspection with the Project Engineer to
ensure the evaluation meets or exceeds requirements in this SOW.
Contracting Officer’s Representative (COR)
Michael Major
Engineering Technician
Portland VA Medical Center
3710 SW US Veterans Hospital Road
Portland, OR 97239
Office phone: 503-572-0908
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