clean the house

In the name of God the Merciful
The behavior of the highest values in human societies
are the values of order and cleanliness as we know, civilized
behavior and Islam is the example for all human societies in
hygiene education and conservation, he says: "Allah loves
those who repent and He loves those who purify
themselves," said the Messenger of Allah peace be upon
him: " Clean your yard not resemble the Jews "and hygiene
is not only personal hygiene and cleanliness of the body but
include school and home environment surrounding us was
created by God pure and clean, it is our duty to maintain the
cleanliness of enjoying it as God has created.
Islam calls us to cleaning lotion and ablution and brush teeth
and trim nails and remove the dirt. We need to put food
scraps and paper in the trash, and if we found a stone or
glass in the middle of the street we have to contribute to
remove from the middle of the road so as not to harm
bystanders, and do not write on the walls of the classroom so
doing, loves God and loves people.
First topic: the environment clean and the role of
individuals in cleanliness:
Intended for the environment: natural or social
circumstances in which we live, earth, air and water are
essential elements of the environment. In order to live a
happy life loving and must preserve our environment and
keep it clean. Must plant trees and take care of them, nor
pick them up We must keep our beaches clean and not
make it filled with waste and the remains of foods. We
must also expire clean air free from air which is produced
by car exhaust and smokestacks, fire, and we must
make sacrifices to fight what pollutes our environment
which we live.
The areas of hygiene and the role of individuals is
clean the house:
1. Must be maintained in a clean house and not to throw
dirt, leaves and dirt in it.
2. I work on cleaning the water cycle
3. Collect waste correctly and properly and put them in
an airtight container and burned in a special place or go
to the places allocated by the state.
4. Save the home clean, especially the ground, windows,
doors and safes.
5. Wash clothing and evil, heal and publish it under the
Does not aim dirty water outside the home so as not to
become a place for breeding mosquitoes.
6. Do not spit on the ground because a lot of disease
comes from the mouth spray.
7. Close all holes that can enter, including rats and
8. Not intended waste in the sea because they harm the
aquatic life and water pollution.
cleaning school:
1. Maintain the walls of the classroom and school scene
2. A trash can in the chapter to dump them.
Hygiene is civilized method:
There is no doubt that good behavior is the address of
progress and civilization. And measured the progress of
nations as much as abidance of the sons of good morals
and values of dignity, the poet Ahmed Shawki has said:
"But to the morality as long as they went, the morals
have gone"
And constructive behavior of civilized man in all spheres
of life, at school and at home and in the street ... Hygiene
in the curricula of all life, cleanliness has countless
Hygiene is reflected on the life of the individual and the
community directly, and which measured the degree of
advancement and attended by among other nations, has
urged the Islamic religion on hygiene and compliance in
more than one place in the book of the year, bringing to
a degrees of progress and urbanization, in a world of his
teachings. Islam is a religion of cleanliness.
Also our environment must be preserved because it is a
gift and a blessing from God employ thankfulness, care
and maintenance of clean. Where we noted recently in
this day and age that a man's hand has been marred by
a lot of the beauty of the environment and reduced utility
and corrupted elements: water, air, food, and
environmental pollution in itself, since we can not control
our environment unless we control ourselves by paying
attention to cleanliness of our streets and our homes and
raise awareness of environmental protection, which limits
the risk to us as the result negative behavior of human
The second topic: the types of household waste
Are substances or objects relating to various aspects of the .
Humanitarian and must be disposed of, including municipal
and industrial waste and hazardous waste and medical
First: Solid Waste
Each article is unusable or undesirable result of the use or
production of behavior and orientation to the community after
receiving treatment and is a result of the use of the following
o Paper: newspapers, offices, schools, cardboard and others.
o Glass: bottles, jars, broken pieces of glass.
o Aluminum: cans of soft drinks.
o Plastic: plastic covers , the bottles of water and agriculture
o Other Metals: cans, car bodies and batteries.
o Other materials: used car tires remnants of building
materials, furniture, and used clothing.
Second: The liquid waste
Water resulting from the use of houses and the turbidity of
the water color or dark yellow diagonal contain organic
material remnants of urine and food chemicals such as soap
and detergents, which include water kitchens, laundry, water
baths and hydrocarbons and some types of bacteria that
cause serious diseases to humans.
The third part, the implications of the waste
Constitute a threat to the household waste:
First man: cause of toxic gases from burning waste hazardous
to human health, such as:
• Carbon monoxide Vetoagda large quantity toxic to the
cardiovascular and respiratory systems and sometimes fatal,
the amount of presence is weak: blocking the transfer of
oxygen to the brain, heart and muscles.
• oxides of nitrogen:: cause disturbances in the respiratory
tract and asthma.
• sulfur oxides: which cause disturbances in respiratory and
cardiac failure.
• Dioxin: affect the immune system and nervous system and
hormonal or carcinogenic
• Aldehyde:: cause respiratory disorders.
Second, the economy: cost management of household waste
appropriations important financial return of these wastes
contain several items that could be re-used as raw materials.
First: Solid Waste
Each article is unusable or undesirable result of the use or
production of behavior and orientation to the community after
receiving treatment and is a result of the use of the following
o Paper: newspapers, offices, schools, cardboard and others.
o Glass: bottles, jars, broken pieces of glass.
o Aluminum: cans of soft drinks.
o Plastic: plastic covers Qguariralmealokias agriculture.
o Other Metals: cans, car bodies and batteries.
o Other materials: used car tires remnants of building
materials, furniture, and used clothing.
Second: The liquid waste
Water resulting from the use of houses and the turbidity of
the water color or dark yellow diagonal contain organic
material remnants of urine and food chemicals such as soap
and detergents, which include water kitchens, laundry, water
baths and hydrocarbons and some types of bacteria that
cause serious diseases to humans.
The third part, the implications of the waste
Constitute a threat to the household waste:
First Rights: cause of toxic gases from burning waste
hazardous to human health, such as:
• Carbon monoxide Vetoagda large quantity toxic to the
cardiovascular and respiratory systems and sometimes fatal,
the amount of presence is weak: blocking the transfer of
oxygen to the brain, heart and muscles.
• oxides of nitrogen:: cause disturbances in the respiratory
tract and asthma.
• sulfur oxides: which cause disturbances in respiratory and
cardiac failure.
• Dioxin: affect the immune system and nervous system and
hormonal or carcinogenic
• Aldehyde: cause respiratory disorders.
Second, the economy:the management of household waste
cost appropriations important financial return of these wastes
contain several items that could be re-used as raw materials.
Third distortion of the urban environment:
Operating municipal solid waste such as food waste and peels
of fruits and vegetables to collect the insects that transmit
diseases and toxins, which extend to and go to the densely
populated areas in addition to the air pollution this waste gas
that emanated from it, or smoke from burning leads to air
pollution resulting in pollution chimique leads to the emission
of toxic gases CH4, CO2, which is acid rain, which can also
occur with certain types of damage to buildings and historical
monuments and statues. This happens when sulfuric acid
reacts in the rain with calcium compounds in the stones (such
as a stone or marble, limestone or granite) to configure the
plaster, which cracks and falls. Acid rain also caused the
acceleration of oxidation of iron, [1] can also react acid
nitrogen (nitrogen), which have been with many of the metals
in industrial plants and cause devastation. And this is
dangerous when combined with waste water that may come to
operate on groundwater contamination in addition, the farm is
a breeding ground for disease organisms such as mice and
cockroaches and flies. If you did not take the necessary
precautions when burning waste, this leads to contamination
of the ground.
Fourth topic: The system of household waste management
and disposal of solid
The management of solid waste means the ability to control
the total waste from the moment of disposal by the owner until
the treatment and final disposal of the ways and methods to
ensure preservation of the good functioning of this process,
with access to try to eliminate the negative effects of such
The collection of waste (garbage)
First phase: occurs at the household level by the individual to
collect any such wastes and the collection receptacles to take
his place of residence abroad, or put them in order to get ri d of
Phase II: on the road by the public and the municipality
through several systems, as follows:
1. Lifting system in front of the home:
This process is performed by workers from domestic solid
waste collection and carry it in front of the houses are thrown
to the dump, a landfill where final settling of the municipal solid
waste after being collected from various urban parks nearby
and in order to maintain a clean environment and protect its
population from the risk of illness in addition to a void
contamination in some of the natural environment
Types of landfills:
• garbage dump observer /
Landfill is to be selected with the authorization of the
administrative authorities are the rules of engagement after a
thorough examination of the site and raised the waste on the
environment, aimed to waste it with respect for the laws
regulating the landfill, and follow the very techniques
guaranteed to get rid of the best way possible of this waste
after sorting and processing. Must be characterized by
geological composition of the landfill is not a specific influence
of fluid over the exploitation and expansion of its borders
surrounded by a fence shows a control center for entry and
exit-equipped to help in the process of waste treatment and
your balance and also a network infrastructure regardless
liquor waste.
• garbage dump is an observer /
Landfill is chosen randomly either by the people to throw their
garbage and often within the urban fabric or in the
surroundings, a place chosen by the supervisors of the
management of waste and be out of town without taking into
account any study or law regulating this choice.
3. Shareholding system:
Waste placed in containers collectively by the population of
the type of barrels of capacity from 600 to 1100 liters or funds
of a size 5 to 12 o'clock ³, which placed at their disposal in
places easily accessible.
4. Collection system for:
Is through the passage of private homes at alarming
household waste collection tools such as furniture, wooden,
plastic, metals such as copper, aluminum and rubber wheels
5. Selective collection system:
Needs to provide receptacles combine outstanding among
them at the level of waste generators, for example, by color.
Method of disposal of household solid waste:
Dealing with biodegradable waste biodegradable by several
techniques are:
1. Technical landfill
Use of this method (enfouissement) to contain the waste and
the reduction of quantity and massage is by reducing the size
and then hid in a hole where the hole put this topic and the
approval of the appropriate amount of waste to be landfilled
are placed on edge and turn into bottom layer of cement and
then a layer of plastic, steel and this is in order to avoid
leakage of liquid resulting from the decomposition of waste
called Lu mus to the underground to preserve the integrity of
the groundwater and there are conditions to be respected,
1. To dig the hole in the area of soil is influence.
2. That this hole away from populations at least 200 meters.
3. To remove from water bodies of 500 meters.
4. Taking into account the direction of prevailing winds in the
5. To be the amount of rainfall is low in the region.
2. The production of organic fertilizer :it
is the biological conversion of organic wastes by microorganisms (bacteria) in the presence of air to the black soil
rich in mineral called Balcolmbust (compostage), a natural
fertilizer used for agriculture and horticulture in order to
strengthen the land of the nutrient enrichment of material
Aliemus which is the basis of fertility and to maintain land. As
the use of organic fertilizer especially desirable in the absence
or insufficient moisture and high temperatures and this is
characterized by the Algerian territory.
3. Incineration (incineration of waste)
Is burned (incénération) waste oven temperature to 1000c °
hot water in a pipe is produced by a special adapter that is
running the steam to generate electricity.
The waste is not biodegradable non biodegradable Trskl
(recycling) and the values re-use technology, manufacturing
and recycling of materials contribute to a positive valuation in
reducing the amount of waste that have been evacuated to
landfill and increase the extent of public use, leading to an
economy that is wrong in the process of recovery of raw
o. Paper and cardboard: re-used in the manufacture of paper
and paperboard as raw material for secondary.
glass: re-use of shattered glass as raw material for the
manufacture of high glass again.
o. plastic: can be renewed in the form of pills or burned in
furnaces to win power.
o. Web: re-use of used clothing and fashion for breach of
import in plants as raw material for secondary.
o. Metal: be retrieved at all through the steel mills or furnaces
where 1 ton of the economy, we can 2500 and calories.
o. plants: are retrieved natural fertilizer.
Methods of disposal of household waste liquid
Balveziaiip named this stage depends on the physical
properties of the impurities such as size specific weight
density of particles and is intended to exclude organic
impurities and inorganic residues such as vegetables, fabrics
cardboard, sand, gravel, oil.
The initial phase of processing
This phase aims to reduce the values of pollutants in sewage
and disposal of the largest amount of organic material
remaining viable deposition and be either physical or chemical
Primary treatment of the physical
1. Primary Settling
Is the primary sedimentation basins during the deposition
anchored hierarchical or conical bottom sediments to slide to
the top of the cone that contains the mobile abrasive and
pipes where they are reducing the speed of entering the
water-bearing sludge sedimentation basin can be
distinguished two types of materials Alraspp
o Type I: The shape of this type of vital minutes separate from
each other and which has quickly established deposition.
o Type II: This type of minutes Almtkaclp result of a natural or
artificial process that conglomerate deposition in the mid dle of
those minutes, the focus is weak individually but the speed of
change during the fall as a result other than a collision a few
minutes of size and thereby increase the speed of deposition.
2. Flotation
Flotation process occurs in conditions where the volumetric
mass of material less than the outstanding volumetric mass of
the central fluid surrounding her as if the density of the
material to be floating higher than the density
Water we can make it float instigator minutes by linking
the outstanding air bubbles of gas, more particularly to
form a package body hanging gas less dense than the
liquid surrounding it.
Stage of secondary treatment of biological
Depend on the vitality of a natural phenomenon where
bacteria break down organic compounds and transform
them into harmless compounds and is intended to:
1. Coagulation and the removal of colloidal materials are
non-solid deposition.
2. Install the organic materials.
3. Reduce the rates of organic matter in the sludge.
4. To get rid of nutrients such as nitrogen and
There are influential factors on the biological treatment
of organic pregnancy, organic materials and a value for
the amount of bacteria as the temperature of treatment
are of C ° 5 to 40C ° higher the temperature increased
activity of bacteria, providing a degree of pH necessary
for the treatment of 7 to 8,5 addition to the availability of
center-right for the growth of bacteria as you need to
micro-organisms to multiply and function properly to the
energies of carbon and nutrients.
Tertiary stage of treatment
That the operations that preceded the treatment is not
expected to remove all micro-organisms and in spite of
the low numbers in a clear and effective for that use
plants to tertiary treatment as the last stage of water
purification, the target of this treatment:
1. Remove loose material and reduce the DBO of treated
2. Reduce the concentration of pathogens such as
bacteria and eggs of intestinal worms to avoid any harm
that may result in.
The waste is the responsibility of every citizen, despite
the existence of strict laws to protect the environment
and the citizens only, there are many irregularities and it
should be:
1. Citizen awareness of the seriousness of the waste.
2. Ensure the application of environmental laws by the
3. Introduce the concept of valuation of waste to a
culture of every citizen.
4. The introduction of awareness programs in the
education system to create a generation of subliminal.
The remaining household waste from the problems of
the age because of bad conduct on the one hand and a
lack of human culture on the other.