C.V - Pharos University in Alexandria

 Name: Faika Ibrahim Mohamed Hassanein
 Title: Lecturer in Microbiology department
 Telephone: +2(03)
 Email: faikaibrahim@gmail.com
 Room: C334
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Academic Qualification:
Institute of Graduate Studies and Research (IGSR)
Submitted for obtaining the PhD in Biotechnology. 2013/14
High Institute of Public Health- Alexandria University
Doctor in Parasitology & Medical Entomology 2009/12
Faculty of Science-Alexandria University
Diploma in Forensic Chemistry (GAP: 3.4/4.0) 2008/09
High Institute of Public Health- Alexandria University
Master in Parasitology and Medical Entomology (Very Good)2006/08
High Institute of Public Health- Alexandria University
Diploma in Parasitology and Medical Entomology (Good)2004/05
Faculty of Science-Alexandria University
Diploma in Biochemistry- Biochemistry Department (Very Good)
High Institute of Public Health- Alexandria University
Diploma in Parasitology and Medical Entomology (Good)92/93
Faculty of Science-Alexandria University
Bachelor of Science-Biochemistry Department (Pass)89/90
Professional Experiences and Positions held:
 Pharos University-Alexandria.
2012 till now
 Lecturer of Microbiology and Immunology
Hassab Lab
 Parasitology Unit Manager
 Fager El-Eslam Lab
 Lab. Manager
 Dr. Adham El-Talhaty Centre
 Specialized in Medical Analysis
The Health Insurance's Pharmacies
 Specialized Chemist
1. Studying the prevalence on Intestinal Parasitic Infections among
Mental Handicapped patients in Alexandria.
2. Detection of some Microbial Infections among Mental People.
Research interest
3. Correlation of Opportunistic Infections and CD4 among Mental
handicapped in Alexandria.
4. Detecting and studying the phenotyping of Cryptosporidium spp.
Among Diarrheic Patients.
1. Faika Hassanein, Zeinab Shaibat-El-Hamd, Sanaa A. El-Masry. Acute
Lymphocytic Leukemia and Ecto- and Endo-Parasites. LAMBERT
Academic Publishing. 2013: Ps145. ISBN 978-3-659-21270-3
2. Azza Hassan, Hanan Farouk, Faika Hassanein, Rashad Abdul-Ghani,
Ahmed Abdel-Hady. Acanthamoeba contamination of hemodialysis and
dental units in Alexandria, Egypt: A neglected potential source of
infection. J of infect and pub health 2012;5(4):304-10.
3. Azza Hassan, Hanan Farouk, Rashad Abdul-Ghani, Faika Hassanein.
Contamination of irrigation systems of dental units with Cryptosporidium
species in Alexandria, Egypt: a neglected disinfection pitfall. Risk Manag
and Health Policy 2012;5:93-5.
Faika Hassanein, Sanaa A. El-Masry, Azza Hassan. Gastrointestinal
Disorders and intestinal Parasitic infections. LAMBERT Academic
Publishing. 2012: Ps146. ISBN 978-3-659-21248-2
4. Azza Hassan, Hanan Farouk, Faika Hassanein, Rashad Abdul-Ghani.
Currency as a potential environmental vehicle for transmitting parasites
among food-related workers in Alexandria, Egypt. Transactions of the
Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 105 (2011) 519– 524.
5. Shaibat-El-Hamd ZM, El-Masry SA, Hassab HM, Hassan AA and
Hassanein FI. Comparison of different techniques for the diagnosis of
parasitic infections among leukemic children. Bulletin of High Institute
of Public Health 2008; 38(1): 113-24.
I- Conferences Attendance:
Conferences and
The Third Scientific Forum in the Medical Research Institute, in
Antimicrobial Resistance
The 1st International Scientific Conference of Medical Laboratory
Specialists Syndicate
The International Scientific Conference of Laboratory Diagnosis
and ICSI-Damanhour
The Second Forum for Scientists in Alexandria 22-2-2013
The 3nd Annual Conference of Egyptian Parasitologists United
(EPU) in Association with INSTAND/WHO
Parasitology: Everlasting Development- Cairo, Egypt
Alex Health 2011, Alexandria
The 3rd International Conference of the High Institute of Public
Health. (Integrated Healthy Hospital & Health Care Facilities
The 5th Annual Scientific specialized Conference in the recent of
Laboratory Medicine, Alexandria
Recent Advances in Laboratory Medicine
The 2nd Annual Conference of Egyptian Parasitologists United
(EPU) in Association with INSTAND/WHO Collaborating Centre
for Quality Assurance and Standardization in Laboratory
Medicine, Cairo, Egypt
New Developments in Laboratory Diagnosis of Parasitic Diseases
Alex Health 2009, Alexandria
The 4Th International Conference of the High Institute of Public
Health. (Patient Safety)
Alex Health 2008, Alexandria
The 3rd International Conference on Integrated Environment Hospital
 The 3rd Annual Scientific specialized Conference in the recent of
Laboratory Medicine, Alexandria
May 2008
Recent Advances in Laboratory Medicine
II- Conferences Participation:
 Speaker
The 3nd Annual Conference of Egyptian Parasitologists United
(EPU) in Association with INSTAND/WHO
Parasitology: Everlasting Development- Cairo, Egypt
The "Evaluation of different techniques used to determine the
association of Inflammatory Bowel Disease and Irritable Bowel
Syndrome with some Intestinal Parasitic Infection.”
III- Conferences under progression:
1- The Third Forum for Scientists in Alexandria 8-2-2014
2- 9th Congress of ECCO Bella Center Copenhagen
February 20-22, 2014
 Shared by poster presentation.
High Institute of Public Health
Activating cooperation between the Higher Institute for Public
Health and the beneficiaries of the service and civil society
Egyptian Medical Syndicate
Quality....a tool to improve Healthcare Services 20-4-2013
Pharos University:
I- CPD training:
o Dealing with Difficult Students
o Syllabus Design and Construction Workshop Agenda12/3/13
o Managing Lectures
o Student assessment Part I
o Student assessment Part II
o Academic Integrity/Plagiarism
o Learning Style & Teaching Strategies
o Inactive Modalities
II- Students Motivation
1- Member in the Egyptian Association of Health care Quality and Patient
Safety (EAHQPS)
2- Member in Egyptian Parasitologists United (EPU) in Association with
INSTAND/WHO Collaborating Centre for Quality Assurance and
Standardization in Laboratory Medicine, Cairo, Egypt.
Professional and
scientific Activities
***Acknowledgments for great help, assistance in:
1- Azza Hassan, Hanan Farouk, Rashad Abdul-Ghani. Parasitological
contamination of freshly eaten vegetables collected from local markets
in Alexandria, Egypt: A preliminary study. Food Control 2012;26:500503.
2- El-Sayed NM E. Quality Assurance of the School Based Parasitic
Control Programme in Alexandria. MS Thesis; High Institute and
Public Health 2009.
***Shared in the teaching of:
1- Pahrmacogenetic and Immunology (PHR 461).
2- Parasitology (PHR 564).