April 24, 2012 Minutes

Ione School District #2
445 Spring St., P.O. Box 167, Ione, Oregon 97843
2011-14 Ione School District Goals
Ione School District students
will annually perform above
the state averages on all
Oregon assessments.
Indicator: Student scores
above the state benchmark
for assessed grade levels
(3-11) in reading, writing,
math, and science.
Ione School District will increase the number of high school
students who are college and career ready through
participation in the Eastern Promise.
Indicator: Increase in the number of students obtaining
college credits while in high school.
Indicator: Increase in the number of students completing an
Oregon Transfer Module (OTM) and/or Associates of Arts
Oregon Transfer (AAOT) degree.
Indicator: Increase in the number of teachers eligible to
instruct dual credit courses.
Ione School District
will implement
Indicator: Increase
in the number of
practices implemented.
April 24, 2012
4:30 p.m. Work Session – 5:30 p.m. Regular Meeting
Ione Schools – Ione, Oregon
The regular meeting was called to order at 5:40p.m. by board Chair, Anne Morter.
Anne Morter, Board Chair
Bink Ramos
Bill Jepsen
Lisa Rietmann
Joe McElligott
IMESD Staff:
Mark Mulvihill, Superintendent
Jerry Archer, Principal
Marla Royal, Board Secretary
Beth O’Hanlon, CFO
Colette Blakely, HR Coordinator
Others Present:
Ryan Rudolph, Ione School
Courtney Flatt, NW Public Radio
Student Presentation
There was no student presentation.
Representative Greg Smith – Morrow Pacific Project
Representative Greg Smith was unable to attend the meeting.
There were none.
BE IT RESOLVED, upon motion by Lisa Rietmann, seconded by Bink Ramos,
which carried unanimously, that the item listed below is hereby approved under
the consent agenda.
Minutes of the March 20, 2012 Work Session and Regular Meeting
Financial Summary and Cash Flow
Beth O’Hanlon presented the financial summary, which is attached to these minutes. There was
discussion about adjustments to come and the final bill for transportation. Joe McElligott asked
if those adjustments were in the projected EFB, and Beth said no. Anne Morter asked Beth how
she felt about the EFB, and Beth said people aren’t spending as much as she thought they might.
Mark Mulvihill spoke about lowering the EFB, and the need to keep in mind the PERS increases
coming in the 2013-14 year, along with the fact that the district is just coming out of the bond.
Anne Morter welcomed visitor Courtney Flatt from NW Public Radio.
Principal Report
 End of Year Activities Calendar
Jerry Archer distributed a May and June calendar and noted end of the year highlights. Anne,
Bill Jepsen and Jerry will attend the Crystal Apple Awards May 23rd, and baccalaureate and
graduation will be June 8th. The Ione Negotiations Committee will meet May 2, 2012 from
8:00a.m.-11:00a.m. Ione School. Mark Mulvihill will work with Ami Muilenburg to get
Kindergarten Assessment information to him.
Mark also asked that anytime events could be scheduled prior to a board meeting, it would be
appreciated by those who must travel.
Anne noted that Staff Appreciation Week is May 7-11th, and they will be having a breakfast for
staff on Thursday, May 10, 2012 at 6:45a.m. (Mark) breakfast for teachers. Email Anne with
what you want to bring.
Superintendent Report
 Achievement Compacts
Superintendent Mulvihill presented the Ione Achievement Compacts in the board packets. Mark
said the document is research-based and reflects being part of a system. School districts will be
measured on student completion rates and attainment; at the K-12 level, how many kids are
graduating from high school? How many are working? Mark said that kids of poverty and color
are not achieving at the same level as other students, and many students have been priced out of
education in Oregon. A system of mediation has been created due to the lack of rigor in a
student’s senior year of high school. Mark reported that of those students in Oregon who have
received bachelor’s degrees, only 30-40% are homegrown Oregonians. Nationwide, the average
is 60-70%. Joe McElligott noted that completion does not only mean a bachelor’s degree, but
also technical (i.e., diesel mechanic) and vocational education. Mark said again that the
achievement compact is an investment document between Ione School District and OEIB, where
the district agrees to meet outcomes they have set at the local level for targets set by the state.
There are “on track” indicators at 3rd grade, 6th grade, 9th grade, and graduation, and a place to
include up to three local priorities. Mark suggested that Ione could include Pre-K as a local
It was agreed that at the May Work Session, Mark will present suggestions for local priorities,
the board will determine those priorities, and attempt to fill in the achievement compact. Mark
noted the May 1st and May 23rd Achievement Compact trainings hosted by IMESD for
component districts. Approval of the Ione School District Achievement Compact will be on the
agenda at the June board meeting, and compacts are due to OEIB July 1, 2012.
 Eastern Promise Matrix
Mark went over the current matrix included in the board packets, and Jerry Archer made note of
an addition for Ione.
There was no Old Business to come before the board.
There was no New Business to come before the board.
Upcoming Meetings and conferences:
A. May Board Meeting – May 22, 2012
B. Crystal Apple Awards – May 23, 2012, 4:45p.m., Pendleton Red Lion
C. Ione High School Graduation – June 8, 2012, 8:00p.m., Ione School
There was no other business to come before the board.
Pursuant to ORS 192.660(2)(d), the Ione School District board held an executive session at this
time to discuss labor negotiations.
The executive session was called to order at 7:49 PM.
The board was called out of executive session at 7:02 PM.
There being no further business before the board, the regular meeting was adjourned at 7:03 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Anne Morter, Chair
Marla Royal, Board Secretary