Event SIG Event Name Date of event Speaker Name SIG 1. [Select Date] Organiser 2. SIG Champ Names 3. Venue/Host 4. Sponsor/Partner Contact Details 5. If Applicable Checklist Event phases Ongoing Tasks Planning Meeting Write up notes ASAP – Send to EM to proofread before sending to all involved in the meeting. Important to share in the minutes a provisional agenda with timings to ensure that SIG champs are aware of the number of speaking slots. Event Narrative & Webpage Lead SIG to be given 7 days to write narrative, allow comment from other SIG champs. Send narrative to be written for the web page - send to Anna or Louise and they will reformat. ED or EM to upload narrative to website. Open registration and register SIG champs. Marketing & Promotion External Websites - add event to Cambridge Network, CamTechNet, MeetUp, Lanyard (ChinWag & Tech City News –London / Tech Spark –Bristol/Bath) Previous Participant – PP is dependent on the marketing schedule check with Louise and add to deadlines below. If needed 2nd pp 2-4 weeks before. Our website - Update our website continuously don’t forget to add logos, speakers names and hyperlink company names & sponsors. Speaker Recruitment Secure speakers ASAP. Follow up with SIG champs regularly – chasing weekly by email and telephone if necessary. Once a speaker is recruited send out speaker briefing 1 email and copy in SIG champs & EM. Add their details to the speaker spreadsheet and also to the website and agenda. Agenda ASAP - Create agenda using template - add to website when 50% complete. Update information as and when information is received. Remember to keep SIG champs in the loop. Please ask EM to proofread any edits. Sponsor/Partner Liaise with LC and/or EM regarding sponsors for each event. Ensure logos/profiles are linked and included in agenda, webpage signage. Venue & Logistics Seating details, Air-con, panel table & chairs, audio equipment (lapels, roving mics), registration desk, catering stations, to have two for more than 40 people, sponsor, tables, refreshments. Registrations As registrations come in, check for non-members and chase for payment if needed. Check that you don’t have more than 3 delegates from each company – especially if the event is on a waiting list. Checklist Deadline Date Checklist Deadline Date Venue visit 8 weeks before [Select Date] Send 1st confirmation email 10 working days [Select Date] Prepare PP Email 1 week before pp [Select Date] [Select Date] 8 weeks (approx.) [Select Date] 10 working days Send Previous Participant Send CW slides, chair notes, delegate list & agenda to SIG champs Update email to SIG champs 6 weeks before [Select Date] Send speakers reminder for slides Send update to sponsor/partners 7 Working days [Select Date] Sponsor display invoice 6 weeks (approx.) [Select Date] Draft chair notes Customise CW slides Draft evaluation form [Select Date] 7 working days [Select Date] 3 weeks before Prepare & send staff briefing Draft thank you Draft post event 3 working days [Select Date] Send & prepare speaker briefing 2 3 weeks (set in stone) [Select Date] Send 2nd confirmation email Draft 1st confirmation email Draft 2ND confirmation email [Select Date] 2 working days [Select Date] 14 working days Final update to venue Send final update to SIG champs Printing Close reg 1 working days [Select Date] Send venue an update Display tables 10 working days Post event Thank yous! Day after event [Select Date] [Select Date]