Passaic County Community College BS 211 Genetics Master Syllabus 2010-2011 Course Credit Equivalents: Credit Hours – Lecture: 3 Credit Hours Contact Hours – Lecture: 3 Contact hours Laboratory: 1 Credit Hour Laboratory: 3 Contact hours Course Coordinator: Anne Loving Office Location: Room A342 @ Main Campus Office Phone #: (973) 684-6093 E-mail: Prerequisite: BS 101 Course Description: BS 211 is a lecture and laboratory course designed to discuss the structure & functions of genes, in both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells, with more emphasis on eukaryotic systems. The overlying focus of this course is to discuss the key aspects of the “Central Dogma of Biology”. The expression of a gene into RNA and then a protein may be a very complex process that requires many steps. We will discuss many of the steps required to generate a protein from DNA sequences of genes, as well as the regulation of many of these steps. Topics that will be discussed include: a) chromosome structure and function, genomic regulation of gene expression, DNA replication and repair the control, b) the control of gene expression at the level of transcription, processing, and post-transcription. Additional learning objectives for the course will be to discuss the isolation of specific DNA sequences using recombinant DNA technology. A practical and systematic approach will be used to discuss the cloning of cDNA and gene segments. Student Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to: 1. Identify the fundamental principles of chromatin structure, replication, repair and its role in heredity 2. Identify the different stages in which the expression of genes may be regulated and be able to explain the respective mechanisms of regulation 3. Demonstrate reading comprehension, critical thinking, and writing skills, by reading literature and writing reports that demonstrate awareness on how molecular genetics as science progresses due to on-going research 4. Perform laboratory experiments that will enhance knowledge of, develop hands-on skills and appreciation of methods in recombinant DNA technology 5. Explain the successes-as well as the dilemmas and difficulties in solving science problems through the use of the scientific method, in performing experiments and writing laboratory reports Genetics Lecture Topics Week Section I 1 Genes, Chromosomes and Heredity Introduction to Genetics The Age of Genetics 2 Cell Cycle, Mitosis and Meiosis Chromosomal Basis of Inheritance 3 Mendelian Genetics Law of Segregation Law of Independent Assortment Section II 4 DNA: Structure, Replication & Variation Chromatin Structure & its Role in Gene Expression Modification of Histones & Nucleosomes DNA Replication & Repair 5 6 Semiconservative Replication Survey of DNA Damage & Mechanisms of Repair Genetic Recombination, Mutation & Transposition Mechanisms for Varying DNA Sequence Section III 7 Expression & Regulation of Genetic Information Fundamentals of Transcription & Translation Following the Genetic Code 8 Transcriptional Regulation in Prokaryotes Organization & Regulation of Operons 9 Transcriptional Regulation in Eukaryotes Regulatory Sites & Transcription Factors 10 Post-Transcriptional Controls in Eukaryotes Processing & Transport Translational & Post-translational Controls Section IV 11 Genomic Analysis Recombinant DNA Technology Techniques of DNA Isolation, Manipulation, Cloning & Characterization 12 Fundamentals of Genomics & Proteonomics Identification & Gene Mapping Identification & Protein Analysis 13 Applications of Ethics of Biotechnology Revolutions in Agriculture, Medicine, DNA Fingerprinting BS 211-Genetics Laboratory Topics Week 1 Laboratory Topics 1 2 Lab Safety & Orientation to the Course Measurements, Micropipetting, & Sterile Techniques Experimental Meiosis & Recombination 3 Experiments in Mendelian Genetics using Fruit Fly 4 Bacterial Culture Part A & B 5 DNA Restriction & Electrophoresis 6 Recombination of Antibiotic Resistance Genes 7 Transformation of E. coli w/Recombinant DNA 8 Purification & Identification of Recombinant Plasmid DNA 9 Restriction Mapping of Lambda Chromosome 10 Polymerase Chain Reaction Amplification & Purification of Lambda DNA Fragment: Part A Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) 11 12 Human DNA Fingerprinting: Detection of a Variable # Tandem Repeat (VNTR) Polymorphism by PCR Gel Purification of DNA Fragments 13 Southern Hybridization of Lambda Chromosome 14 DNA Sequencing Passaic County Community College BS 207-Cell Biology Master Syllabus Course Credit Equivalents: Credit Hours – Lecture: 3 Credit Hours Contact Hours – Lecture: 3 Contact hours Laboratory: 1 Credit Hour Laboratory: 3 Contact hours Course Coordinator: Dr. Louis A. Scala Office Location: Room E503A @ Main Campus Office Phone #: (973) 684-6123 E-mail: Prerequisite: BS 101 COURSE Description This college level science course provides a survey of principles of cell biology structure and function and hands-on instruction of common techniques. Topics such as subcellular compartmentalization, sorting, trafficking, membrane function & dynamics, cell cycle & control, signal transduction, cytoskeleton function, cell-cell interactions are discussed from a scientific perspective. The laboratory component will include the scientific method as a means of investigating cell staining, cell fractionation, protein isolation and separation, microscopy techniques. Meets science requirement for A.S. in Science with the Biotechnology Option. Student Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to: 1. Identify the fundamental principles in the designs and functions of Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic cells 2. Describe and explain how and why cell membranes are fluid and discuss functions that fluid membranes play in cell structure and function 3. Demonstrate reading comprehension, critical thinking, and writing skills, by reading literature and writing reports that demonstrate awareness on how cell biology as a science progresses due to on-going research 4. Perform laboratory experiments that will enhance knowledge of, develop hands-on skills and appreciation of methods of studying and analyzing cells or components of cells 5. Explain the successes-as well as the dilemmas and difficulties in solving science problems through the use of the scientific method, in performing experiments and writing laboratory reports Week Cell Biology Lecture Topics Covered Evolution of Modern Cell Biology 1 Techniques in Cell Biology 2 Chemical Properties of Cells 3 The Macromolecules of Cells 4 Cell Membrane: The Fluid Mosaic Model 5 Mechanisms of Cellular Transport Across Membranes 6 Cell Structure & Compartmentalization ER, Golgi, Endosomes, Lysosomes 7 Intracellular Transport Vesicles & Protein Sorting 8 The Nucleus: DNA, Chromosomes & Nuclear Division 9 Cytoskeletal Systems 10 Cellular Movement: Motility and Contractility 11 Beyond the Cell: Extracellular Structures, Cell Adhesion, & Cell Junctions 12 Signal Transduction Mechanisms 13 Cell Cycle, Cell Cycle Control, Cancer BS 207 Cell Biology Laboratory Topics Week 1 Laboratory Topics 1 Measurements in Cell Biology/Preparation of Solutions 2 Fundamentals of Microscopy Techniques 3 Techniques of Cellular Staining 4 Techniques in pH 5 Membrane Permeability & Cellular Transport 6 Spectrophotometry of Cellular Biomolecules 7 Isolation of Cellular Proteins & Quantitation 8 Subcellular Fractionation Techniques 9 Gel Chromatography 10 Assays on Cellular Enzymes 11 Studies on Mitochondria/Chloroplast 12 Gel Electrophoresis of Cellular Proteins 13 Western Blot Analysis of Specific Cellular Proteins 14 Techniques in Cell Isolation & Culturing