1920s Expert Jig-Saw

The 1920’s: Birthplace of the Modern
Expert Jig Saw
Directions: Working in your group produce a common handout to be distributed to students before
your jig-saw presentations. This handout must be clear, concise and comprehensive. It must include
the name of your assigned section, the related research question and identifications for each bulleted
item in your section. In your answer to the related research question you must show how each bulleted
item supports your answer or how it relates to a contrarian interpretation. In your jig-saw groups you
will have about 10 minutes to present your research. Students will answer the culminating question
after the Jig-saw.
Area One:
Chappelle, Acuff, Purkis, Nanney
Politics and Government: Were the twenties a retreat from Progressivism or an extension of reform?
Area Two:
Dybing, Berreth, Nelson, Staples
Economics: Were the Twenties a business person’s paradise or an economic dirge?
Area Three:
Action, Dickens, Tomas, Tran
Cultural Clashes: Was this an age of unlawful protest or legal repression?
Area Four (Area Five on Researching the Twenties handout):
Matson, Klatt, Fadler, Rayfield
Mass Culture: Is the so-called “Jazz Age” best characterized as carefree or insecure?
Absent Team: Milligan, Hopper, Fesler, Rand, Wood
Complete 1920s Timeline Assignment and Answer Culminating Question
(See timeline Assignment Below)
Culminating Question: To be Answered by all in-class
Is there a single defining characteristic that best describes the lasting impact of the 1920s? If so what is
it and what evidence is there to support it?
The Roar and Bust of 1920s America
Directions: Create a timeline based on the historical significance of the following terms. Then answer
the unit culminating questions: Is there a single defining characteristic that best describes the lasting
impact of the 1920s? If so what is it and what evidence is there to support it?
The Roaring Twenties, 1919-1929
Red Scare
Sacco and Vanzetti case
Scopes Trial
Ku Klux Klan
1921 Emergency Immigration Act
1924 Immigration Quota Act
8) Fundamentalism
9) Volstead Act
10) 18th Amendment
11) Comstock Law
12) Margret Sanger
13) National Women’s Suffrage
14) “The Flapper”
15) The Jazz Age
16) This Side of Paradise
17) Marcus Garvey
18) Harlem Renaissance
19) Palmer Raids
20) The Lost Generation
21) Scientific Management
Boom to Bust, 1920-1932
1) “Ohio Gang”
2) Adkins case
3) Teapot Dome Scandal
4) Mechanized Agriculture
5) Dawes Plan
6) Agricultural Marketing Act
7) Hawley-Smoot Tariff
8) “Black Tuesday”
9) “Hooverville”
10) Muscle Shoals Bill
11) Reconstruction Finance
12) Bonus Army