AIMS LAB><MAT project - Oficinas do Convento

III edition - 2014
Cross border Lab for Artistic Creation around Movement, Art and Technology
From the contact between people new proposals are born and grown. After the joint
participation, in different activities and encounters, of the Spanish NGOD Casa de Harina
- Cooperaci&oacute;n Cultural por el Desarrollo, and the Portuguese NGOD Oficinas do
Convento - Associa&ccedil;&atilde;o Cultural de Arte e Comunica&ccedil;&atilde;o, came the need to create a
collective project that can bring ideas to life, share knowledge and promote mobility of
artistic productions, among rural populations, contributing to the establishment of new
publics. ~
Non lucrative organization focused on cultural cooperation for development. Was created
with the purpose of using art and culture as an inclusive, educational and socializing tool
in rural areas. Casa de Harina supports contemporary art and it’s protagonists as
fundamental factors for social and local development, creating relations between
professionals and local inhabitants, that become participants in cultural activities (training,
awareness raising, exhibitions, performances, etc.).
In this way, Casa de Harina creates synergies between people, cultures, artists and
artis tic dis c iplines (danc e, theatre, mus ic , performing arts , audiov is uals , new
technologies, etc.), and brings new activities for an intercultural strengthening.
Casa de Harina proposes: to transform rural villages in shelters for diferent cultures, and
to transform its inhabitants in embassors of coexistence and participation.
The LAB&gt;&lt;MAT Project is an initiative from Casa de Harina, with the support and
technical assistance of the troupe NadaQueVer – Dance, Theatre and Audiovisuals, and
of the project &laquo;Mujer Creadora: Arte, Cultura, Creatividad y Compromiso Social&raquo;, located
in Vila de Los Santos de Maimona, Badajoz, Spain.
Casa de Harina is located in Almendral, Oliven&ccedil;a region, Extremadura, in the IBERIAN
Oficinas do Convento – Associa&ccedil;&atilde;o Cultural de Arte e Comunica&ccedil;&atilde;o is a non lucrative
cultural organization, Non Govermental Organization for Development and UNESCO
Center. It is located in the old S. Francis Convent, in Montemor-o-Novo.
It pursues the following objectives:
Recovery of the organization’s headquarters – the S. Francisco Convent -, in order to
allow material conditions for the development of activities, such as investigation,
propagation, education and artistic production, in the domains of culture and heritage
Support and increase of all actions the contribute to local development of the Montemoro-Novo city, through the improvement of material and cultural conditions, giving privillege
to partnerships with the local public entities and other competent entities, public or private,
national or international;
Promotion of educational activities, professional and artistic, in order to achieve the
previous objectives.
Since its’ creation that Oficinas do Convent work in the field of arts, with a special
concern in rethinking the specificities of the local environment to turn them into cultural
assets to the inhabitants of the city. Bringing together culture agents and and local artists
has allowed the organization to boost its’ range and to create the departments of Image,
Sound, Arts and Science. Their action is structured around the main aims of the
organization: to spread, promote, produce and train in the domain of all technologies
related with Contemporary Art. At the same time, issues connected with cultural and
architectural heritage are included in the reflection and discussion about contemporary
artistic creation. The organizations’ programs are of public interest and have an impact
on the local daily life, as they contribute to the relationship between the inhabitants and
the urban space, the surrounding landscape and the traditional architecture, rescuing
AIMS LAB&gt;&lt;MAT project
&gt;&lt; Start relationships, between individuals and organizations, of cultural projects
managements and cross border artistic creation;
&gt;&lt; Promote reflection, dialogue and sociocultural action between artistic and professional
communities of different artistic disciplines, in both sides of the border and on an
international level;
&gt;&lt; Break &laquo;intangible borders&raquo;, reinforcing the intercultural dialogue and promoting
technologic and artistic creation in a collaborative and cooperative spirit;
&gt;&lt; Obtain a technological and cultural &laquo;product&raquo;, born from the synergies created by the
&gt;&lt; Publically show the results of the lab through a discourse integrated in international
events proposed by both organizations;
&gt;&lt; Publicize both member of the project (organizations, professionals and artists) in
media on both sides of the border and in international forums;
&gt;&lt; Establish a starting point and a reference precedent for the cultural cooperation
between the organizations, participants and partners.
This project is directed to anyone interested in creative processes and in experimenting
synergies between arts, movement and new technologies.
The participants should have some experience in producing and creating within any of
the artistic disciplines related to the project: visual arts, painting, sculpture, photography,
performing arts, dance, theatre, scenography, lightning, new technologies, music, sound
effects, video editing, electronic art, software development or any other field.
Participants of the Lab:
10 Participants + organization
Values LAB&gt;&lt;MAT
Casa de Harina and Oficinas do Convento promote and finance the LAB&gt;&lt;MAT project,
under the Technical and Artistic Direction of Tiago Fr&oacute;is (Portugal) and Sara GaciaGuisado (Spain).
The ideas and results of the Lab (born from the process of exchange and knowledge
sharing) will have the authorship and use of the collective of participants, and never of
one single individual.
The organizations and the participants reserve the right to publicize, reproduce,
represent, exhibit, promote and communicate all artistic products from the Lab in
international forums and for educational and cultural purposes, never for commercial
purposes. However, in any case, participants and organizers of the project should be
The participants of each edition of LAB&gt;&lt;MAT should accept the referred conditions and
should give their image rights to all audiovisual works that are used to accomplish the
People interested in this experience should present:
- short bio (about 500caracteres)
- a motivation letter to participate in the Lab, expressing their concerns (technical, poetic,
formal, etc.) and participation expectations (to give, to take, to change, to build, etc.).
Each participant should check their availability to the scheduled dates and guarantee their
presence, for the sake of the collective process.
Each participant should bring with them all necessary tools to develop their creative
concerns in the Lab (technological tools, instruments, equipment, objects, etc.), to
guarantee the needed support to their initial proposal.
Transportation costs are supported by the participants.
The organizers assume the commitment to:
- Coordinate all activities related to the project;
- Arrange accommodation and meals during each Lab (Portugal and Spain);
- Arrange for basic equipment for lightning and sound, as well as other technical
equipments that can support the artistic products of the creative process, according to
the available resources;
- Arrange for a team to promote and publicize all activities;
- Guarantee presentations in Cidade PreOcupada;
- Guarantee audiovisual documentation of the process;
- Publicize the project in different on-line professional platforms.
Tiago Fr&oacute;is (1978), Oficinas do Convento
Transdisciplinar Artist, Cultural Promoter
Is graduated in Sculpture by the Fine Arts University of Lisbon. His main fields of work
and investigation are photography, sculpture and intervention in alternative spaces. He is
the Artistic Director of the organization Oficinas do Convento, where he does general
coordination, programming of cultural events – like the festivals Ananil and Cidade
Pre0cupada – and cicles related to Contemporary Art, Landscape and site related
Sara Garc&iacute;a-Guisado (1972), Casa de Harina
Dancer, Choreographer and Multidisciplinary Artist
Graduated in Contemporary Dance by the Theatre Institute of Barcelona. Worked with
great masters of movement, interpretation, art comedy, Theatre of the Oppressed,
performance and Video dance. Recently studied a post-graduate course of &laquo;Theatre of
the senses and Poetry of the Game&raquo; in the Girona University, under the direction of
Enrique Vargas. As an interpreter, has worked with several catalan troupes of Dance and
Theatre, including Els Comediants, Danat Danza, co. Rasataula, CIA Mar G&oacute;mez,
participating in national and international festivals. She is the Artistic Director of the troupe
NadaQueVer – Dance, Theatre and Audiovisuals, through which she creates
multidisciplinare plays with a strong presence of movement, physical theatre and
contemporary dance. &laquo;Solos em Compa&ntilde;ia&raquo;, &laquo;Viajeras en la Memoria&raquo; or &laquo;Una + Una =
Otra&raquo; are some of her creations. She is a foundational member of the organization
Expriencia Danza, to promote the practice of dance in the Spanish city of Badajoz. She is
Artistic Director of the international meeting &laquo;Mujer Creadora – Arte, Cultura, Creatividad
y Compromiso Social. She is part of the team of Casa de Harina, that promotes culture
through exchange, cooperation and collaborative projects of cross border nature.
Public Call // 22 april to 22 may
Selection and communication to the participants // 22 to 25 May
Acceptance of the Participation Commitment // 25 to 30 May Activation of a
private work group on Facebook* // 1 june
*to allow the participants to communicate and exchange ideas from the beginning
June, Montemor-o-Novo, Alentejo, PORTUGAL
Monday, 30
Reception of Participants
20H00 – Dinner and Exchange Meeting
Tuesday 1, Wednesday 2, Thursday 3 and Friday 4
Workshop / Creation Lab
Preparation / Results
Saturday, 5
10H00 Breakfast, evaluation and goodbyes
Tel/Fax: + 00 34 924 544 205
Mobile: 616 70 48 34
Tel: + 00 35 266 899 824
Mobile: 969 852 390