Further Alterations to the London Plan, the draft London Housing Strategy and the funding prospectus TCPA Roundtable 7 March 2014, TCPA, London Agenda 13:00 Registration with refreshments 13:30 Welcome to TCPA and introductions Martin Simmons 13:40 Contextual presentations followed by Q&As London Plan: John Lett, Strategic Planning Manager, GLA. Housing Strategy: Jamie Ratcliff, Assistant Director - Programme, Policy and Services, GLA. Housing issues: Duncan Bowie, Senior Lecturer, University of Westminster. (accompanied by separate briefing note circulated through email) 14:20 Discussion 15:30 Concluding comments and next steps Martin Simmons Background The Mayor of London has statutory responsibilities for housing and strategic planning. The London Plan is the statutory strategic planning document for Greater London prepared by the Mayor of London, and was first published in July 2011 with further revisions since. The Mayor published Further Alterations to the London Plan (FALP) on the 15 January 2014 for a period of consultation until 10 April. Please see www.london.gov.uk/priorities/planning/londonplan/draft-further-alterations-to-the-london-plan. It is accompanied by an Integrated Impact Assessment and a Habitats Regulations Assessment. The draft London Housing Strategy, Homes for London, was published for consultation in November 2013. It sets out the Mayor’s policies to increase the supply of well-designed housing of all tenures. Please see hwww.london.gov.uk/priorities/housingland/consultations/draft-london-housing-strategy The focus of today’s roundtable is the proposed Further Alterations to the London Plan published for consultation with input into the draft Housing Strategy and the funding prospectus which accompanies the Strategy. The aim of the roundtable is to hear views from practitioners to help inform the TCPA’s response to the FALP consultation through to the Examination in Public. 1 Attendees List Geetika Anand Deirdra Armsby Head of Planning and Development Commissioning London Borough of Newham Ed Badke Director of Development Notting Hill Housing Paul Beckett Policy and Performance Director City of London Corporation Gillian Bernadt Planning Policy Officer London Borough of Hounslow Duncan Bowie Senior lecturer in spatial planning University of Westminster Cllr Zena Brabazon Councillor Haringey Council Martyn Brindley Head of New Business Hexagon Housing Association Catherine Carpenter Principal Planning Policy Officer London Borough of Lambeth Michael Chang Planning Policy Officer TCPA Stewart Davis Director OMNI Property Peter Eversden Chairman London Forum of Amenity and Civic Societies Cllr John Garbutt Alderman City of London Council Andy Gatrell Assistant Director of Development East Thames Group Nicky Gavron Chair of Planning Committee Greater London Authority Kat Hanna Public Affairs Manager (London) London Chamber of Commerce and Industry Declan Hoare Lead Commissioner Housing and Environment London Borough of Barnet Esther Kurland Director Urban Design London John Lett Strategic Planning Manager Greater London Authority Valeria Lingua Assistant Professor University of Florence Clare Loops Planning Policy Manager Royal Borough of Greenwich Brian Q Love Love Architecture Ltd 2 Andrew Lynch Lead Officer Strategic Policy Royal Borough of Kingston Laura Mark Technical Reporter Architects Journal Cllr Robert Mingay Councillor Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea Cllr Diana Morris Chair Planning Applications Committee London Borough of Lambeth Cllr Adele Morris Councillor London Borough of Southwark Ruth Newcombe Business Development Manager Asra Housing Association Jamie Ratcliff Assistant Director - Programme, Policy and Services Greater London Authority Catriona Riddell Trustee TCPA Tammy Riordan Senior Planner Planning Policy London Borough of Lambeth Cllr Mike Roberts Councillor Rushmoor Borough Council Claire Shearing Senior Planning Officer Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea Lee Shostak Chair TCPA Martin Simmons Policy Council TCPA Cllr Vincent Stops Councillor London Borough of Hackney Ian Tallentire Director of Development Home Group Limited Cllr John Todd Councillor London Borough of Hounslow Preeti Gulati Tyagi Acting Planning Policy Team Leader Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea Mark Ward Executive Director Property Circle Housing Cllr Michael Welbank Committee Chairman City of London Corporation 3 The table below the page identifies the key alterations of policies and issues most relevant to the TCPA. However attendees are advised to access the alterations to identify other alterations which have not been included. Table. Summary of key alterations Chapter One: Context and strategy A growing population A changing population More households A growing and ever changing economy Chapter Two: London’s places POLICY 2.2 London and the wider metropolitan area POLICY 2.4 The 2012 Games and their legacy POLICY 2.7 Outer London: Economy POLICY 2.8 Outer London: Transport POLICY 2.9 Inner London POLICY 2.11 Central Activities Zone-Strategic Functions POLICY 2.13 Opportunity Areas & Intensification Areas POLICY 2.15 Town Centres POLICY 2.18 Green Infrastructure: The multi functional network of OPEN AND green spaces Chapter Three: London’s people Policy 3,2 Improving health and addressing health inequalities London’s housing requirements POLICY 3.3 Increasing housing supply POLICY 3.5 Quality and design of housing developments POLICY 3.7 Large residential developments POLICY 3.8 Housing choice POLICY 3.10 Definition of affordable housing POLICY 3.11 Affordable housing targets POLICY 3.12 Negotiating affordable housing on individual private residential and mixed use schemes POLICY 3.14 Existing housing POLICY 3.15 Co-ordination of housing development and investment POLICY 3.16 Protection and enhancement of social infrastructure POLICY 3.17 Health and social care facilities POLICY 3.18 Education facilities POLICY 3.19 Sports facilities Chapter Four: London’s Economy POLICY 4.1 Developing London’s economy POLICY 4.2 Offices POLICY 4.3 Mixed use development and offices POLICY 4.4 Managing industrial land and premises 4 Type of alteration Reason for alteration Text/ fact Text/ fact Text/ fact Text/ fact New evidence New evidence New evidence New evidence Supporting text Policy, supporting text Policy, supporting text Policy, supporting text Policy, supporting text Policy Supporting Policy, supporting text Policy, supporting text New evidence Context Policy Policy New evidence policy New evidence Policy, new evidence Policy Supporting text policy Text Policy, supporting text Supporting text Supporting text Policy, supporting text Supporting text Policy, supporting text Supporting text New evidence Policy, new evidence policy policy Policy, new evidence Policy, new evidence Policy, new evidence Policy Supporting text Supporting text New evidence New evidence Policy, supporting text Policy Policy, supporting text Policy, supporting text Policy, supporting text Policy Policy, new evidence Policy Policy, supporting text Policy, supporting text Policy, supporting text Supporting text Policy, new evidence Policy Policy New evidence POLICY 4.5 London’s visitor infrastructure POLICY 4.7 Retail and town centre development POLICY 4.8 Supporting a successful and diverse retail sector and related facilities and services POLICY 4.10 New and emerging economic sectors Policy, supporting text Policy, supporting text Policy, supporting text New evidence Policy, new evidence New evidence Policy, supporting text Policy Chapter Five: London’s response to climate change POLICY 5.2 Minimising carbon dioxide emissions POLICY 5.4A Electricity and gas supply POLICY 5.5 Decentralised energy networks POLICY 5.12 Food risk management POLICY 5.15 Water use and supplies POLICY 5.17 Waste capacity POLICY 5.20 Aggregates Supporting text Policy, supporting text Supporting text Supporting text Supporting text Policy, supporting text Supporting text Policy Policy, new evidence Policy New evidence Policy Policy, new evidence Policy Chapter Six: London’s Transport POLICY 6.4 Enhancing London’s transport connectivity POLICY 6.6 Aviation POLICY 6.7 Better streets and surface transport POLICY 6.9 Cycling POLICY 6.10 Walking POLICY 6.13 Parking Parking Addendum to Chapter 6 Policy, supporting text Supporting text Supporting text Policy, supporting text Policy, supporting text Policy, supporting text Supporting text Policy, new evidence New evidence Policy Policy, new evidence Policy Policy Policy Policy, supporting text Policy Supporting text Policy, supporting text Policy, supporting text Policy, supporting text Policy Policy Policy Policy, new evidence Policy, supporting text Policy Policy, supporting text Supporting text New evidence Policy Chapter Seven: London’s Living Spaces and Places POLICY 7.1 Building London’s neighbourhoods and communities Lifetime Neighbourhoods POLICY 7.2 An inclusive environment POLICY 7.3 Designing out crime POLICY 7.5 Public realm POLICY 7.15 Reducing and managing noise, improving and enhancing the acoustic environment and promoting appropriate soundscapes POLICY 7.18 Protecting local public open space and addressing local deficiency POLICY 7.21 Trees and woodlands POLICY 7.30 London’s canals and other rivers and waterspaces Chapter Eight: Implementation, Monitoring and Review POLICY 8.1 Implementation Policy Collaboration across London Policy Infrastructure Policy POLICY 8.2 Planning Obligations Policy, supporting text Policy Policy Policy Policy Annex One: Opportunity and Intensification Areas Annex Two: London’s Town Centre Network Annex Four: Housing Provision Statistics Annex Five: Specialist Housing for Older People Policy Policy New evidence Policy Policy Policy Supporting text Policy 5