Community Service policy 15-16

Community and Service
Randolph Middle School
An IB World School
Randolph Middle School students must participate in both Community Service and Service as Action.
In the International Baccalaureate Middle Years Program, students are expected to learn about Service as
Action as part of the mission statement through the curriculum. Students learn about helping others in the
classroom and beyond. In addition, the CMS Board of Education requires IB MYP students to complete
Community Service hours as a continuation requirement to remain in the magnet program. These activities
occur outside the school hours and must be documented and reflected upon at the end of each quarter. Up to
half of the required hours may be earned over the summer prior to the school year.
6th grade: 10 hours + Reflection Questions
7th grade: 15 hours + Reflection Questions
8th grade: 10 hours + Reflection Questions + Community Project
Community Service Guidelines and Suggestions:
 Outside community suggestions: animal shelters, faith-based institutions, scouts, libraries, youth
 Within the RMS community: Develop a plan for school improvement, beautification, or staff assistance on
campus and submit it for approval to the staff member who will oversee your service (Habitat, Friendly
Environmental Club, Gardening Club, Community Service Club, Global Ambassadors, etc.).
When and how do I earn the Community Service hours?
The hours must be served outside of RMS class time. Activities that include payment, school credit,
achievement or recognition awards, scouting badges, internships, or personally benefit a family member may
not be used for community service hours.
Steps for meeting community service expectations:
 Discuss community service opportunities with your parents.
 Complete the hours of your commitment.
 Obtain the signature of the supervising adult at the organization.
 Complete the reflection form after your hours are served.
 Return the community service booklet to your homeroom teacher at the end of each of the first three quarters.
Parent Involvement
Parents/guardians are expected to help manage the community service hours of their child.
 Please read and discuss the community service guidelines with your child.
 Help your child think of meaningful activities to fulfill the requirement.
 Parents may make the initial contact for the student with the agency, organization, or adult.
 Select a safe environment for your child.
 Monitor your child’s progress and make sure reflections are written and booklets are turned in on time.
 Provide transportation and materials, as necessary.
 Please see that the appropriate supervisor’s signature is obtained. A parent cannot sign as supervisor.
Thank you for helping make the community service hours a meaningful and relevant activity for our students.
Additional information regarding the 8th grade Community Project will be available in the fall.
Community Service Summary/Reflection
Date of Activity:
Description of Activity:
1. What did you gain by volunteering your skills, knowledge, and/or time?
2. How did your community service affect/help others?
3. Give a brief description of your personal participation in your service project(s). Include how it
contributed to your personal development.
4. While completing your community service activities, describe one incident that was memorable to you.
Student Signature:______________________________________
Supervisor’s Signature:__________________________________