HoopYogini Teacher Training Certification Review Master Trainer Lori Jacobsen TT: Miki Sohn HoopYogini Teacher Training Spinal Awakening Series (SAS) review General Feedback: Miki is a very engaging facilitator. I enjoyed hearing her instruction in Japanese. I enjoyed the class and would take it again! The background music was very nice and was good for a flowing practice. I think she is ready for certification. Strengths& Refinements: I think the strengths are in language and connection to the practice. You are very grounded, steady and confident. Congratulations! This something that does not come easily and to do it so gracefully in a second language, is very impressive. I would like to hear more info for safety throughout your practice. Why are we doing this? And what does the novice need to know? Delivery and Sequencing: “Let’s do this” was said at the beginning of the practice, but for the rest it was all practitioner focused (Now, You). Nice delivery of Bija throughout, guided meditations, affirmations. You have great mirrored opposition (up/down, forward/back) throughout the practice and it makes it very easy to understand and follow you. Announcement of each posture and structure of HY SAS vinyasa was in flowing order. Return to Centered Pose: There was a return to center after every SAS posture, along with present moment awareness. Modifications and Add-ons: All modifications were demonstrated, and safety for knees, widen stance, arms and neck. Missed Elbows in SAF and Halo in ATW, but all options in Inspired Lifts were demonstrated beautifully. Holistic linking: You seemed very attentive to your students and linked the practice to both the Earth and the Heavens, gave inspiring demonstrations and gave enough space for mindfulness moments. How can those in your class support this at home? Online classes, other yoga classes or hooping instruction. It might be nice to include in your closing along with gratitude Intro: Opening was a little rushed, I would like more benefits mentioned and safety should always be one of the first things mentioned, instead of after centered pose. Centered Pose: Once in your center, you relaxed and the class started with ease. Nicely done. Reminder to you, to center before your students arrive or before your perform. You beautiful plant the Bija “where you find yourself”. You give nice space and guidance to connect with the breath, then moving to the nostrils at the bottom of the feet. I like how you “send the breath up from the earth to the sky” and you regularly remind the class to “keep going” or “keep breathing”, it is very encouraging. Breathing Lifts: 3 part breath, Victorious breath, relax shoulders I felt so relaxed watching you do breathing lifts; the class was like butter in your hands! Great demonstration and guidance through 3 part breath and victorious breath. Clear directives and it would smoothly along with the movements. I really liked when you said “hiss at back of through, inhale imagine you are misting a mirror ….exhale, to reflect yourself more clearly” Side arch flow: A reminder of victorious breath through the posture was missing. The posture flowed and directives linked appropriately. Safety prompts need to come earlier in posture. Softening elbows was not mentioned, but good directives for neck given and reminder to “keep hip in line, under rib cage”. Ease and Effort demonstrated in side arch hold. I liked the return to center between side arch holds; it really demonstrated the ease and effort of the posture nicely. Life is Awesome: Beautifully demonstrated and in the proper order and linked with breath. Around the World: Nicely started from a widen stance moving into side arch. Then exhaling as going forward, relax the head, then inhale, lift and arch back. Nice reminders to ground into the earth and bend knees to deepen the posture. Beautiful share regarding ease and effort/structure and relaxation and how it’s all found in Around the World. Halo add-on missed. Centered Twist: Started from Center, with stacking and heart lifting, rooting into the earth. Safety prompts and eye gaze need more emphasis. Nice demonstration of rapid rooted breath with a good explanation of why this posture is good for you (spinal health, digestion) gradually and personal increase in tempo; with guidance from a good teacher is necessary for this and you nailed it. Planting heels/feet as you eased the class back to center, allowing the natural momentum of the hoop to return to it’s natural still point and into a mindfulness moment. Inspired Lifts: Beautiful mindfulness moment to start the Inspired Lifts. Bija again and “observe changes in body and mind. “Drop into your heart and find gratitude.” Inhale lift gratitude to the sky, exhale send it down to the earth, moving through a centered twist. Add-ons and modifications given. You gave lots of wisdom and encouragement through both sides of Inspired Lifts, “Inspiring the Energy”, along with Centered Twists to a still point and another mindful moment when switching. “Connect to Earth, Connect to Heart” “Connect with your prayer, wish, dream…what are you creating, intending, wish for your life.” Closing: Share more authentic wisdom. You are a very inspiring and a great teacher! How can practitioners support their hy practice at home? What are the benefits of this practice (why they will want to do it repeatedly)? Gratitude: Do not forget to thank everyone. I did not see it in the videos, but I believe it was given I like to thank the students for coming, the space for hosting, Jocelyn for creating, and for every opportunity I get to share. Lovely job again! HoopYogini Teacher Training From the Core (FTC) review Master Trainer: Lori Jacobsen TT: Miki Sohn General feedback: Great class! You had everyone hooping and looking good in both directions. Nice prompts, attention to each student and speaking directly to each student. More safety prompts are needed when teaching the From the Core program. Introduction: Your Introduction was short and sweet; It could definitely be longer, but I understand if it’s challenging in English. I did like how you offered it as an “exploration” of the body, from the waist, that gives a massage, is a meditation, and a full core/body workout that builds heat in the body and burns 400-600 cal/hr and will allow you to “live the life of your dreams”. “Let’s Do this”. Instead say, NOW! or a directive. Waist Hooping/Foundation Pose: Great demo “it looks like this!” and getting everyone started. Posture established in Foundation Pose. More emphasis on VIGOROUS pushes at start will help maintain that energy throughout. Breathing reminders were present but not specific. There was no mention of 3 part or victorious breath, but breath was connected to movements. In and up, down and out. Good mindful moment once everyone was hooping. Great encouragement and space for them to be in the NOW. I also liked the posture and attention directives regarding leaning or looking into the past or leading looking into the future. Good modifications with right left pushes ie: no zigzag or circles, you want them to create a straight line. Wing Span Hug: Inhale, arms wide, lean back, open chest, lift heart…. looked so beautiful! Nice demonstration and support given to practitioners through the movement, matching inhale to opening, and exhale to pulling in navel, hugging self. Nice support to keep breathing and to go at own tempo. Missed opportunity to build more heat in with Victorious breath and a nice warm hug. Nice HY seedling: smarter is sexier! Centered Pose: Return to centered pose as you moved to Reverse Direction. Great time to offer safety reminder. Centered Pose is always safe. I think you gave really nice encouragement (Keep Trying! You’re learning something new!) and reminders to move vigorously side to side, to keep breathing and proper body alignment. I noticed many butts begin to come untucked and hoops heading to the floor. More posture prompts and demonstrations of what doesn’t work can be helpful. Nice job looking around room and offering corrections as needed. Goddess Pose Plie (instead of Dream Pull?) Moved seamlessly into goddess arms from the hug. Nice directions for arm position and moving into the squat given. A Safety prompt for knees and a widened stance is needed. Inhale up, exhale down, lowering tailbone as you plie. Tucking bum under is also important for maintaining the hoop in this posture. Twist and Reversals: explanation that the posture is from centered twists and safety to return or access centered twists, if this is not comfortable. Nice demonstration of the movement and you eased everyone into the posture at their own pace, lifting back heal, extending outside arm. Victorious breath needs more emphasis in this posture. When it comes to safety, you can never say enough in this posture, especially for beginners. Good encouragement to take out the middle rotation and Speed it up! Eye gaze and breath both need more emphasis. Take your time with this posture and build it up. Pele Goddess Flow: Moved nicely into Eagle Arms, linking posture to “inner vision”, linking breath to movement. Inhale, lifting up but still pushing left and right, exhale, elbows to belly. Victorious Breath needs more emphasis. Nice arm placement and wrapping. Add-on of goddess squats revisited, but nothing held or mentioned beyond this challenge. I was impressed that ¾ of the class was able to do this. Great job to all! Return to Center/Mindfulness: Bringing hands to heart after “releasing and relaxing” back into foundation waist hooping. Bring feet in closer to Center. “Check in, come back to center of personal universe” “Feel that energy” Feel that heat you created”. Centered Pose Posture and connection re-established. Nice Mindful moment and review of the From the Core full body work out, and flow into cool down. Integrated Cool down: Return to Centered Pose, additional release, Bija, cool body down Back Arch/Forward Fold and Sway: lift hoop up, back arch and bring hoop to bum. Shoulder and low back safety needed. Inhale up and exhale fold forward. Inhale lift head and “sway back”- lift head and tailbone to sky, might be more descriptive or “cow”. exhale, relax head and sway wide from left to right. nice guidance. don’t forget to observe posture of students-you may have to look up. Triangle- rolled hoop to one side, nice flow into next posture. Good preparation for triangle pose, not pressing into hoop. Lift arm, keep breathing. Leaving triangle to go to the other side needs some work, or you can do triangle/pyramid to one side, then do the same thing to the other, instead of flip-flopping. More explanation of benefits and why we are doing this posture along with alignment are good with Triangle pose. I suggest watch a few other instructors teach this posture, to understand it further. It’s one of my favorite and unique for everyone. Pyramid- Nice set up for Pyramid, linking breath with movement and giving knee a kiss. Prayer Halo: Nice entry to halo, connection to breath, prayer centered pose, strength in the posture and planting the bija. Gracefully dropping back into the heart, observing PMA with nice space given. Closing: Recap of the HY practice. Inner Wisdom, bring your practice with you day to day (how can they do that?) Go forward from your center. May this practice bring you peace…namaste. Gratitude is always the best closing but this was so nice. congratulations, Miki!