Roundtable and Conference

The Visegrad countries, Bulgaria, Croatia, Romania and
Slovenia (V4+4)
Roundtable and Conference - Preliminary programme
“Smart Cities: The pathway to sustainable development of cities”
Date, Venue and Objectives
18th – 19th February, 2016
Ostrava, the Czech Republic
to introduce Smart Cities and Communities initiative in the context of V4+4;
incl.the position of the European Commission;
to identify pitfalls within the implementation of Smart Cities;
to outline ways of strengthening the implementation of the Smart Cities concept,
incl. the possibility of using ESIF and other funding, with the emphasis on sustainable
development of cities and municipalities;
to share experience, best and bad practice, both at the level of public administration
and the cities themselves;
to find consensus on aims and necessary further steps to be taken in V4+4 countries in
the context of development in the EU.
First day: 18th February (start from 1pm), ROUNDTABLE – expert workshop
Venue: Dolní Vítkovice, Ostrava, Czech Republic
Moderated discussion for the representatives of V4+4 countries, invited representatives of
cities, representatives of invited DGs of European Commission, and experts (invited guests
12.30 - Registration
13.00 – Welcome and opening speeches
Deputy Ministers of Regional Development; Deputy Minister of Environment;
Representatives of Moravian-Silesian Region and City of Ostrava
13.30 – Introduction, Outline of main topics/ challenges (+Summary of the significant
findings from the survey)
Key speaker: Miroslav Svítek (tbc.)
14.00 – V4+4 countries - insight I
Current situation, contributions to selected topics/challenges, introduction of
outstanding projects (detailed information about selected projects might be
potentially presented at the conference following day)
Key speaker: Miroslav Svítek/representatives of Ministries, MS Region (all tbc.)
Discussion: short speech by Key speaker, followed by short presentation V4+4
16.00 – Coffee break
16.30 – V4+4 countries - insight II
Current situation, contributions to selected topics/challenges, introduction of an
outstanding project (detailed information of about selected projects might be
potentially presented at the conference following day)
Key speaker: Miroslav Svítek/representatives of Ministries, MS Region (both tbc.)
Discussion: short speech by Key speaker, followed by short presentation V4+4
18.30 – Conclusions, formulation of a joint statement/memorandum/key outcomes
Deputy Ministers for both Ministries, MS region, the City of Ostrava (tbc.)
19.00 – Dinner, on-site visit of Dolní Vítkovice, discussion
Second day: 19th February (from 9am); CONFERENCE “Smart Cities: the pathway to
sustainable development of cities“
Venue: Ostrava City hall, Ostrava, Czech Republic
Panel for the representatives of V4+4 countries, representatives of invited DGs
of the European Commission, invited guests, experts and participants of the Roundtable,
representatives of cities/communities, and NGOs
9:00 – Registration
9:30 – Welcome and opening speeches (+key outcomes of the Roundtable)
Ministers of Regional Development and Minister of Environment; Governor of MS
Region; Mayor of City of Ostrava
View of European Commission
Panel Discussion within expert board
10:00 PANEL 1 – framing of Smart Cities as an approach
Smart Cities in V4+4 countries
Smart Cities and ESIF and other funding (both public and private)
Key speaker: Deputy Ministers/Director; other experts (tbc.)
Presentation: Representatives of cities
Panel Discussion within expert board
12:30 – Lunch break
13:30 – PANEL 2 - energy
- Short introduction of sectoralsectoral dimension of Smart Cities
- Energy: SC projects implemented
Key speaker: tbc.
Presentation: Representatives of cities (examples of selected projects/cases)
Panel Discussion: within expert board
14.30 – PANEL 3 - transport
- Short introduction of sectoralsectoral dimension of Smart Cities
- Transport: SC projects implemented
Key speaker: Miroslav Svítek/Pavel Žák
Presentation: Representatives of cities (examples of selected projects/cases)
Panel Discussion: within expert board
15:30 – Coffee break
16:00 – PANEL 4 - ICT
- Short introduction of sectoralsectoral dimension of Smart Cities
- ICT: SC projects implemented
Key speaker: tbc.
Presentation: Representatives of cities (examples of selected projects/cases)
Panel Discussion: within expert board
17:00 – Final summary, Closing speech
Ministers/deputies/main key speaker of the conference
18:00 – Dinner, visit of interesting places of the host city
In order to ensure smooth running of the conference, please register at following web page: