Contingency Fund Request Packet Revised 08/18/2014 Please submit all requests electronically to the Student Council Vice President at no less than one (1) month prior to the date your funds are needed. CONTINGENCY FUND REQUEST Associated Student Government Contingency Funds are only available to currently funded Services and Activities (S&A) fee programs and are intended to be used for expenses (such as equipment, guest presenters or conference travel) that were not budgeted in the regular budget request cycle. Due to the nature of the funds available in the Contingency Fund, requests through the Contingency Fund should be limited. ELIGIBILITY To be eligible for Contingency Funds the request should meet the following criteria: 1. A currently funded S&A program or organization 2. Unusual in nature. If this budget request is expected to recur it should be included in the annual budget. LIMITATIONS Funds may not be used for: 1. Permanent staff salaries, stipends or to cover avoidable over-expenditures. 2. Items, which should be, covered in whole or in part by instructional funds and/or other appropriate college budgets. Unless it is an unexpected expense. 3. Annually recurring expenses. Once the budget committee approves a request, no additional funds will be approved or allocated towards the request in the same academic year. If a requested amount is altered or denied prior to approval by the budget committee, the requester has the right to appeal the decision and/or submit an amended proposal to the budget committee. SUBMISSION OF REQUEST All funding requests should be submitted electronically to the Student Council Vice President at no less than one (1) month prior to the date your funds are needed. 2 Contingency Funds Request REVIEW OF REQUEST The S&A Contingency Fund Budget Committee will review the funding request. This committee is the final approving body for Contingency Fund requests. The S&A Contingency Fund Budget Committee has the right to approve all or some portion of the Contingency Fund request, as well as deny the request. The decision will be based upon, but not limited to: 1. Whether or not Contingency Funds have been requested and approved for a similar request in the same academic year. 2. Whether or not Contingency Funds are an appropriate funding source. 3. Whether or not the request should be considered as a Fund Balance request. 4. The number of students the request will benefit. 5. The benefits of the program to the College and CPTC students. 6. Whether the funds are available elsewhere for this request. The Executive Board has the right to deny the request. It is required that a representative of the program submitting the Contingency Fund request attend the meeting of the S&A Contingency Fund Budget Committee when the request is being considered. Please be prepared to answer questions and give details about the request and include contact information. TIMELINE FOR REVIEW OF REQUEST Contingency Fund requests must be submitted to the Student Council Vice President NO LATER THAN (1) MONTH prior to payment of any kind being due. A request submitted within the required timeline does not guarantee a rushed process. The timeline for the approval process is as follows: The committee requires at least one (1) week advance notice to review the funding request before a presentation to the budget committee takes place. An invitation to attend the next regularly scheduled S&A Contingency Fund Budget Committee will be initiated by the Student Council Vice President. The committee will hear the proposal and notify you of their decision via email. Acquisition of signatures and processing may require up to 10 working days. Funds will not be expended until the approval process is completed and paperwork is submitted. USE OF FUNDS It shall be the responsibility of the Director for Student Involvement to ensure that Contingency Fund monies are expended as approved by the S&A Budget Committee. Funds must be used as outlined in the approved proposal. For example, should the committee approve travel for six persons at a certain per person cost; the funds may not be used to fund four persons traveling at a higher per person cost. Should any Contingency Fund monies remain unused after meeting the needs of the request, these funds are to remain in the program account and will revert into the Fund Balance at the end of the fiscal year. These funds should not to be used to meet other expenses of the program. You will also be required to submit copies of receipts after purchasing is complete. QUESTIONS If you have questions about this budget packet, please call The Office of Student Involvement at 253-589-5780 or 4|Page ASSOCIATED STUDENTS OF CLOVER PARK TECHNICAL COLLEGE CONTINGENCY FUND REQUEST This form should be submitted to the Student Council Vice President no less one (1) month to the date your funds are needed. Submit to: SECTION ONE: CONTACT INFORMATION Name of Requestor: Requestor’s Role in Organization: Organization/Department: Email Address: Phone Number: SECTION TWO: BUDGET QUESTIONS 1. Organization description and purpose: 2. Describe your program, project or event and its objective. 3. How will this funding request positively impact students at CPTC? 4. If the committee was unable to provide full funding, what items/programs areas would your organization prioritize? SECTION THREE: FINANCIAL GUIDELINES Please check the applicable box, I have read the “Guidelines for Permissible Use of S&A Fees” document available online at [ ] Yes [ ] No [ ] Prefer Not To Answer Internal Use Only Date Submitted: Submitted To: Date Awarded: Amount Awarded: 5|Page SECTION FOUR: BUDGET REQUEST Please break down your request. Double-click tables to activate Excel Spreadsheets. Totals Description Requested Amount Goods & Services Travel $ - SECTION SIX: BUDGET EXPLANATION Please describe proposed spending in each of the following categories: Goods & Services: Travel: SECTION SEVEN: 2014-2015 INCOME Please itemize all income that your organization has received in the 2014-2015 year. Additional income included S&A monies, college, foundation, grants and other sources. Erina McGann can help get you budget award information from this current budget year. Erina can be reached at 589.5780 or Double-click tables to activate Excel Spreadsheet. Source Total 2014-2015 S&A Budget Award Total 14-15 Income (Proposed) Amount $ - $ - SECTION FOUR: CERTIFICAITON By submitting this packet electronically to I certify that the information provided in this application is true, correct and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that consideration of this budget request and any allocation received depends on the true and accurate representation of the facts as stated or implied in this budget request. 6|Page