CONTINGENCY PLANNING Felix Omunu Disaster Risk Reduction Officer, Oxfam GB INTRODUCTION What is Contingency Planning? Why do we do Contingency Planning? Who participates in CP? Where to do CP How do we do CP Key principles of CP What is Contingency Planning It is an emergency preparedness tool Looks at potential future event or situation to increase readiness to deal with potential crisis identifies possible scenarios of humanitarian crisis, out lines coordination and managerial mode of operation, establishes priorities for action, identifies resources and capacities of actors Why Contingency Planning Effectiveness & timeliness of response Coordination- Clarification of Goal, strategies and roles Team building among organizations- new relationships and strengthening old ones Avoids problems thru anticipation and over coming difficulties Pre-positioning resources, staff & partners Who participates in CP Multi agencies- those who operate within the area Emphasis is placed on the process- effective dialogue and engagement Establishment of common understanding of potential emergencies and response plan An agency to provide leadership and coordination of the process Where to Plan Community Level District level Sub-regional level Country level Regional (multi countries) PROCESS FOR CONTINGENCY PLANNING (HOW) Coordination and preparing the contingency planning process Context analysis; identification and prioritization of hazards, risk analysis Building of scenarios Overall objectives, specific objectives and strategies for the response. Management and Coordination Process… Implementation of contingency plans Updating the contingency plans Sample questions Actors: What if the Government?..UN Agencies?…Donors? Population: What if the refugees?…IDPs? Population Specifics: What if…Children? Women? Young? Old? Numbers? Location: What if…the location is a capital?Remote area? Village? Region? Near border? Cross border? Agency: What if…NGO X can’t?…NGO Y can? Then…? Key Principles of Contingency Planning Practicability- realistic parameters, flexibility Process driven Participatory process Follow up of CP exercises Tested- through simulation exercises Regular updates Suggested Template for CP Executive summary Context analysis & risk assessment Scenarios Overall management &coordination Strategies and objectives Sector/cluster response plans Areas of investment for future preparedness Annexes- key contacts, map, ppts, resources