Planning Committee - Wychavon District Council

Planning Committee - 30/04/2015
Planning Ref:
Land Off, Woodbury
Lane, Norton,
Ward Councillor
Cllr Rob Adams
No Objections County Matters
A full planning application for the development of a new rail station and
associated infrastructure. The application comprises of new platforms on
the Birmingham - Bristol railway line and one platform on the Cotswold
railway line, a new station building, a public right of way footbridge over
the Birmingham - Bristol railway line, car parking, flood attenuation and a
new roundabout on the B4084.
Officer: Neil Pearce
Parish/Town Council: Norton-Juxta-Kempsey
Applicant: CH2M HILL
Consultation Responses
Lead Local Flood Authority
Worcester Parkway - Flood Risk Management and Blue Infrastructure
This is a significant development for Worcestershire with a localised risk of surface
water and pluvial flooding which require consideration. Worcestershire has been
severely impacted by flooding in recent years, and most notably surface water
flooding. The County Council (LLFA) is therefore broadly supportive of the principles
outlined within the submitted drainage strategy and the ambitions for a sustainable
approach to surface water management. We welcome the opportunity that has been
afforded the LLFA to enter into extensive pre-application discussion with the
applicant's representatives, alongside our partners at the SWLDP with regard to the
flood risk management and drainage proposals.
We would welcome the opportunity to continue to work in partnership with the
applicants and our partner Risk Management Authorities in considering and
responding to detailed proposals for this site.
Surface Water Flooding
As discussed in our introduction the LLFA and partners are developing the emerging
Worcestershire Surface Water Management Plan (SWMP). The SWMP identifies a
number of hotspots (where property, businesses or critical infrastructure has
previously flooded) and the supporting evidence includes the Environment Agencies
Flood Map for Surface Water (FMfSW) 'second generation'. The Updated Flood Map
for Surface Water (uFMfSW) was published in December 2013 and is now available
on the Environment Agency website.
Flood modelling scenarios for the ordinary watercourse, for the site, indicate that this
is the main source of flooding for the site and surrounding area. Based on the
modelling conducted by the applicants it has now been identified that the site lies
within Flood Zone 3, meaning that it has the potential to flood during events of less
than a 100 year return period.
The LLFA with partner RMAs have had opportunity to review the supporting modelling
and are satisfied with the key principles of the design at this stage. The proposal to
design and construct a flood mitigation area in order to manage the risk of flooding to
the site and elsewhere is acceptable in principle and subject to the satisfactory
resolution of concerns for the technical aspects namely:
- general arrangement & design and specifications for the flood mitigation area, SuDS
and other control structures
- with respect to eventual ownership, maintenance in perpetuity
These matters can be resolved at the detailed design stage and through the use of
appropriate planning conditions. It is imperative that the flood mitigation area and
drainage features are constructed before the culverts are improved, to ensure the
proposals do not increase flood risk downstream. This requirement should be secured
by condition and factored into any resultant phasing plans. We would welcome the
consideration of conditions to ensure that future development of the site adheres to
the strategic approach set out within the submitted drainage strategy.
Water Quality
We welcome the reference to the Water Framework Directive and the status of the
receiving watercourse catchments of the Stoulton and Bow Brooks and proposal for
pollution control measures.
Given the significant activity and vehicle movements within the proposed site we
would expect as a minimum two treatment stages prior to discharge to the ground or a
receiving watercourse.
We welcome the inclusion of SuDS within the proposed development, and the
ambition to achieve BREEAM 'excellent' and to include methods of rainwater capture
and harvest are to be commended.
Reference is made to the potential role of the LLFA as SuDS Approval Body (SAB).
However, the applicants are advised that the government now proposes to change the
extent of the role of the LLFA, and a SAB is no longer proposed.
The LLFA will from the 16th of April 2015 become a statutory consultee in matters
relating surface water flooding and will no longer be required to adopt and maintain
We note the proposals that "the maintenance of the SuDS features falling within WCC
land is to be undertaken by WWC as land owners." Given the proposed changes to
legislation we would therefore seek clarity from the applicant on proposals for WCC (or
third parties) to maintain the flood attenuation and SuDS within the proposed site and
as set out in drawing Drawing 08-C-DR-0166 Land Ownership and Access Rights
We welcome the proposals for the detailed design of the SuDS and a maintenance
strategy for the SuDS to be produced and approved by the LLFA. However, we are
unclear at this stage as to when (subject to planning approval) the LLFA or our
partners at the SWLDP may expect further reserved matters applications. Whilst
reference to the existing SuDS guidance including the SFRA and CIRIA SuDS Manual
and Building is welcomed, consideration should also be given to the proposed
amendments by Defra and DCLG to the NPPF/NPPG policies and proposed national
guidance as these will provide the steer in future consideration of SuDS by the LLFA
and LPA.
Land Drainage Consents
As highlighted in Appendix F of the submitted FRA the applicants are reminded that
the LLFA is the consenting body for structures or works that may affect flows along an
ordinary watercourse. Consent under the Land Drainage Act 1991 for such features
will required from the SWDLP under powers delegated to it by Worcestershire County
Council (as LLFA) and will ultimately make recommendations for the proposed
The proposals include significant works affecting a number of ordinary watercourses
including the proposed flood mitigation area and changes to culverts under the B4084.
Given the scale of works proposed seeking consents is a critical consideration and
adequate timescales will need to be provided to the LLFA and SWLDP to respond. As
such we are concerned that the need for consents has been relegated to a matter
within the accompanying appendices.
Update Officer Appraisal