SUDS - Moodle

Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems
by Robert Mackey
Adapted from a presentation by
Dr David Skidmore
Impervious surfaces increase peak
water run-off
Sustainable Drainage Systems need to: •Hold water to stop flash floods
•Allow water to soak away gradually
•Hold back as many pollutants as possible
from entering water courses
•Be suitable in safety and aesthetics for
their residential or industrial development
Water run-off is treated through:
1. Good housekeeping
2. Source controls
3. Site controls
4. Regional controls
Good Housekeeping
 Aims to keep pollutants away from
run-off through
 Management of the drainage system
 Monitoring
 Education
 Care of disposal including oil and litter
Source controls
 Controlling run-off at or near
its source
For example:  Water butts
 Grass roofs
 Water meters
Site controls
These can work over larger sites
Normally 2 - 5 hectares
 Swales
 Gravel car parks
 Infiltration
 Filter drains
 Detention basins
Regional Controls
Collect water from several sub-
Usually with area more than 10
 Large detention basins
 Ponds
 wetlands
SUDS can offer
•Improved water quality
•A range of wildlife habitats
•Aesthetic value
•Recreational value