Mrs - Lake County Schools

AOL Newsletter 2/23/15
Important Dates to Remember
Feb. 23
Mar 3
Mar 23-24
Mar 25-26
Mar 26
Mar 27
Mar 28-Apr 5
Practice FSA Writing test
End of 3rd 9 weeks
Teacher work day
Spring Break
***Please be sure to go to bed early Sunday night to be
well rested for practice FSA Writing Test 
Spelling Words
Introduced 2/19
Tested 2/25
List 21: -le and –el
1. People
2. Bottle
3. Uncle
4. Crumble
5. Thimble
6. Simple
7. Tangle
8. Single
9. Mingle
10. Jungle
11. Puddle
12. Model
13. Gravel
14. Barrel
15. Bushel
16. Pretzel
17. Motel
18. Travel
19. Pencil
20. Journal
Introduced 2/26
Tested 3/4
List 22: er, ar, or
1. Bigger
2. Fatter
3. Wiser
4. Younger
5. Cheaper
6. Steeper
7. Teacher
8. Director
9. Actor
10. Doctor
11. Lawyer
12. Anchor
13. Pillar
14. favor
15. Lunar
16. Solar
17. Blister
18. Vapor
19. Collar
20. Cellar
Monday: Close read passage (3,2,1), math
practice, Clicker, spelling practice, and read for
30 minutes
Tuesday: Close read passage (tree map), math
practice, spelling practice, and read for 30
Wednesday: Close read passage ( connections),
Moby Max Clicker and study for Unit 11 test,
spelling practice, and read for 30 minutes
Thursday: Close read passage (Edmodo
question), iReady Math Lessons, spelling SORT,
and read for 30 minutes
Friday: Read every day 
*Please check and sign agenda nightly as homework
is subject to change and important notes are sent
home weekly.
Introduced Thursday February 19th, Tested
Wednesday Feb. 25th
Pioneer: someone who is one of the first people to
move to and live in a new area
Phosphates: a salt compound found in sodas and
Census: an official count or survey of a population,
recording details of individuals
Migrate: move from one place to another (like
people), including regularly according to the
seasons (like animals)
Population: the total number of people living in a
country, city, or any district or area
Cultivate: prepare and use (land) for crops or
Introduced Thursday, February 26th, Tested
Wednesday March 4th
Just a reminder…
Please check your student’s agenda nightly!
All homework and specials are written down,
along with other important dates and
information. This is a great way to
communicate with us as well.
Rural- found in or living in the country; not inside
the city
Public land- land that is owned and taken care of by
the government
Archives- a collection of historical documents and
Livestock- animals raised and kept for food or
products such as cattle, pigs, and poultry
Lumber- trees that have been sawed and prepared to
use in building
Outhouse- an outdoor bathroom
Specials Schedule
PE Walker
Rdg & Arts
PE Greene
PE Walker
Rdg & Arts
Please make sure
that your child is
reading every
night for 30
There will be no terrific kid
ceremony this week.
They will continue next
week 
Pioneer DBQ!
We have started a new DBQ unit this
week on Florida’s Pioneers. This unit will last
for the next two weeks. Feel free to ask your
child about what they are learning. Some
specific questions you can ask are:
What is a pioneer?
How does the end of the Seminole Wars help
to explain why pioneers migrated to Florida?
Where in Florida did most of the 19th century
pioneers live?
What is public land?
How is modern day life different/similar to
the life of a Pioneer?
How is school life different/the same from
the school life of a pioneer?
What We Are Learning
This Week
Reading – Historical/technical/scientific texts
Language Arts— Expository writing
Math— Multi-step word problems that involve
time and money
Science— Forms of energy/matter
Social Studies— Florida’s Pioneers