1920s Assignment: Measuring Historical Significance Expectations: Formulate questions on topics and issues in the history of Canada since 1914, and use appropriate methods of historical research to locate, gather, evaluate and organize relevant information from a variety of sources Explain the significance of key events or individuals Communicate the results of historical inquiries, using appropriate terms and concepts in a variety of forms of communication Establish historical significance (why we care, today, about certain events, trends, and issues in history) Learning Goals: I will gather and organize research about a 1920s issue, event, or person and decide if the evidence is useful. I will determine how important an issue, event, or person from the 1920s was in Canadian history. I will present my results to the rest of the class. Success Criteria: Choose or be assigned one of the topics listed Look up information about the topic Choose what research is helpful to me Use the information I have gathered to complete the worksheet entitled Historical Significance Find at least one picture that depicts my topic Write a paragraph describing how significant or important my topic is to Canadian history Paragraph must include: Topic sentence Three supporting facts Concluding sentence Present the paragraph and the picture to the class defending my position. 1920s Assignment: Measuring Historical Significance Topics: Topic: Jazz Music Moving Pictures Babe Ruth Breaks Home Run Record The Charleston (Dance) Radio Telephone Electricity Ice Hockey Introduced at 1920 Summer Olympics Automobile Group of Seven Prohibition Bootlegging Al Capone Home Children The Red Scare Ku Klux Klan The “Person’s” Case King-Byng Crisis The Flapper Native People Daredevils The Bluenose Bombardier and the Snowmobile William Lyon Mackenzie King Mary Pickford Dr. Frederick Banting and the invention of insulin Foster Hewitt and Hockey Night in Canada Chinese Exclusion Act Royal Canadian Air Force Assigned To: Historical Significance Name:__________________________________________ Topic: _______________________ Source (Where did I find my information? Title, author, website, page numbers, etc.): Event or person (or people) that is historically significant in this source (my topic): Brief description: Significance Criteria In what ways is this event or person historically significant? Does it In what way does this event or person meet the criteria? apply? (Y/N) Resulting in Change Profundity: How were people affected by the event or person? Quantity: How many people’s lives were affected? Durability: How long lasting were the changes? Revealing How does this event or person help us to understand the past? Resonant or Relevant How does this event or person shed light on issues or problems that concern us? Of what larger story or argument might this event or person be a part? How might the historical significance of this event or person change over time? 1920s Assignment: Measuring Historical Significance Evaluation: Name: _____________________________________ Topic: __________________________ Knowledge/Understanding: Gathered a variety of research about the topic Demonstrates a thorough understanding of the topic Worksheet is complete, thorough, and shows effort and insight Included at least one picture to depict the topic Thinking/Inquiry: Chose useful and appropriate research Research is organized effectively Demonstrates an understanding of historical significance Communication: Paragraph is well written and includes all of the required components Paragraph has been edited to correct errors in spelling, grammar, and/or sentence structure Presentation demonstrates effective preparation and organization of information Pace, voice, and volume are clear and effective Application: Ability to defend your position Applies the structure of a proper paragraph Clearly stated the importance/significance of the issue, event or person in Canadian history Overall Level: Descriptive Feedback: