September - Murray State University

Faculty Senate
Regular Meeting
September 3, 2013
Present: President Binfield, Vice President Goggins, Senators Beck, Bloomdahl, Broughton,
Busija, Byers, Carpenter, DeBella, Derting, Fawzy, Farmer, Regent Fister, Greer, Hackathorn,
Hassan, Hill, Hoover, Hong, Ivansic, Jacobs, Leedy, Morris, Naber, Ortega, Papajeski, Patterson,
Pittman-Munke, Lt. Col. Simon, Singh, F. Smith, Utgaard, Walker, Wu, and Yarali.
Absent: Senators Atkerson, Evans, R. Smith, Stambaugh, and White.
Guests and Proxies: Tim Miller, Interim President; Phil Schooley, Staff Regent; John Young,
Staff Congress President; Whitney Jones, WKMS; and Hawkins Teague, Murray Ledger and
The meeting was called to order by President Binfield at 3:34 p.m.
The minutes of May 7, 2013 were motioned to be approved by unanimous vote.
Introductions—President Binfield introduced new senators Shri Singh, Gary Morris, and
Dubravko Ivansic. He then introduced and welcomed Dr. Tim Miller, Interim President.
Academic Policies—President Binfield reported that Academic Policies needed to appoint an
interim chair for the committee. He asked for volunteers and Stephanie Carpenter volunteered to
fill the position.
Finance—Senator Beck reported that this year the Finance Committee will be performing a
formal compensation study on salaries.
Governmental Affairs/COSFL—No Report
Handbook and Personnel—President Binfield reported that the Senate-approved tenure packet
never made it in front of the board last year. This year, the committee has plans to sit down with
Provost Jay Morgan to discuss the tenure packet again.
Rules, Elections, and Bylaws—No Report. Vice President Goggins announced that the first
meeting for the REB Committee will be held September 10, 2013, in Alexander Hall at 3:30 p.m.
Executive—President Binfield reported that the Senate’s goals for the upcoming year will be:
1. A continuation of receiving the largest role possible in shared governance
2. A continuation of including faculty in the budgeting process
3. Getting a handle on assessment
4. Appeals and Academic Committee consolidation to ease service requirements for
Board of Regents—Regent Fister thanked senators for their support in her election and
announced the upcoming BOR retreat and subsequent meeting on September 5-6, 2013. She then
reported that she has a report prepared for the BOR including committee consolidation, financial
issues, and how to better serve the regional campus. She also reported that she is working with
Provost Jay Morgan to move MSU’s fall break days to the first Monday and Tuesday in October
to coincide with regional schools’ fall break schedules.
Academic Council
Undergraduate Studies—No Report
Graduate Studies—No Report
Library and Academic Support—No report.
Insurance and Benefits Committee—President Binfield reported that the Insurance and
Benefits Committee has submitted a proposal packet to Jackie Dudley, Interim VPFAS.
International Studies Advisory Council—No Report
Old Business— No report
New Business— Senator Busija questioned how many BPR-recommended changes were
fulfilled during last year’s budget approval process. President Binfield replied that he believed all
but two that were sent before the BOR were passed.
President Binfield then reported on the status of the Presidential Search. He reported that the
committee has met three times. He also stated that between the three search committees
interviewed (Academic Search, Korn/Ferry, and Witt/Keiffer), the search committee chose
Witt/Keiffer. He then reported that Human Resources is in the process of setting Witt/Keiffer up
for meetings with various campus bodies.
President Binfield then began a discussion of the senate’s wants and needs in a new President.
The discussion was broken down into four categories:
1. Distinctive Attributes
2. Leadership Agenda and Strategic Priorities
3. Preferred Experiences, Qualities, and Styles
4. MSU Selling Points
Adjournment time: The senate commenced for an open forum with representatives from
Witt/Keiffer at 4:35 p.m.