Trail Lengths, Distances Between Way Points, and Some suggested

Town Forest Trail Distances
Red Trail
Trail head to Yellow Trail junction = 1,412 Ft. - 0.2674 Mi. - 430.5 M. Yellow Trail to Red
Connector = 663 Ft. - 0.1256 Mi. - 202.1 M.
Red Connector to Yellow Connector = 271 Ft. - 0.0513 Mi. - 82.6 M. Yellow Connector to
Green Trail = 226 Ft. - 0.0428 Mi. - 68.9 M.
Green Trail to Logging Road = 706 Ft. - 0A337 Mi. - 215.2 M.
Logging Road to Red Trail Extension = 25 Ft. - 0.0047 Mi. - 7.6 M. Logging Road to White
Trail = 238 Ft. - 0.0451 Mi. - 72.6 M.
White Trail to changeover to Yellow Trail -- 999 Ft. - 0.1892 Mi. - 304.6 M.
Red Trail to Logging Road = 3,282 Ft. - 0.62 Mi - 1.00 Kin.
Total Red Trail = 4,544 Ft. - 0.86Mi. - 1.39 Km
Red Connector to Red Trail = 817 Ft. - 0.1547 Mi. - 249.1 M.
Alternate Red Connector to Red Trail = 668 Ft. - 0.1265 Mi. - 203.7 M.
Yellow Trail
Start of Trail to Yellow Connector = 869 Ft. - 0.1646 Mi. - 264.9 M. Yellow Connector to
2nd Yellow Conectr. = 2,990 Ft. - 0.5663 Mi. - 911.6 M. 2nd Yellow Connector to Red Trail
= 95 Ft. - 0.0179 Mi. - 28.9 M.
Total Yellow Trail = 3,954 Ft. - O. 75 Mi. - 1.21 Kin.
First Yellow Connector = 277 Ft. - 0.0525 Mi. - 84.5 M.
Second Yellow Connector = 792 Ft. - 0.1500 Mi. - 241.5 M.
Logging Road
Start of Logging Road to Red Connector = 167 Ft. - 0.0316 Mi. - 50.9 M. Red Connector to
Blue Trail = 224 Ft. - 0.0424 Mi. - 68.3 M.
Blue Trail to Green Trail = 544 Ft. - 0.1030 Mi. - 165.9 M.
Green Trail to Main Red Trail = 772 Ft. - 0.1462 Mi. - 235.4 M.
Main Red Trail to Upper Red Trail = 24 Ft. - 0.0045 Mi. - 7.3 M.
Upper Red Trail to Landing (Rock in Center) =156 Ft. - .0295 Mi. - 47.6 M Start to Alternate
Red Connector = 291 Ft. - O. 0551 Mi. - 88. 7 M.
Total Logging Road = 1,887 Ft. - 0.3574 Mi. - 575.3 M. or 0.575 Kin.
Blue Trail
Logging Road to Green Trail = 532 Ft. - 0.1008 Mi. - 162.2 M.
Green Trail to 1st Bench Trail = 110 Ft. - 0.0208 Mi. - 33.5 M.
1st Bench Trail to 2nd Bench = 571 Ft. - 0.1081 Mi. - 174.1 M.
2nd Bench to White Trail = 16 Ft. - 0.0030 Mi. - 4.9 M.
White Trail to Boundary Stake = 301 Ft. - 0.0570 Mi. - 91.8 M
Boundary Stake to 3rd Bench= 59 Ft. - 0.0112 Mi. - 18,0 M
Boundary Stake to end of Blue Trail = 150 Ft. - 0.0280 Mi. - 45.1 M.
(Logs across Trail behind House)
Total Blue Trail = 1,680 Ft. - 0.3182 Mi - 512.2 M.
Green Trail
Start at Blue Trail to Logging Road = 535 Ft. - 0.1013 Mi. - 163.1 M. Logging Road to Red
Trail = 454 Ft. - 0.0860 Mi. - 138.4 M.
Total Green Trail = 993 Ft. - 0.1881 Mi. - 302. 7 M.
White Trail
Start at Red Trail to end at Blue Trail = 944 Ft. - 0.1788 Mi. - 287.8 M
Trail Head, going up Red Trail to Yellow Trail, then along the entire Yellow Trail, and
returning along the entire Red Trail.
Total distance of both trails = 9,913 Ft. - 1.88 Mi. - 3.02 Km~
Go up Red Trail to Yellow Trail, then along the entire Yellow Trail, which changes over to
the red Trail. Take the White Trail down to the Blue Trail and go right on the Blue Trail to
the Logging Road and out to Parking Lot.
Total distance of all trails = 8,929 Ft. - 1. 69 Mi. - 2. 72 Km.
Go up Red Trail to Yellow Trail, then along the entire Yellow Trail which changes over to
the Red Trail. Take the White Trail down to the Blue Trail and turn left on the Blue Trail to
the end of trail (Logs across trail). Double back and hike the entire Blue Trail to the Logging
Road. Take a right going up the Logging Road, then make a left onto the Red Trail and go
back to Parking Lot.
Total all trails = 14,038 Ft. - 2. 66 Mi. - 4.28 Km~ [- end (13,136 - 2.48 - 4. 00)
Take logging Road and turn left along the Red Trail to Parking Lot.
Total distance of Trail and Logging Road = 5,169 Ft.~ - 0.9790 Mi. - 1.58Km.
Head up the Logging Road, take a right onto the Upper Red Trail and follow along the entire
Yellow Trail and down the first section of the Red Trail.
Total distance of Trails and Logging Road = 8,493 Ft. - 1.61 Mi. - 2.59Km
Go up Red Trail to Yellow Trail, then along the entire Yellow Trail which changes over to
the Red Trail. Take the White Trail down to the Blue Trail and take a right, going along the
Blue Trail to the Green Trail. Take the Green Trail up to the Red Trail and turn right, taking
the Red Trail over to the Logging Road. Go down the Logging Road to the Red Connector
and go up the Red Connector to the Red Trail. Turn left on the Red Trail and follow it all the
way back to the Parking Lot.
Total distance of Trails and Logging Road = 14,13 7 Ft. - 2. 67 Mi. - 4. 31 Km~
Topographical Distances
Top of 3rd ridge (3 ridges along Red Trail and beginning of Yellow Trail), to hard right turn
on backside of Yellow Trail.
1,395 Ft. = 0.2642 Mi. = 425.3 M.
Hard right turn to 1St height of land on Yellow Trail.
1,081 Ft. = 0.2047 Mi. -- 329.6 M.
First height of land to final drop off at 2nd height of land on Red Trail.
322 Ft. = 0.061 Mi. = 98.2 M.
Top of 3rd ridge to first height of land on Yellow Trail.
2,476 Ft. = 0.4689 Mi. = 754.9 M.
Top of 3~d ridge to final drop off from height of land on Red Trail.
2,798 Ft. = 0.5299 Mi. = 853.0 M.