Proposed Catteral Choir & History Tour to Poland Friday 5 to Tuesday 9 July 2013 Dear Parents, I am delighted to give some more details of the proposed tour to Poland at the start of the summer holidays 2013 – the first major foreign trip offered to Catteral Choir pupils. 40 pupil places are available on a first come, first served basis and a waiting list system will operate. While the itinerary can only be finalised once we have dates and numbers confirmed, the following is a draft itinerary: Day 1 Coach from Giggleswick for flight from Newcastle to Krakow with Jet2. Transfer to hotel. Dinner in old town restaurant. Day 2 Walking tour of Krakow old town (UNESCO listed site). Independent lunch (not included in the cost of the tour). Coach transfer to Nova Huta (built as a ‘socialist showpiece town’ by the communists). Rehearsal and concert in the Kosciol Arca Pana (Church of the Arc) in Nova Huta, the first church to be built under the communists and associated strongly both with Pope John Paul II and with resistance to the communist regime. Dinner in hotel. Day 3 Coach to Zakopane in the High Tatra mountains. Morning rehearsal in the church then an afternoon of activities possibly including dry tobogganing at the top of Gubalowka mountain. Evening concert in the church followed by dinner at a local restaurant and return to hotel. Day 4 Visit to Auschwitz; tours are tailored to the age of the children and the guides are experienced in dealing with younger children. Afternoon rehearsal and evening concert in St Katherine’s church in the Jewish district of Krakow. Dinner at hotel. Day 5 Fly Krakow to Newcastle and coach transfer to Giggleswick. Depending on flight times, it may be possible to visit the UNESCO listed salt mines near Krakow in the morning. This will be a fantastic opportunity both to showcase Catteral’s considerable musical talents and to explore some of the exceptional history and culture of Poland. The cost of the tour is expected to be in the region of £525-£550; the final cost will depend on the cost of flights which can only be booked once the flight dates are released by the airline in a few weeks’ time. The tour will be organised by ACFEA Legato Tours, a well-established and ATOL-protected travel company who specialise in music tours. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch: Payment If you would like your son or daughter to take part in this trip, please organise the payment of a non-refundable deposit of £100 per pupil by 11 October 2012. The preferred method of payment is by BACS transfer. Reference line: Choir Trip + pupil name e.g. Choir Trip: JF Smith The details you will require to set up this payment are: Account name: Giggleswick School Account number: 30890340 Sort code: 20-78-42 For international students and those living overseas, you may also require the following: IBAN: GB71 BARC 2078 4230 8903 40 SWIFTBIC: BARCGB22 Alternatively, you may pay by cheque, made payable to ‘Giggleswick School’. Please write Choir Trip and your son’s or daughter’s name on the reverse of any cheque. The remaining balance will then be split over 2 payments: £220 payable by 7 January 2013 (1st day of Easter term) The final balance will be payable by 19 April 2013 (end of the 1st week of Summer term). This final payment will take into account any changes to the total cost due to flights. If you would like your son or daughter to take part in the tour, please complete the form below and return it, having made payment/or with deposit cheque, to Tricia Rees-Jones, Giggleswick School, Settle, North Yorkshire, BD24 0DE Please note that the deadline for receipt is THURSDAY 11 OCTOBER 2012. Thank you Tricia Rees-Jones Director, Catteral Choir I wish my son/daughter ..................................................(name) to take part in the Catteral Choir Tour to Poland. I understand that they will need to commit to regular and frequent attendance at Catteral Choir rehearsals over the academic year as we build up repertoire for the Tour. I have made a BACS transfer / I enclose a deposit cheque for £100 (please delete as applicable). Signed: ………………………………………………………………………………………….. Name (please print): …………………………………………………….……………… Date:……......... FULL name of pupil AS IT APPEARS ON THEIR PASSPORT (for flight bookings): …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..