Homework grid coastsYear 6

Project: Coasts
Write a story that
includes a
description of a
coastline that you
have visited.
Visit a beach and
record the amount
and type of
pollution, rubbish
and debris on the
beach. Categorise it
into human waste,
animal waste, debris
from the ships etc.
Organise this data
into a graph with a
paragraph to
explain what you did
and what it shows.
Why is the Dorset
Imagine your local
coastline known as
coastline is badly
the Jurassic coast? polluted. Write a
Create a booklet as letter to the local
a guide for children. council that
explains the impact
of this pollution on
coastal habitat and
the sea.
Homework for Year 6
Produce a plan of the
How do coastlines
change in England?
coastline at Lee-onthe-Solent. Record the Choose three
different coastal
location of any shops
resorts and
and services, street
compare their
furniture etc. Be as
similarities and
accurate as possible.
Write a paragraph
Research the work
of the R.N.L.I.
Design a poster to
raise awareness of
the work this
charity does.
Explore your local
coastline. Take
creative photos
which show the
beauty of our local
coastline. Create an
artistic display of
your chosen
photographs (with
Design a new form
Create a radio
advert or jingle
which encourages
people to look after
themselves and
others whilst on the
explaining why there
are these facilities in
this location and the
impact that they have
on the area.
Draw or make a model
which demonstrates
the impact that
erosion can have on a
coastline. Write a
description to explain
your model.
The Victorians were
known for
holidaying to
seaside resorts in
England, such as
Southsea. Find an
imaginative way to
show how these
places have changed
since this time.
of coastal defence.
How does it work?
How is it better
than existing
coastal defences?
This grid lists the homework options for this half term. One piece of homework should be handed in every Wednesday. The final piece should be handed in
on Wednesday 21st October 2015. No homework will be required on the Wednesday of the Osmington trip (23 rd September). Some weeks there will be
additional maths homework to do.