Middle School Math and Science March 3rd – Mar. 7th 6th Grade

Middle School Math and Science
March 3rd – Mar. 7th
6th Grade Math and Earth Science
(Math) Today we had a change in plans from last week. After grading Quiz
#2 I noticed that many of the students were making simple mistakes that were
bringing down their scores. I moved the Chapter 4 Exam to Tuesday. Today we
worked in groups using the most difficult version of the exam (Exam C). The
students worked on the odd numbered problems and presented them on the
Smartboard. I assigned review problems from the back of the book for homework
tonight. I also gave each student a list of the answers for both Exam C and the
chapter review. Students should check their answers to make sure they are doing
the homework correctly. Students are to complete the Chapter Review for
homework and can finish Exam C if they need some extra practice.
(Science) No Science today due to Math Review.
(Math)Chapter 4 Exam
(Science) No Science due to exam.
(Math) No math
(Science) We will complete our flip books on layers of the earth in class.
Students will be assigned homework assigned homework to prepare for weekly
Science quiz.
(Math) We will begin our new Section Ratios and Proportions. We will start
with 5.1 “Ratios” Students will be assigned math homework.
(Science) We will review our flip books, and review question to prepare for
quiz on Friday. Students should study for quiz for homework.
(Math) We will start our notes for section 5.2 “Rates.”
(Science) Weekly Science Quiz (Layers of the Earth)
7 Grade Pre-Algebra and Life Science
(Math) Chapter 5 Exam
(Science) No Science due to Math Exam
(Math) No math
(Science) We will review our timelines on Cell Theory and the Microscope.
We will also conduct a lab where we are going to attempt to make our own crude
microscopes. Science homework will be assigned.
(Math) We will begin our new unit Linear Equations and Graphs. 6.1
“Equations in Two Variables” Homework will be assigned.
(Science) Review for Science Quiz.
No Class for the 7th grade due to Camp St. Francis Field Trip
(Math) We will begin our notes for next week on 6.2 “Graph Linear
(Science) We will begin “Looking inside a cell.” We will create cell diagrams
describing the organelles.
8th Grade Algebra I and Physical Science
(Math) We started our new section in math Writing Linear Equations. We
began our notes for 6.1 “Write Linear Equations in slope intercept form. Homework
was assigned.
(Science) No Science but I did collect the timelines on Atomic Theory
(Math) 6.2 “Using Linear Equations in Slope-Intercept Form.” This section
is going to be a lot of review because I front-loaded it in 7th Grade and during
Chapter 5. We will present in class but will not take notes like usual in order to fit in
some science time.
(Science) We will finish up our section on atomic theory. Student will
assigned review question for homework.
We have Ash Wednesday Mass so Wednesday is a tentative schedule
(Science) We will prepare for our Science Quiz on Thursday.
(Math) 6.3 “Write Linear Equations in Point-Slope Form.” Once again this
will be an easy section because the students have been front-loaded on this concept
already. Homework will be assigned.
(Science) Science Quiz on “Introduction to the Atom.”
(Math) 6.4 “Write Linear Equations in Standard Form.” We will begin our
note on the section.
(Science) We will begin our new section “Organizing the Elements.”
Students will complete an activity that requires students to organize square pieces
of paper according to characteristic, much like the periodic table.