CV - Faculty of Pharmacy

Ass. Prof. Dr. Ahmed AbdelfattahAboelwafa, Ph.D.
Department of Pharmaceutics and Industrial Pharmacy,
Faculty of Pharmacy, Cairo University, Egypt.
1. Personal information:
Date of birth: 8June 1974
Mobile no.: 01008756746
2. Academic Degrees:
1. Ph.D., Faculty of Pharmacy, Cairo University, 8/3/2007.
2. M.Sc., Faculty of Pharmacy, Cairo University, 8/5/2003.
3. B.Sc., Faculty of Pharmacy, Cairo University, May 1997.(Graduation degree:
Excellent with honors.)
3. Academic Career History:
1.Associateprofessor, Department of Pharmaceutics and Industrial Pharmacy,
Faculty of Pharmacy, Cairo University, from 20/07/2012 till now.
2. Lecturer, Department of Pharmaceutics and Industrial Pharmacy, Faculty of
Pharmacy, Cairo University, from 28/3/2007 till 20/07/2012.
3. Assistant Lecturer, Department of Pharmaceutics and Industrial Pharmacy,
Faculty of Pharmacy, Cairo University, from 10/6/2003 till 27/3/2007.
4. Teaching Assistant, Department of Pharmaceutics and Industrial Pharmacy,
Faculty of Pharmacy, Cairo University, from 16/12/1997 till 9/6/2003.
4. Teaching Activities:
1. In Pharmaceutics and Industrial Pharmacy Dept. Faculty of Pharmacy, Cairo
A. Under-graduate courses:
Participated in the delivery of the following course:
1. Pharmaceutics, theoretical and practical courses for 2nd year students (old
2. Pharmaceutics I, theoretical and practical courses for 2nd year students.
3. Pharmaceutics II, theoretical and practical courses for 2nd year students.
4. Pharmaceutical Technology II,theoretical and practical courses for 5th year
B. Post-graduate courses:
Participated in the delivery of the following course:
 Solid Dosage Forms, theoretical course for Diploma of Industrial Pharmacy.
2. In Pharmaceutics and Industrial Pharmacy Dept. Faculty of Pharmacy, Modern
Sciences and Arts University (MSA).
1. Cosmetics, theoretical and practical courses.
2. Pharmaceutics Ethics and Legislation, theoretical course.
3. Pharmaceutical Business Administration, theoretical course.
3. In Pharmaceutics and Industrial Pharmacy Dept. Faculty of Pharmacy, Misr
University for Science and Technology (MUST).
1. Drug Stability and Kinetics,theoretical and practical courses.
2. Biopharmaceutics and Pharmacokinetics, theoretical and practical courses.
4. In Pharmaceutics and Industrial Pharmacy Dept. Faculty of Pharmacy, Ahram
Canadian University (ACU).
1. Physical Pharmacy,theoretical and practical courses.
2. Pharmaceutics-1, theoretical and practical courses.
5. Other Activities:
1. A member in the scientific committee for the evaluation of stability studies in
center administration for pharmaceutical affairs (CAPA) from 2007 till
2012.Participated in the establishment of the first guidelinesfor the evaluation of
stability studies in Egypt.
2. Participated in the establishment of the first guidelines for the registration of
Biocidals in center administration for pharmaceutical affairs (CAPA).
3. A technical member in Center of Applied Research and Advanced Studies
(CARAS) Faculty of Pharmacy, Cairo University from 2007 till now: supervised and
participated in carrying out bioequivalence and stability studies.
4. Technical consultant for Unipharma and Al Andalous for Pharmaceutical
Industries from 2007 till now.
6. Peer reviewer in the following international journals:
1. AAPSPharmSciTech.
2. Drug Development and Industrial Pharmacy.
3. Journal of Microencapsulation.
4. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutics.
5. Pharmaceutical Development and Technology.
6. International journal of pharmaceutics
7. Presentations:
1. 13th AARU conference of the Pan Arab Colleges of Pharmacy, Misr University
for Science and Technology, Cairo, Egypt, 25 – 27 may 2010
Poster: Ibrahim A.Elsaid, Ahmed A. Aboelwafa, RawiaM.Khalil and Omaima N. ElGazayerly.
Baclofen Gastroretentive Hydrogel System.Formulation and in-vitro
2.Egyptian Pharmaceutical Society XXXI Conference of Pharmaceutical
Sciences, Egyptian Pharmaceutical Society,December 2008
Poster:Ahmed A. Aboelwafa and Emad B Basalious. Design of layered Matrix
Systems for Modulation of the Release of Highly Water Soluble Drug.
3.Egyptian Pharmaceutical Society XXXI Conference of Pharmaceutical
Sciences, Egyptian Pharmaceutical Society December, 2008.
Poster: Rania H. Fahmyand Ahmed A. Aboelwafa.
Formulation Design of
Meloxicam Orodispersible Tablets Using Sublimation Technique.
4.Egyptian Pharmaceutical Society XXXII Conference of Pharmaceutical
Sciences, Egyptian Pharmaceutical Society, December 2011.
Poster:Samar M. Abouelatta, Ahmed A. Aboelwafa, Rawia M. Khalil and Omaima
N. El-Gazayerly. Formulation and Evaluation of Cinnarizinegastroretentive lipid
5. Future University International Conference on Pharmaceutical Technologies,
Future University, February 2012
Poster:Ahmed A. Aboelwafa and Amal I. A. Makhlouf. Central Composite Design
Applied for the Optimization of Amisulpride Self Emulsifying Formulation; In-Vitro
and In-Vivo Evaluation.
6. 65thannual International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP) Conference,
September 5002.
Poster:N. M. Mursi, O. N. El-Gazayerly, and Ahmed A. Aboelwafa.Enhancement of
Dissolution Rate of Acyclovir by Complexation with Hydroxypropyl-β-Cyclodextrin
Using Different Techniques.
10. AAPS National Meeting, San Diego, CA, U.S.A., October 2007
Poster:N. M. Mursi, O. N. El-Gazayerly, and Ahmed A. Aboelwafa.Formulation, In
Vitro Evaluation and Accelerated Stability Studies of Acyclovir Bioadhesive Ocular
8. Publications:
1. N.M. Mursi, O.N. El-Gazayerly, K.M.F. El-Shaboury, Ahmed A
Aboelwafa, and A.A. Shouman. Corneal Targeting of Diclofenac in Certain
Ocular Drug Delivery Systems. Bull. Fac. Pharm. Cairo Univ..2003; 41: 6982.
2. N.M. Mursi, K.M.F. El-Shaboury and Ahmed A Aboelwafa. The
Enhancement of Precorneal Residence Time of Diclofenac Through
Different Gel Formulations in Rabbits. Bull. Fac. Pharm. Cairo Univ..
2003; 41: 53 -67.
3. Ahmed A Aboelwafa, El-Setouhy DA, Elmeshad AN. Comparative study
on the effects of some polyoxyethylene alkyl ether and sorbitan fatty acid
ester surfactants on the performance of transdermal carvedilolproniosomal
gel using experimental design. AAPSPharmSciTech. 2010;11(4):1591-602.
4. Ahmed
pharmacokinetic study of a novel controlled release venlafaxine
hydrochloride three-layer tablet.AAPSPharmSciTech. 2010;11(3):1026-37
5. Elbary AA, Ahmed A Aboelwafa, Al Sharabi IM. Once daily, high-dose
mesalazine controlled-release tablet for colonic delivery: optimization of
formulation variables using Box-Behnken design. AAPSPharmSciTech.
6. Elbary AA, Ahmed A Aboelwafa, Al Sharabi IM. Influence of Some
Formulation Variables on the Optimization of pH-dependent, Colontargeted,
Microspheres.AAPSPharmSciTech. 2011;Dec 1.
7. Ahmed A Aboelwafa, Fahmy RH. A pilot human pharmacokinetic study
and influence of formulation factors on orodispersible tablet incorporating
meloxicam solid dispersion using factorial design. Pharm Dev Technol.
8. Ahmed A Aboelwafa, Makhlouf AI. In Vivo Evaluation and Application of
Central Composite Design in the Optimization of Amisulpride Self5
Emulsifying Drug Delivery System. American journal of Drug Discovery
and Development. 2012; January 28.