WITHAM FOURTH DISTRICT INTERNAL DRAINAGE BOARD MINUTES of the proceedings of the Board at a Meeting held at the Board's Offices, 47 Norfolk Street, Boston on Wednesday 11 December 2013 ------- Present:J.E. Grant Esq. (Chairman) Messrs: J. A. Allen P. Bedford B. Bowles C. Brothertoft C. Crunkhorn H. C. Drake R. Hall-Jones C. Hardy A. Harrison R. F. Leggott F. Pickett P. Richardson D. Richmond A. Saul Mrs M. Dennis Agenda3/13: Item no. 4 Apologies for non-attendance were received from: Messrs: R. Harvey K. Smith T. W. Roberts Mrs J Harrison J. W. Ward Mrs M. Wright Agenda 3/13: Item 1. 1. ELECTION OF VICE-CHAIRMAN Following R. Hall-Jones’ decision to step down it was UNANIMOUSLY RESOLVED that Peter Richardson (proposed by C. Hardy and seconded by H. Drake) be elected Vice-Chairman until the next Triennial Elections fall due. The Chairman thanked R. Hall-Jones for his work as Vice Chairman and said together, they had been a good team. Agenda 3/13: Item 2 2. CHAIRMAN'S ANNOUNCEMENTS 2.1 T. Roberts The Chairman informed Members that their colleague Tom Roberts was in hospital recovering from a heart attack and asked the Chief Executive to pass on the Board’s best wishes to Tom. 2.2 2.2.1 Tidal Surge Flooding – 5th December 2013 Engineering Manager’s report The Chairman had asked the Engineering Manager to prepare a report in respect to the Tidal Surge Event which had happen after the preparation of the meeting reports. The Engineering Manager went through his report (attached to the minutes) and provided members with a slide presentation showing photographs of the impact of the surge event on coastal defences. In particular he highlighted the following issues: i) ii) iii) The breach at Friskney, affecting reclaimed land although not the Board’s responsibility could have been quickly remedied with a cut being made to the pumping station outfall creek at Wrangle. Frontagers to ascertain from Natural England what works are permitted in times of emergencies. The slackers from the Jubilee enclosure are shut but if opened, the Board would need to dispose of the flood waters inside the enclosure. The Engineering Manager asked members if they were happy to do this as they did in 1978 and estimated the cost of doing so now would be around £3,500 (see Any Other Business) Parts of the sea defences were overtopped and damaged during the event. 35 Agenda 3/13: Item 2 2. 2.2 CHAIRMAN'S ANNOUNCEMENTS - Cont’d Tidal Surge Flooding – 5th December 2013 - Continued 2.2.2 Members Comments The Chairman put on record his thanks to the Board’s Officers and staff who responded to the event. He informed members that he had taken Mark Simmonds MP on a tour of the sea defences so that the MP could fully appreciate the risk faced by the County. D. Richmond echoed the Chairman’s thanks and said the event was worse than that of 1953 but the effects were less, indicating that the defences are better. Other Board Members were concerned that EA staffs were walking the sea defences but no repair work had been carried out. P. Bedford encouraged members to write individually to Mr Simmonds with their concerns to improve the weight of any arguments regarding sea defences. The Chairman highlighted the issues created by Badgers in the sea defences and asked members to also flag this up in any correspondence. H. Drake was dismayed that Natural England (NE) has allowed badger sets to remain in the Environment Agency 1948 bank as this would seriously undermine the resilience of the bank. R. Leggott said Natural England needed to be aware and this was echoed by B. Bowles. The Engineering Manager highlighted recent discussions with the Environment Agency regarding the improvement of the Haven Banks ahead of the Boston Barrier project. C. Hardy felt that the Barrier was key to the issue and said he would write to Mark Simmonds MP with his thoughts. Agenda 3/13: Item 3 3. DECLARATION OF INTEREST ON ANY GENERAL ITEM H. Drake A. Saul R.Hall-Jones - declared an interest in discussions about Bridges and Sea Banks - declared an interest in discussions about Sea Banks - declared an interest in discussions about Toynton Works Agenda 3/13: Item 5 3. MINUTES 3.1 Board Meeting –18 September 2013 The Minutes of the Meeting of the Board held on 18 September 2013 were submitted and signed by the Chairman. Matters Arising: Agenda 3/13: Item 5.1 3.1.1 Triton Knoll Wind Farm – Page 11 The Engineering Manager had nothing to update other than the planning application is being taken directly to the Secretary of State. Agenda 3/13: Item 5.2 3.1.2 Solar Panels – Page 11 It was reported that the Solar panels had been installed and had been generating electricity for the past two weeks. A remote monitoring facility would shortly go live. Not included on the Agenda 3.1.3 Governance Issues – Page 12 The Chairman highlighted that it was the Governance Issues at Caldicott that led to the Welsh Government deciding to absorb Welsh IDBs into Natural Resources Wales from April 2015. Agenda 3/13: Item 5.3 3.1.4 Barlode Bridge – Page 17 The Chief Executive reported that a revised lease agreement had been submitted to the owners and there were a couple of queries to resolve before the agreement would be signed in January 2014. 36 Agenda 3/13: Item 5 3. 3.1 MINUTES – Cont’d Board Meeting –18 September 2013 - Continued Not included on the Agenda 3.1.5 Reglone - Page 18 An application for use of Reglone in 2014 would be submitted to the Secretary of State in January 2014. Agenda 3/13: Item 6 3.2 Minutes of Governance & Risk Committee – 20 November 2013 – Page 19 Matters arising: 3.2.1 To approve amendments to Governance Documents R. Leggott commented that in common with Members code, it is the member not the Chair who should flag up the interest. RESOLVED that the amendments to the Governance Documents be approved Agenda 3/13: Item 7 3.3 Minutes of the Works Committee – 20 November 2013 – Page 24 Matters arising: Agenda 3/13: Item 7.1 3.3.1 To Approve the 2014/15 Estimates Recommended by the Works Committee Weed Control and Cleansing RESOLVED that the Estimates for weed control and cleansing 2014/15 totalling £916,000 recommended by the Works Committee be approved. Assets RESOLVED that the recommended 2014/15 Estimate totalling £45,000 be approved Bridge works RESOLVED that the recommended 2014/15 Estimate totalling £30,000 be approved Agenda 3/13: Item 8 3.4. Minutes of the Plant & Pumping Stations Committee – 20 November 2013 – Page 27 Matters arising: Agenda 3/13: Item 8.1 3.4.1 To Approve the 2014/15 Estimates Recommended by the Plant & Pumping Station Committee Plant Replacement 2014/15 The Board spent time discussing the plant items due for replacement in 2014 including the Volvo Lorry. The Chairman said it had done 210,000km to date but that most of these were on heavy plant short trips. He asked Members for their comments: J. Allen R.Richmond C. Crunkhorn C. Hardy R. Leggott H. Drake - We need the lorry so keep it - agreed but thought it should be run into the ground - now is the time to replace it as we have put off the decision for several years - replace the lorry in 2014 - agreed that it should be replaced, however could the Board look at the most cost effective way of purchasing it e.g. contract hire - agreed it should be replaced. The Chief Executive said that he would look at all the finance options when a replacement vehicle was selected. 37 Agenda 3/13: Item 5 3. MINUTES – Continued Agenda 3/13: Item 8.1 3.4. Minutes of the Plant & Pumping Stations Committee – 20 November 2013 – Page 27 - Continued Plant Replacement 2014/15 It was therefore: RESOLVED to allow £82,000 for the replacement of the Volvo Lorry in 2014/15 (All said aye, D Richmond abstained) It was also RESOLVED i) to approve the purchase of the following items in 2014/15: New Holland Tractor £53,000 Spearhead Flail No 5 £32,000 3m Weedbasket £ 4,600 Caterpillar teleporter £55,000 ( NB to buy a decent second-hand one ) Welfare Hut £24,000 Small plant £ 2,000 ii) to defer the replacement of the Case digger for 12 months iii)to scrap the Godwin 6” pump Pumping Station Estimate RESOLVED that the recommended 2014/15 Estimate totalling £440,233 in respect of Pumping Station Operation Costs be approved. Depot Expenses RESOLVED that the recommended 2014/15 Estimate totalling £42,000 in respect of Depot Expenditure be approved. Executive Powers RESOLVED that the Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Board be given Executive Powers to deal with the purchase and sale of plant items in 2014/15 Agenda 3/13: Item 9 3.5 Minutes of Environment Committee – 20 November 2013 – Page 33 Matters arising: Agenda 3/13: Item 9.1 3.5.1 To Approve the 2014/15 Estimates Recommended by the Environment Committee RESOLVED that the recommended 2014/15 Estimate totalling £ £110,639 in respect of Environmental Expenditure be approved. Agenda 3/13: Item 10 4. MEETINGS WITH OUTSIDE ORGANISATIONS The Chief Executive went through recent meetings and highlighted matters of interest. R. Leggott, who sits on the ADA Executive Committee, informed members that a 2% increase in ADA subscriptions had been agreed by the Executive at their last meeting. Agenda 3/13: Item 11 5. LOCAL GOVERNMENT SUPERANNUATION SCHEME – INCREASED CONTRIBUTIONS The Chief Executive updated members on the latest contribution rate declared by the LGPS Actuary which on paper, would see a 10% increase in the employer rate paid by the Board which all IDB’s had agreed was unacceptable. A meeting with the LCC pension representative had been arranged on 17 December 2013 and the Chief Executive would report back thereafter. D. Richmond asked why the information had come through so late in the day. The Chief Executive explained the New 2014 LGPS incorporated several new aspects which had taken much longer to go through than Lincolnshire County Council had anticipated. 38 Agenda 3/13: Item 12 6. 2014 STRATEGIC PLAN The Chief Executive went through the changes to the Strategic Plan and the new objectives set. R. Leggott enquired why progress was only 5/10 on page 11 in respect of the Board’s progress on breaking down expenditure in line with the 2006 Defra IDB Review. The Chief Executive explained that Defra had not pursued this but the figures could be broken down if requested. D Richmond and R. Hall Jones commented on the plans to continue to raise the Board’s profile and suggested using market stalls, twitter and Facebook to promote the Board’s work. Agenda 3/13: Item 13 7. CHIEF EXECUTIVE AND FINANCE MANAGERS REPORT Agenda 3/13: Item 13.1 7.1 Bank Balances RESOLVED that the Bank Balances be noted Agenda 3/13: Item 13.2 7.2. Payments made by Accounts Committee RESOLVED that the Payments made by Accounts Committee be noted Agenda 3/13: Item 13.4 7.3 Revaluation of Agricultural Assessments RESOLVED that the following in-house valuations be Determine with effect from 1 April 2014 A/c No Assessment No 1765 0511264 Removal of Poultry Houses 2004 15010774 Confirmation of AV of £55 per acre Present Value £ Reason 5,510 Recommended Value £ Comments 2,353 Revalue land at £50 per acre £110 Retrospective from 1.4.13 Previously part of a bulk Value Valued as per neighbouring land Agenda 3/13: Item 13.5 7.4 Expenditure to 31 October 2013 The Chief Executive went through the expenditure to date and reported that total expenditure was currently less than the estimate to date. Agenda 3/13: Item 13.6 7.5 Rate Arrears Update Members were pleased with progress. Agenda 3/13: Item 13.7 7.6 Environment Agency – Flood Defence Grant in Aid Applications – Progress as at 31/10/2013 The Chief Executive explained how the Hobhole grant would be drawn down by 31 March 2014. Agenda 3/13: Item 14 8. ENGINEERS REPORT NO. 3/13 The Engineering Manager went through his report highlighting matters of particular significance Agenda 3/13: Item 14.5.2 8.1 Abstraction – Trickle Irrigation The Engineering Manager explained that an application had been received for Trickle Irrigation, which unlike spray irrigation, does not require an Environment Agency license. After discussion it was agreed to adopt the following policy in respect to such applications 1. 2. 3. Abstraction is to cease at a predetermined level (as per spray irrigation licences). Applicants are advised to join Water Transfer Limited. If the applicant is an existing spray licence holder, abstraction for trickle irrigation to be offset against spray licence quantity. 39 Agenda 3/13: Item 14 8. ENGINEERS REPORT NO. 3/13 - Continued Agenda 3/13: Item 14.6 8.2 Pumping Stations Agenda 3/13: Item 8.2.1 Hobhole Pumping Station The Engineering Manager stated that further to his written report, an electric pump had been taken out for repair at Hobhole Pumping Station, the second time it had been repaired in the last 24 months. It was being looked at by an alternative supplier. The Chairman suggested that the Engineering Manager take this up with the original supplier, if their work was found to be inadequate. Agenda 3/13: Item 14.7. 8.3 Plant Replacement RESOLVED that the purchase of the Caterpillar 308EC at the cost of £59,973 be noted. Agenda 3/13: Item 14.9. 8.4 Drainage Matters Agenda 3/13: Item 14.9.3 & 4 8.4.1 Illegal Dyke Filling The Engineering Manager updated members on progress with illegal dyke filling from the last Board Meeting Agenda 3/13: Item 14.9.5 Leverton Outgate RESOLVED that the Engineering Manager should write to the parties involved stating no further action is to be taken unless the dyke filling causes drainage problems in the future (e.g. from the highway where adjacent) Agenda 3/13: Item 14.11 8.5 Policy Statements In Respect To Land Drainage Act & Byelaw Applications Consent The Engineering Manager had drafted a suggested policy in respect to future applications to ensure consistency and contained a flow chart to help with decisions. This was explained to the Board who RESOLVED i) that the policy be approved to consenting. ii) that a non-governance Policy Folder be created to contain all such policies. iii) that the policy on enforcement awaits the LCC countywide concordat in 2014. Agenda 3/13: Item 14.12 8.6 Sewer Adoptions Agenda 3/13: Item 14.12.1 8.6.1 Halton Holegate A new cut had been made by the Board following the 2007 flood events and following a request, by resident who was flooded in 2007, it was RESOLVED to adopt this sewer under the Board’s maintenance programme. Agenda 3/13: Item 14.12.2 8.6.2 Mareham-le-Fen A recent planning application had been rejected owing to concerns about site drainage in this village. This was discussed by Members: A. Harrison commented that there was not enough room to widen the drain in front of the Anglian Water (AW) pumping station. P. Bedford suggested the developer should enter into a S.106 Agreement to hand money over to the Board to allow us to deal with the issue. H. Drake suggested that we adopt the Fen Lane drain to aid villagers to have ‘flushing‘ water which was an issue after heavy rainfall. The Engineering Manager said there was a referendum taking place in the village on 12 December 2013 to decide whether or not to support the development. P. Richardson suggested that the Board should adopt the Fen Lane Drain A. Saul concurred. R. Leggott agreed but asked if Fen Lane Drain was improved, would the AW sewage treatment works be able to cope with the increased flows. 40 Agenda 3/13: Item 14 8. ENGINEERS REPORT NO. 3/13 - Continued Agenda 3/13: Item 14.12 8.6 Sewer Adoptions - Continued Agenda 3/13: Item 14.12.2 8.6.2 Mareham-le-Fen - Continued The Engineering Manager agreed to carry out a survey to determine the costs adopting and for maintaining the drain to the February Board Meeting, regardless of the outcome of the referendum. (NB The village decided against the development on17.12 .13) RESOLVED to approve the adoption of the Fen Lane Drain subject to the Engineering Manager cost estimate. Agenda 3/13: Item 14.13 8.7 Low Loader Accident The Chief Executive confirmed that the Board’s insurers had been notified and costs were in the region of £8,500. Agenda 3/13: Item 14.14 8.8. Health & Safety Matters RESOLVED that the Health & Safety Matters be noted Agenda 3/13: Item 14.15 8.9 Rechargeable Works RESOLVED that the Rechargeable Works be noted Agenda 3/13: Item 14.16 8.10 Requests Re: Permission to Arrange Fishing Matches RESOLVED to approve the annual request from local angling clubs to fish in the Board’s drains Agenda 3/13: Item 15 9. ANY OTHER BUSINESS BY LEAVE OF THE CHAIRMAN Item not shown on the Agenda 9.1 Jubilee Enclosure, Friskney During the meeting, reference had been made to the breach of the Jubilee bank at Friskney. Whilst this does not directly affect the Board, the Board does receive a contribution (apportioned between the Boards pumped area and the reclaimed land) towards Wrangle Pumping Station costs from landowners farming inside this enclosure. In order to give the Engineering Manager operational guidance the Chairman asked members for their comments regarding pumping at Wrangle Pumping Station to assist in removing the flood water from the enclosure. H. Drake, having declared an interest in the matter, commented that although the slackers connecting the enclosure to the Board’s system were closed, there was evidence that some were leaking. He said he could speak for all the enclosure land owners who would pay for the flood water to be pumped away and also any damage this may cause the pumps at Wrangle, provided the Board were prepared and able to do this. R. Hall-Jones said the Board ought to help move the water away and that the pumps were designed to cope with saline water. The Engineering Manager confirmed that pumping could start immediately. The Chairman asked if Natural England (NE) had been informed and H Drake confirmed they had. P. Richardson said that the Board should support the affected landowners as removing the water ultimately helps the Board’s system and the costs of doing so are already underwritten. B. Bowles said the breach could have happened anywhere and inundated the Board’s system, so the Board should go ahead. The Chairman asked for a show of hands and all were in favour of beginning pumping at Wrangle Pumping Station to remove the tidal water from the Jubilee Enclosure with the costs being recharged to the landowners. 41 Agenda 3/13: Item 15 9. ANY OTHER BUSINESS BY LEAVE OF THE CHAIRMAN - Continued Item not shown on the Agenda 9.2 Letter from Association of Drainage Authorities The Chairman informed members that he had received a letter from Henry Cator, ADA Chairman thanking the Board for its response to the recent tidal surge. Item not shown on the Agenda 9.3 Christmas Message On behalf of the Board the Chairmen thanked the Chief Executive, all Officers and Staff for their hard work during the year and wished them all a Merry Christmas. Chairman 42