WITHAM FOURTH DISTRICT INTERNAL DRAINAGE BOARD MINUTES of the proceedings of the Board at a Meeting held at the Board's Offices, 47 Norfolk Street, Boston on Wednesday 17 September 2014 ------- Present: J.E. Grant Esq. (Chairman) Messrs: J. A. Allen P. Bedford B. Bowles C. Brotherton C. Crunkhorn H. C. Drake R. Hall-Jones C. Hardy A. Harrison R. Harvey R. F. Leggott F. Pickett P. Richardson D. Richmond T. W. Roberts A. Saul K. Smith Mrs M. Wright 1. APOLOGIES FOR NON-ATTENDANCE Apologies for non-attendance were received from:- Messrs: J. W. Ward Mrs M. Dennis Mrs J Harrison Agenda item 2 2. 2.1 CHAIRMAN'S ANNOUNCEMENTS ADA Incorporation The chairman informed members that Jean Venables was standing down as Chief Executive of the National body of ADA. Her role has been advertised and the closing date for applications is 30 September 2014 2.2 2.2.1 Board’s Employees Payroll No: 5024 – Land Drainage Operative The Chairman informed Members that the above Operative previously reported as being signed off for two months had returned to work following treatment to see whether or not he was capable of continuing in the role. 2.2.2. Payroll No: 5056 – Land Drainage Operative- Lade Bank Pumping Station The Chairman informed Members that the above Operative had asked to retire in April 2015. A recruitment process has started to find his replacement. 2.3 Correspondence The Chairman informed Members that he had recently written to the local MP, Mark Simmonds, and a copy of the reply from the Environment Agency, via Dan Rogerson, Parliamentary Undersecretary of State at DEFRA was circulated to members. The Chairman was disappointed with the response as he wanted to highlight the inadequacy of the tidal defences around Boston. The Board had been approached to contribute to a Radio 4 programme covering the coastal breaches in December 2013 which would enable this to happen. Members made the following comments: R. Hall Jones J. Grant D. Richmond A.Saul - wondered whether ‘Countryfile’ would be interested in covering the topic - suggested that the Radio 4 coverage might stimulate interest - suggested that the banks needed to be constructed from clay rather than just soil -highlighted the issue of vermin in the banks, presenting a risk to the integrity of the banks 8 Agenda item 2 2. 2.4 CHAIRMAN'S ANNOUNCEMENTS - Continued Radio 4 Both the Chief Executive and H. Drake had been asked to participate in the Radio 4 programme looking at the 2013 tidal flooding along the east Coast. Interviews would be recorded in October with the programme aired in November. Members felt that this would be a good opportunity to highlight the fragility of the coast line, highlighted by the event, and to promote the need for the banks to be raised. Agenda item 3 3. DECLARATION OF INTEREST ON ANY GENERAL ITEM Member Interest declared B. Bowles H. Drake A. Saul R. Harvey Any conversation regarding sea banks Any conversation regarding sea banks Any conversation regarding sea banks Agenda item 9.10 Agenda item 4 4. 4.1 MINUTES Board Meeting – The Minutes of the Meeting of the Board held on 11 June 2014 were submitted and signed by the Chairman. Matters Arising: 4.1.1 Reglone – page 2 The Chairman said that progress with a new aquatic herbicide was slow and this would necessitate another application to use Reglone in 2015. He said that Dr Newman, who was developing the alternative needed to attend the Lincolnshire ADA October Branch meeting to assure IDB’s that, had pledged support, that something was happening. 4.1.2 Solar Panels – page 2 The Chief Executive reported that the anticipated energy generation of £5,225 was forecast for the year but that after just 9 months £4,462 had already been generated. The annual total was therefore expected to exceed £5,225 Agenda item 5. 5. MEETINGS WITH OUTSIDE ORGANISATIONS The Chief Executive went through the various notes of meetings attended. The Main points highlighted were: Agenda item 5.8 5.1 Wash Frontagers’ Group The Chief Executive highlighted the meeting note from August 2014. A second meeting of the group was held at the beginning of September when A. Saul had attended and he gave an update to the meeting: The group had formed a committee of 8 interested parties and they and posed a number of questions about who should lead the group and whether the Greater Lincolnshire Local Enterprise Partnership should be involved. It was agreed the WFG should be a lobby group, an enabling group that sought funding for sea bank maintenance. R. Caudwell (RFCC Chairman) is supportive of the group and hopes to formally include the group in the Lincolnshire Partnership. P. Bedford J.Allen P. Bedford - said that South Holland IDB are pushing to get the wash banks designated under the Flood and Water Management Act 2010. - said it was unfortunate that it would probably take a major flood event before any funding would be available. - added that he had invited Liz Truss, the new DEFRA Minister, to visit Boston and see the risk for herself 9 Agenda item 6. 6. POTENTIAL SALE/RENT OF LAND AT CASTLEGATE, GIPSEY BRIDGE The Chief Executive highlighted the summary of the position contained in the Agenda papers, where a number of residential properties had encroached onto the Board’s bank as it is no longer used for maintenance. A number of options were available to the Board who were asked to discuss the matter. The Engineering Manager confirmed that all maintenance was able to be done from the opposite bank and that the Board still had powers of entry should they need access The Chairman R. Hall-Jones C. Hardy - said that large trees on the bank should be removed by the Board as they undermined the bank. - Felt that all properties occupying the bank should pay rent. - Was concerned by the number of buildings/sheds that were on the bank and that if we charged a rent, we must be consistent across the whole District. The Engineering Manager explained that there were miles of watercourse in the District where breaches of the Board’s byelaws existed and had occurred in the past. R. Harvey - was happy to go along with any Board recommendations but we should not allow any buildings to be built near our maintained watercourses The Engineering Manager said that we do consent some works within the 6 metre margin, but that applicants are aware that the Board has the power to remove them if required. P. Richardson R. Leggott - said that there were some gas tanks in the gardens of some properties that were on the Board’s bank as regulations would stipulate that they had to be far enough away from the houses - felt that of the options available, we should go with option 4: ‘Write to property owners reminding them that the Board owns the land and that we wish to formalise the position by charging a bank rent ‘ The Chairman put this proposal to the Board and it was proposed by D. Richmond and seconded by J.Allen and RESOLVED that the Chief Executive write to property owners of properties backing on to the Board’s Castledyke Drain, reminding them that the Board owns the land and that we wish to formalise the position by charging a bank rent. Agenda item 7 7. CHIEF EXECUTIVE AND FINANCE MANAGERS REPORT The Chief Executive went through his report for Members and Highlighted the following:- Agenda item 7.1 7.1 Bank Balances & Money Market Deposits RESOLVED that the balances at the 31 August 2014 be noted Agenda item 7.2 7.2 Payments made by Accounts Committee The Chief Executive explained that the Board were now required to publish all payments over £500 under the transparency code and that this would begin in 2015. RESOLVED that the payments made by Accounts Committee during June, July and August 2014 be confirmed Agenda item 7.4 7.3 External Audit Report The External Auditor submitted his report to the Board on 16 July 2014 which was clean. However, there were a couple of “other matters not affecting our opinion” highlighted by the Auditor which will be addressed as part of the review of Governance Documents in November 2014. A copy of his report is attached at the end of this report and the Board are asked to note the contents. RESOLVED i) that the contents of the External Audit report be noted ii) that ‘other matters not affecting our opinion” highlighted by the Auditor should be addressed as part of the review of Governance Documents in November 2014 10 Agenda item 7 7. CHIEF EXECUTIVE AND FINANCE MANAGERS REPORT - Continued Agenda item 7.5 7.4 Rating Matters 7.4.1 Rate Arrears update RESOLVED that the rate arrears as at the 31 August 2014 be noted Agenda item 7.6 7.5 Expenditure to 31 July 2014 The Chief Executive went through the summary income and expenditure for the year to date, which did not show any major variations to budget. All of the refurbishment works at Hobhole Pumping Station would be shown separately in the 2014/15 accounts together with the Grant Funding obtained to cover this work (see agenda item 7.8) Agenda item 7.7 7.6 PURCHASE OF LAND AT HOBHOLE The Chief Executive reported that the Board had completed on the purchase of the 7 acres adjacent to the Hobhole Pumping Station at a cost of £29,000. This was noted by the Board. Agenda item 7.8 7.7 Flood Defence Grant in Aid Applications The Chief Executive went through the timing to the various FDGiA projects managed by the Board. He drew attention to the Hobhole Pumping Station Refurbishment works and in particular, the timing of the new sluice doors. The refurbishment of the piers at Lade Bank would not attract Grant Funding as not enough properties were at ‘high risk’ in the East Fen, the area drained by Lade Bank Pumping Station. Agenda item 8 8. ENGINEERING MANAGER’S REPORT NO. 2/14 The Engineering Manager went through his report and highlighted particular areas of interest. Agenda item 8.1 8.1 Maintenance Maintenance work had gone largely according to plan. R. Richmond The Chairman - asked if the Engineering Manager was concerned by the Environment Agency management of maintenance in the Maud Foster Drain. - said if the Boston Borough Council were concerned about the state of maintenance they should contact the EA and push for a better standard of maintenance. The Engineering Manager explained that there was some confusion by the public over who maintained the Maud Foster Drain, highlighted by a recent letter from a school girl. The Chairman - asked about the stonework that had been done to sewer 2/32 as in his opinion an alternative solution should have been found. The Engineering Manager accepted this and said he would bring a ‘Revetment Policy’ to the next Works Committee meeting. R. Leggott - also felt that a policy regarding the replacement of culverts was needed to confirm the practice the Board will put in a culvert if the landowner pays for the pipe. Agenda item 9.3 8.2 Planning Matters There had been two more Planning Applications than in the previous quarter. 11 Agenda item 8 8. ENGINEERING MANAGER’S REPORT NO. 2/14 - Continued Agenda item 8.4 8.3 Rainfall Further to the rainfall figures included in his report (May to August), the Engineering Manager advised Members that there was a severe rainfall event on Friday and Saturday 8th & 9th August 2014, in Friskney. As a result of which a few properties were flooded. The Engineering Manager explained that although the level of water in local drains and sewers was high, the water level at Lade Bank was not as the water was flowing slowly due to the weed not yet having been cut. B. Bowles - said that the levels did not begin to fall until the Monday morning. The Tofts saw the worst impact and the weeds in local dykes were the worst he had been seen. The Engineering Manager explained that with up to 150mm of rain falling in 24 hours, this was a significant rainfall event. The Chairman - said it was a balancing act between pumping and isolated water levels but the Tofts did suffer as they have fields with no ditches and tarmac drives pushing water onto roads. B. Bowles - stated the Board should do more to manage these problems K.Smith (an ELDC Councillor) - thanked the Board for the superb effort they had put in. The Engineering Manager had attended and the Board had reacted well. Some culverts were blocked which exacerbated the problems. He took 157mm on the 8th August which indicated an extreme event. The Engineering Manager said that the loss of chemicals had resulted in excessive weed growth but that the event was so extreme, an event of this size would have caused problems where ever it occurred in the District. Agenda item 8.7 8.4 Plant Replacement RESOLVED that the Board acknowledged that an order had been placed for a new Volvo Lorry at the cost of £79,450 which was due to arrive before December 2014. Agenda item 8.9 8.5 Illegal Structures/Works on Board’s Watercourses The EM explained the recent issues he had had with various structures appearing on the Board’s land. After discussion the Board agreed that the Engineering Manager should draft a policy to deal with such structures and to write to local fishing clubs outlining the issues. RESOLVED that the Policy would include: i) zero tolerance of any new unconsented structures ii) the removal of new unconsented structures if an official notice to remove them is not complied with iii) a review of older existing structures to ensure they are not in a poor state of repair iv) to remove older existing structures if deemed to be in a poor state of repair. Agenda item 8.10 8.6 Drainage Investigation R, Harvey declared an interest in this matter and did not take part in discussions but he confirmed that both parties had contacted him about the dispute and it was no more than a neighbourly dispute. 12 Agenda item 8 8. ENGINEERING MANAGER’S REPORT NO. 1/14 - Continued Agenda item 8.10 8.6 Drainage Investigation - Continued The Engineering Manager said that his view was that it was a civil matter between the two parties and the Board had no cause to begin enforcement action at this moment in time. The above was proposed and apart from one abstention (R Harvey), the Board RESOLVED that enforcement action would NOT be brought for this matter at this moment in time. Agenda item 8.11 8.7 Triton Knoll Cable Route The Engineering Manager said the Board along with other affected IDBs (Lindsey Marsh and Black Sluice), the EA and LCC, has attended a series of meetings with the consultants and contractors acting on behalf of the Triton Knoll project. It is the request of the Triton Knoll project team that all IDB Land Drainage Act and Byelaw requirements are encompassed in what are described as “protected provisions” in a Development Consent Order (DCO). A DCO is issued by a Minister for a Nationally Significant Infrastructure Project (NSIP) and combines a grant of planning permission with a range of other separate consents. A DCO is only issued following an extensive consultation and once in force it cannot be changed easily. After discussion it was RESOLVED that a Development Consent Order was the way in which this matter should proceed. Agenda item 9 9. ENVIRONMENT OFFICER’S REPORT The Environment Manager went through this report and no questions were raised as a result. Agenda item 9 – report item 3 9.1 Boston Borough Council Operation Fly Swat The Environment Manager further reported that the equivalent of 17 x 20 tonne tipper lorries of tipped waste had been removed from the Boston area since January 2014. Agenda item 9 – report item 4 9.2 Provision for eel passage at Hobhole, Lade Bank, and Wrangle Pumping Stations Following Dr Ros Wright’s visit to the Board’s District, some progress had been made with this matter: - Classed as a low priority site Lade Bank - High priority site and a £5,000 survey would now be completed - High priority site already has provision for eel passage Hobhole Wrangle Dr Wright now appreciates the scale of Hobhole Station and the range of tide levels. The Environment Manager is hoping to push for a priority site exemption for eel passage, but an Eel Screen may still be required. Agenda item 9 – report item 7 9.7 Glyphosate (Roundup Pro Bioactive) & Topfilm trial, Thorpe Drain & Flumioxazin Dr Newman will be conducting trials of a new chemical, Flumioxazin in the Board’s District in 2015. Agenda item 10 10. ANY OTHER BUSINESS None Chairman 13