
Pines Lakes Elementary
A School Wide Title 1 School
School Advisory Council (SAC) Meeting 2015-2016
Today’s Meeting: Friday, August 28, 2015, 7:30 A.M., Rm. 135 Center
Next Meeting: September 25, 2015 at 7:30am
Ms. Susan Sasse, Principal
Ms. Christina Dejean, Chair
Meeting called to order at 7:37 AM by Christina Dejean
Administrators Present:
Ms. Sasse, Principal
Ms. Priester, Assistant Principal
Teacher Members Present:
Ms. Christina Dejean: Co-Chair, Title 1 Liaison
Ms. Alveranga: Co-Chair
Ms. Melanie Muroff, Secretary
Parent Members Present:
Shernette Hadley
Adrianne Soto
Erika Netter
Mario Caisapanta
Karla Gutierrez
Rolando Rodriquez
Anatile Morales
Jennifer Woodard
Linda Myers
1. Welcome
2. Approve minutes from final meeting in 2014-2015 School year
3. Meeting dates and times: were sent home in First Day packet (Blue folder)
4. SAC composition & SAC Membership
5. Nomination process: approve SAC chairs and secretary
6. Development and approval of School Improvement Plan
7. Next meeting: Friday, September 25, 2015 at 7:30A.M.
8. Adjourn
Approval of Minutes
Ms. Dejean presents last years meeting minutes and motions to approve minutes without
modifications, Ms. Soto motions to approve minutes, Ms. Hadley seconds the motion.
Approved: minutes from the April 15, 2015 meeting, without modification.
Principal Update
Ms. Sasse:
Welcomed parents in attendance then discussed:
Our First Week went so smooth and amazing reports from all teachers. We have had smooth
dismissals, and my thanks to parents for following uniform policy, the stores should soon restock.
Our SAC is our source for creating our uniform policy and important for everyone’s feedback. Our
enrollment has increased by 30%, every class is at cap or two under, except for fifth grade, and 14
students have not enrolled yet. I hope the best for those families and I have reached out to them. No
big changes in regards to class size.
General Obligation Bond, in October I have a meeting to meet about technology. Each school has
$100, 000.00 that our SAC committee will provide input on where those funds go, we appreciate all
input. We can vote on that in our September meeting.
I am available after the meeting if needed.
Nomination process: approve SAC chairs and secretary: Ms. Alveranga will be Co-Chair with Ms.
Dejean. Ms. Morales motions to approve Ms. Alveranga, Ms. Dejean, and Ms. Muroff’s 2015-2016
SAC positions. Ms. Soto moves to approve, Ms. Hadley seconds.
SAC composition and SAC Membership: Anyone can come to a SAC meeting, committee was
explained how everyone is represented. Guests are also part of SAC.
Development of 2015-2016 School Improvement Plan with Title 1 Addendum
Ms. Sasse introduced our School Improvement Plan. Main goal with supporting activities,
already received teacher and support team feedback.
There is one goal this year on Learning goals and Performance Scales. The teachers will have
training and support to reach this goal in their classroom. Administrators and support staff will be
facilitating and monitoring.
Submitted by: Melanie Muroff, Secretary, 7:37 A.M.-7:50 A.M.
(Administration requested that I return to my classroom so that I can be with my students ).
Following submitted by Ms. Alveranga:
Development and approval of School Improvement Plan
* Learning goals and performance scale will be implemented for student achievement
* The standard checklist is a way to monitor students academic performance
* C.A.R.E Cycle will be implemented this year as one of our strategies for student achievement
* The goal is for students to be at a level 3 in which everyone should be on the scale/
Linda Myers &
Ms. Soto (PTA President)
Next Meeting will be held on Friday, September 25, 2015 at 7:30am
The meeting was adjourned at 8:30am.
Submitted by Ms. Alveranga