Heredity & Human Affairs, MSE-2000-020

Heredity & Human Affairs, MSE-2000-020
Summer 2013
Final Lab Practical Exam – Review Sheet
Date of Exam: Friday, July 26, 2013
Start time: Immediately following lecture (~10:00-10:30am)
*Due to the timed nature of this test, no one will be admitted late.
The lab practical exam is a timed exam. You will have 1 minute per station, 2 questions (part a, part b)
at each of the 25 stations for a total of 50 questions. There will also be one extra credit station. Each
question will be worth 2 points. The lab exam constitutes100 points of your total lab grade. Study
Tips to doing well on a Practical Exam:
 Study the material – go back through each lab & review the key concepts for
each topic. Use your lab packet, notes, old quizzes, and posted Powerpoints.
This review sheet should also help.
 Think about what you physically did during each lab. Visualize the slides,
demos, organisms, etc. so that when you see then again you will remember
 Quiz yourself- or study together & quiz each other.
 Pace yourself – you will have 1 minute per station which may not seem like
much time, but it will be more than adequate if you know the material. If you
don’t know something, just skip it and move onto the other questions. Don’t
dwell on the fact that you couldn’t answer it.
 Trust your instinct – unless you know for certain that you wrote down the
incorrect answer, your best bet is to leave it alone.
 Relax – even though this exam format may be unfamiliar to you, it is still an
exam. If you study, you will do well!
Lab 1:
Introduction to Drosophila & F1XF1 Matings
Know your flies! I.D. Wild-type vs. Mutants
How many chromosomes? Autosomal? Sex?
Stages of the Drosophila life cycle
Sexing adults
Wild type vs. Mutants: autosomal & sex-linked - identify by sight, which chromosome?
Mating & counting generations (P1F1F2). Be able to predict genotypic &
phenotypic ratios of each generation given a pair of adults to mate.
Lab 2: Human Inherited Traits
 Which traits are dominant vs. recessive, as observed in lab?
 Human height – mode of inheritance? Monogenic vs. Polygenic, Continuous vs.
Discontinuous variation
 Know % of each population: blood type groups, PTC tasters
 Blood typing: what is an antigen? Antibody? Universal donor vs. universal recipient?
Lab 3:
I.D. blood type on test card. What is agglutination? Why does it occur?
Sickle-cell blood vs. Normal blood appearance
What is a karyotype? How are chromosomes arranged?
What does a “normal” karyotype look like? Abnormal karyotype?
I.D. Klinefelter’s, Turner’s, Trisomy 21, etc.
Human vs. Drosophila chromosome #’s, appearances under microscope (polytene)
Lab 4: DNA, RNA, Protein Synthesis (Stations Lab)
 DNA: know the structure -molecule components, arrangement, bonds, etc.
Semiconservative replication? Synthesize strand of DNA.
 DNA to RNA: what is the process? Synthesize a strand of RNA using DNA template.
Where does this process occur within a cell?
 mRNA to Protein: what is the process? Amino acid composition (functional groups),
polypeptide formation, bonds. Where does this process occur within a cell? Synthesize
a strand of mRNA. Codons?
 Genes: what are they? how many bases per gene? How many genes/cell?
 Genetic recombination, crossing over, genotypes & phenotypes of gametes.
Lab 5:
Human Genome Project & Patents
Size of human genome? Genes per human cell?
Human chromosomes?
NCBI database: avail info, advantages & disadvantages
Define mutation
Disease genes?
Lab 6:
Equation: Starch (enzyme) Maltose
What is the enzyme in reaction above? What is the substrate? What is the product?
Properties of enzymes
What external factors affect enzyme activity?
What is the optimal temperature for this enzyme? Why? Do all enzymes have this
optimal temp? Why or why not?
What happens at very high temps? Why?
Lugol’s iodine tests for presence of which substance? What happens to the color if
starch is present? Not present?
Be able to interpret a graph of temperature vs. reaction rate
Lab 7: Sea Urchin Reproduction & Development
 What organism did we use in lab for the fertilization process? Why?
 Gamete comparison: male vs. female -similar? Different?
Sperm structure. Acrosome?
Egg & ovarian cycle. Primary, mature/Graafian follicle, ovulation, corpus luteum.
Polyspermy? What occurs to prevent polyspermy?
How to determine if egg has been fertilized?
Stages of early development: fertilization, 1st cleavage, 2nd cleavage, etc., blastula,
gastrula. I.D. by sight & know basic features of each stage.
Labs 8 & 9: Cloning, Plasmids, & Transformations
 What is a plasmid? pGREEN composition
 What is cloning? Topoisomerase? How cloning used in pharmaceuticals?
 Transformation- which genes were inserted into bacteria?
 Basic steps of genetic engineering
 GFP Transformation results on LB+/- & LB-AMP +/- plates – what happened and WHY?
Be able to explain experiment & why you got the results you did.
Lab 10: Chi-Square Analysis
 Hypothesis test
 What does this test tell you? What items are compared?
 Know how to calculate chi-square value given raw data, formula & chart.
 Know what chi-square value, degrees of freedom, probability means & whether to
“accept” or “reject”.
 What confidence level does the scientific community use?
Lab 11: DNA Fingerprinting
 Human Genome size
 What does VNTR stand for? What is a VNTR?
 How is a DNA Fingerprint generated?
 What is does PCR stand for? What is purpose of this reaction?
 What is Agarose Gel Electrophoresis? How does it work? DNA charge & band sizes?
 Be able to interpret gel results.