Walnut Springs Elementary Campus Improvement Plan New Braunfels Independent School District 2011-2012 1 Campus Mission: Walnut Springs is committed to providing excellence in education for all students. Campus Improvement Committee Members Name Paula Bostick Denise Byars Beth Sierra Mary Ellen Yonker Stephanie Correia Tammy Hunter Rachel Weddel Melissa Brown Tammy Barber Angie Nunn Jeffrey Lee Mandy Lorrance Tommy Saathoff Joanna Yonker Representation Administration Counselor Intervention Specialist Librarian Kindergarten First Grade Second Grade Third Grade Fourth Grade Fifth Grade Central Office Representative Parent Representative Business Representative Community Representative Expiration Year Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2 Campus Targets – 1.Maintain an Exemplary level of student scores in all subgroups on the new STAAR test. 2.Growth to above average of Comparison groups 3.Attain 25% Commended Scores for all subgroups on STAAR. District Target I-1 I-2 I-3 I-4 I-5 TARGET AREA NEW BRAUNFELS INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT CAMPUS: WALNUT SPRINGS ELEMENTARY 2011-2012 2011-2012 District Goal 1: Academic Performance & Progress In order to ensure excellence in academic achievement, the Board of Trustees and NBISD staff will effectively implement the new state and federal standards and requirements in testing, accountability and curriculum. Students will demonstrate strong mastery and college readiness levels of performance on STAAR (grades 3rd-9th) and continued improvement on TAKS (grades 10th -12th). ACTION STRATEGY FORMATIVE MEASURE ASSESSMENT TIMELINE RESPONSIBLE PERSON(S) COST/ RESOURCES All Content Areas At-Risk, LEP, Special Education, Dyslexic All Content Areas At-Risk, LEP, Special Education Disaggregate data from previous years TAKS scores, use benchmark data, and all other current data to ensure that all students are performing at grade level. Documentation of planning Growth in benchmark data November, January, April Administration Teachers Eduphoria Reports Monitor below level students through regularly scheduled Student Success Team meetings to ensure timely, effective additional assistance. Quarterly Teachers Administration $120,989 SCE Benchmark data, other data All Content Areas At-Risk, LEP, Special Education, Dyslexic All Content Areas At-Risk, LEP, Special Education, Dyslexic Language Arts At-Risk, LEP, Special Education, Provide tutoring for students targeted by benchmark data and class instruction Benchmark data Class schedules Spreadsheets Teacher made tests Teacher observation Sign-in sheets Spreadsheets Benchmarks Quarterly All Staff Campus Provide interventions for below level students through small groups, Dyslexia groups, tutors, Read Naturally, Success maker, Waterford, Special Education, volunteers, mentors Benchmark data, report card grades, Eduphoria Data, Read Naturally Data, Intervention Teacher Schedules As needed Administration Teachers $120,989-SCE $73,596Title 1 Campus Monitoring Reading levels using running records, DRA/EDL, STAR Goals: EOY K (level 4) and 1st (level 16) = 85% on or above level Eduphoria Data Star Data Read Naturally Data Teacher Running Record Quarterly Teachers, Literacy Specialist Campus 3 Dyslexic EOY 2nd (level 30) = 85% on or above level Monitor LEP students through LPAC meetings and other informal meetings to ensure progress and determine language of testing. I-7 All Content Areas A-Risk, LEP, Special Education, Dyslexic All Students I-8 All students I-9 All students I-10 All students I-11 All students Utilize morning announcements to enhance academic concepts. Utilize Math Investigations to enhance understanding of math concepts using hands on methods. Utilize Accelerated Reader program to enhance the reading/language arts curriculum and instruction. Consistently implement science TEKS by utilizing resources available with FOSS, adopted textbook, and science lab to provide an inquiry approach to learning. I-12 All students I-13 At risk I-14 At risk Continue dyslexia services I-15 All students I-16 All students I-17 Writing Teach student to set academic goals and help them monitor their progress towards meeting those goals. Implement Rocket Math in grades 1-3 to enhance math facts. Kathy Cook to conduct mini-lessons for all teachers in LA content areas. I-18 All Content Areas Continue weekly grade-level planning to discuss curriculum and to discuss student progress during conference periods. I-19 I-20 Data analysis All students Analyze student data to determine list of at-risk students. Ensure that all lessons target the TEKS intended. I-6 Increase fluency rates of identified students by implementing the Read Naturally software program. Improve writing instruction through continued training in writer’s workshop and district trainings. Implement use of intervention plan targeting at risk students from a menu of strategies. anecdotal notes DRA Benchmarks, Running records, FileMaker Pro, LPAC notes Quarterly Team Leaders Campus Read Naturally Reports, Reading Fluency Benchmark Assessment, District Benchmark Fluency TEKS, Frameworks Quarterly Team leaders Campus Quarterly Campus Math assessments, Lesson plans Accelerated Reader (AR) Quarterly Teachers Librarian Teachers Quarterly Librarian Campus Science assessments, use of science lab and materials Quarterly Science Teachers, Administration Campus Writing assessments September, January, May Nov., March Writing Teachers Campus Teachers Campus Quarterly Intervention Teacher Teachers Campus Admin. Teachers Classroom Teacher Campus Frameworks, TEKS, Lesson Plans Campus Campus Benchmark data, DRA, Read Naturally, state assessments, universal screener Benchmark data, Read naturally Data notebook records Quarterly Grades, rosters Quarterly Lesson plans, walkthroughs, team feedback sheets Lesson plans Scheduled meetings Sept., Jan., May Weekly Administration Teachers Eduphoria Data base Lesson Plans on Eduphoria Quarterly Ongoing Counselor Admin Campus Campus 4 I-21 All Students Post daily objectives for each subject to assure student understanding of the learning goal. Walkthroughs Weekly Admin Campus I-22 All Students Hold a campus Science Fair giving all students the opportunity to participate in the scientific process. Participation in the Fair March 2012 Teachers, Admin Campus I-23 At-Risk Students Implement computer data and student tracking system to identify and serve students needing intervention. Tracking System Monthly Teachers, Admin Campus Measureable Target Objectives for Walnut Springs on STAAR Grade 3 All Students 90% Math 90%Reading Economically Disadvantaged Hispanic Grade 4 Grade 5 Commended 90%Math 90%Reading 90%Science 90%Math 90%Reading 30%Commended all subjects 90%Math 90%Reading 90%Math 90%Reading 90% Writing 90%Math 90%Reading 90%Math 90%Reading 90%Math 90%Reading 90%Math 90%Reading 25%Commended all subjects Special Education 90%Math 90%Reading 90%Math 90%Reading 90%Math 90%Reading 25%Commended all subjects LEP 90%Math 90%Reading 90%Math 90%Reading 90%Math 90%Reading 25%Commended all subjects 25%Commended all subjects Objectives for Non-TAKS grades Kinder All Students Economically Disadvantaged Hispanic Special Education LEP First Second DRA 4, Benchmarks 85% DRA 4, Benchmarks 80% DRA 16, Benchmarks 85% DRA 16, Benchmarks 80% DRA 28, Benchmarks 85% DRA 28, Benchmarks 80% DRA 4, Benchmarks 80% DRA 2-4, Benchmarks 80% DRA 4, Benchmarks 80% DRA 16, Benchmarks 80% DRA 12-14, Benchmarks 80% DRA 16, Benchmarks 80% DRA 28, Benchmarks 80% DRA 20-28, Benchmarks 80% DRA 28, Benchmarks 80% 5 Campus Targets – 1. Strengthen parental and community involvement: PTA, Volunteers, and Mentors 2. Continue to improve communication between employees, parents, and patrons at campus level 3. Involve students in safety monitoring and teaching NEW BRAUNFELS INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT CAMPUS: WALNUT SPRINGS ELEMENTARY 2011-2012 2011-2012 District Goal 2: Communication & Safety The Board of Trustees and all NBISD staff will communicate transparently, foster a safe and secure educational environment and reinforce community satisfaction and pride in all New Braunfels Independent Schools District schools and endeavors. District Target TARGET AREA II-1 Safe and Drug Free Schools Communicat ion As part of the classroom counselor guidance program the counselor will provide lessons on social skills/character traits, drug awareness to all students. Red Ribbon Week with a focus on age appropriate message including Proclamation from NB Mayor II-2 Safe and Drug Free Schools Communicat ion II-3 II-4 II-5 ACTION STRATEGY FORMATIVE MEASURE ASSESSMENT TIMELINE RESPONSIBLE PERSON(S) COST/ RESOURCES Counselor/Teacher planning/lesson plans Monthly Counselor Campus Continue the anti-bullying campaign for all students and parents. Discipline referrals Counselor referrals Teacher feedback October-May SSHS Campus Parent and Community Involvement Safe and Drug Free Schools Communicat ion Encourage Dad volunteer program. Sign up sheet May Safe Schools Healthy Students CIS Counselor Teachers Administration Administration PTA Provide supportive guidance and counseling Log of sessions Daily Counselor CIS Referrals Parent and Community Involvement Communicat ion Provide Parents the Campus “Year at a Glance” newsletter. File of newsletters Monthly Administration Home School Connection Campus Campus 6 II-6 II-7 II-8 II-9 II-10 II-11 II-12 II-13 Parent and Community Involvement Communicat ion Parent and Community Involvement Communicat ion Parent and Community Involvement Communicat ion Parent and Community Involvement Parental involvement Communicat ion Communicat ion Campus structure Teachers will send electronic newsletters weekly to parents and provide hard copies for parents who do not have internet access. File of newsletters Weekly/Biweekly Teachers Campus Conduct parent conferences Sign-ins Phone logs September, Jan., April As needed Teachers Teacher Data Provide parents with opportunities to participate in: Meet the Teacher, Open House, Holiday/Spring Program, PTA Meetings, STAAR night. Calendar of events Aug., Sept., Dec., Feb., May Administration PTA Teachers PTA Teachers Provide opportunities for volunteering Sign-in sheet Aug.-May Teachers Volunteer training Provide parents with information on expectations for the school year at Open House and parent conferences: including attendance policy, Parent Connect, and special programs (GT, dyslexia) Use agendas and take home folders for daily communication to the parents. Make a positive contact with each students parent within the first nine weeks of school. Hold nine week Honors Assembly to recognize students’ on honor roll, attendance, behavior. Sign in sheets/agendas September Teachers Campus Agendas, take home folders Phone log Quarterly Teachers Campus November Teachers Campus Nine week reports Quarterly Principal, Teachers Campus II-14 Positive Education Continue the school wide fitness program. Monitor cards Monthly PE teacher PE para Incentives Monitor cards II-15 Safe and Drug Free Implement self manager program for 3rd-5th graders Self-Manager list Discipline data Beginning 2nd 9 weeks. Safety/Behavior Committee Campus funds Applications II-16 Safety Continue and monitor safety patrol program. Observations Sign in sheets Quarterly Campus II-17 Attendance Provide incentives for perfect attendance-PAC cards, and 9 week awards. Nine week reports October, January, March, May Safety Patrol Leader Admin PEIMS campus 7 Campus Targets – 1. Improve organizational efficiency 2. Develop personal and professional growth 3. Retain and recruit the highest quality staff 4. Review and align policies, practices and procedures on a regular basis 5. Provide consistent administration of approved policies and established practices and procedures District Target TARGET AREA NEW BRAUNFELS INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT CAMPUS: 2011-2012 . 2011-2012 District Goal 3: Policies & Employee Excellence In order to maintain a high quality workforce and foster high morale, an aligned, consistent set of policies, procedures and practices will support and recognize employees for excellence ACTION STRATEGY FORMATIVE MEASURE ASSESSMENT TIMELINE RESPONSIBLE PERSON(S) COST/ RESOURCES Administration Vertical Team Members Curriculum Specialists Bil/ESL/DL District Coordinator Campus Tech. Teachers Administration Curriculum Rep. Teachers Intervention Specialist Eduphoria Workshop III-1 Professional Development of Highly Qualified Teachers At-Risk. LEP, Special Education, Dyslexic Teachers and support staff will fulfill training/ professional development requirements of the district. Professional Development Log Monitored August-May III-2 Professional Development of Highly Qualified Teachers At-Risk, LEP, Special Education, Dyslexic Professional Development of Highly Qualified Teachers Professional Development of Highly Qualified Teachers Provide professional development Professional Development Log Calendar Sign-in sheets Monitored August-May Provide opportunity to attend special area conferences (music, art, library, P.E.) Share data w/ Sp. Areas teachers at other campuses. EOY Teachers Campus Provide opportunity to attend New Teacher Orientation. Sign-ins Agenda EOY New Teachers, Lori Gruwell Campus III-3 III-4 Campus 8 III-5 All students III-6 III-7 Recruit and Maintain Highly Qualified Staff LEP III-8 Curriculum Maintain a science lab and measurement lab for use by all classroom teachers. Collaborate with the personnel director to find qualified staff Walkthroughs, FOSS evaluations Student achievements, PDAS, walkthrough Quarterly Provide teachers with training on classroom strategies to use with Second Language Learners Planning groups will follow curriculum guides when planning and writing lesson plans Use TEKS and/or curriculum guides for planning Agenda, sign-ins August Lesson plans, team feedback sheet Weekly Planning Sheets Lesson Plans Quarterly Teachers Documentation sheet Monitored August-May Oct.-May Teachers Administration Counselor Campus Quarterly Campus District Bilingual Coordinator Principal, team leaders Teachers Campus Campus Campus III-9 All Content Areas III-10 Language Arts All Content Areas At-Risk, LEP Professional Developmen t of Highly Qualified Teachers Communicat ion Maintain documentation of Guided Reading lessons, incorporate Daily Five and CAFÉ at grade levels k-4. Continue documentation plan of interventions for below level students being referred to SST and provide training so staff is consistent on length of time and steps to take for further support Provide a campus handbook on-line. Teacher records/plans Acknowledge sheet August Administration Policies & procedures, TEKS, District Calendars, committee information, campus schedules III-13 Administrat or Completed documents Quarterly Administrators Campus III-14 All staff Administration participation in student code of conduct, grading procedures, report card supplements and benchmark calendar Conduct staff development to review and discuss campus handbook with principal expectation, policies and procedures August Principal Campus III-15 New Staff Teachers signature stating they have read and understand all campus expectations and policies Sign in sheets August, Monthly Administration Campus III-16 Professional Developmen t of Highly Qualified Teachers Communicat ion Policies and Agenda Sign-in Quarterly Teachers WSE Handbook Guide Agendas, sign ins Quarterly Principal, Team Campus III-11 III-12 III-17 All new staff will participate in orientation in August on campus. Meet with new teachers monthly or as needed Provide new teacher mentors (first year, new to campus) Meet bi-weekly with team leaders to cover campus policies Monitored August-May Team Leaders Science Contact Administration Frameworks, Teacher’s Editions Campus 9 III-18 procedures Attendance III-19 Attendance III-20 Collaboratio n III-21 New Teacher Support Policies and Procedures III-22 and procedures Hold attendance committee meetings to monitor attendance issues and truancy Teacher and/or PEIMS Clerk will contact parent when kids have been absent for 2 consecutive days Campus Improvement Committee to meet regularly to review progress towards academic targets and campus improvement action strategies All new teachers to district will attend an orientation in August Principal to attend weekly administrator meetings to discuss policies and procedures PEIMS data Quarterly Leaders PEIMS clerk Campus Grade book attendance Quarterly Teachers Campus Attendance roster, minutes September-May Principal Campus Sign in August Principal Campus Agendas Quarterly Principal Campus 10 Campus Targets – 1. Continue a comprehensive planning process driven by quality data to meet the changing needs of the students and community. 2. Implement student-teacher ratio standards and formulas for equitable distribution of NBISD resources District Target TARGET AREA NEW BRAUNFELS INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT CAMPUS: 2011-2012 2011-2012 District Goal 4: Resource Allocation The Board of Trustees and NBISD staff will budget funds and manage resources conservatively while maintaining a positive relationship between resource allocation and student achievement. ACTION STRATEGY FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT MEASURE TIMELINE RESPONSIBLE PERSON(S) COST/ RESOURCES IV-1 Resources Analyze resources for supporting campus needs Check out data Quarterly IV-2 Curriculum Continue to provide funds for expository and informational books for the guided reading library Budget balance sheets/POs Quarterly IV-3 Resource allocation Continue to research and purchase research based teaching resources and teaching tools to help implement TEKS and Tier II and Tier III Intervention techniques Budget balance sheets/POs Quarterly IV-4 Resource allocation Continue to build math manipulative library with resources to work on areas of concern based on STAAR item analysis Inventory sheet, math item analysis Quarterly IV-5 Resource allocation Provide support staff for math intervention. Benchmark data Grades Teacher input @SST Quarterly IV-6 Resource allocation Provide materials for implementation of Rocket Math in grades K-3. Benchmark data Spreadsheet data Quarterly Teacher, Admin. IV-7 Resource allocation Analyze teacher needs for meeting TEKS and STAAR guidelines. Quarterly Admin., Teacher Campus IV-8 Resource allocation Provide funds for off campus learning based on TEKS, STAAR preparation. Teacher input Frameworks Inventory Benchmark data Frameworks TAKS data Quarterly Teacher Admin Campus Campus Targets- Technology specialist, Librarian Intervention teachers, team leaders Team leaders, intervention teachers Campus Team leaders, intervention teachers Intervention, Admin. Campus Campus Campus Campus Title I Funds Campus Title I Funds TEKS, TAKS data Computer interventions Campus supplies NEW BRAUNFELS INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT 11 1. Provide training for all staff on technology needed in the classroom 2. Continue strengthening technology resources for teachers 3. Maintain and update facilities for safe and secure usage by students. District Target TARGET AREA CAMPUS: 2011-2012 2010-2011 District Goal 5: Facilities and Technology In order to provide proactively for the future of NBISD, Instructional, Facility and Technology plans will function dynamically. ACTION STRATEGY FORMATIVE MEASURE ASSESSMENT TIMELINE RESPONSIBLE PERSON(S) Lab Schedule, Sign out sheets for laptops Sign in sheet Ongoing Campus Admin 0 Monthly Central Office Computers Weekly Admin. 0 December Teacher Admin Central, Admin Admin. Maintenance PTA, Parent Volunteers Admin. Maintenance CPS unit V-1 Technology V-2 Technology V-3 Technology Continue to utilize the computer lab and laptop carts to maximize student achievement. Provide monthly technology training during grade level meetings. Monitor usage of technology in all classrooms. V-4 Technology Provide staff opportunity to view CPS unit during a lesson. Walk-throughs observations Acknowledge sheet V-5 Facilities Remove and replace PE storage shelving. Documentation November V-6 Facilities Install and maintain garden areas for scientific observation and study. Documentation Budget November V-7 Facilities Improve appearance of WSE grounds Observation Quarterly COST/ RESOURCES New shelving Materials donated donations 12