COVENANT UNIVERSITY 2014|2015 ACADEMIC SESSION COURSE COMPACT SCHOOL OF APPLIED ENGINEERING, COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRICAL AND INFORMATION ENGINEERING Course Code: EIE524 Course Title: Cryptography Principle and Application, Units: 2 (Two) Semester: Omega Course Lecturer: Dr. Samuel Daramola A. Brief Overview of Course The aim of this course to provide understanding of network security and how message can be encrypted and sent across unsecure network and methods of decrypt message at receiver end without being intercepted by intruders. B. Course Objectives At the end of this course, students will have a good understanding of the following: History of cryptography. Various type of cryptosystem: stream, block cipher etc. Classical cryptosystem. Cryptanalysis attacks. Asymmetric cryptographic algorithm. Symmetric cryptographic algorithm. Harsh function. digital signature algorithms Video encryption. C. Teaching Aids and Lecture Delivery Multimedia projection of PowerPoint slides of lecture materials Interactive classroom sessions. Question-and-answer sessions. D. Course Outline Module 1: An overview of application of cryptography Week 1: History of Cryptography and definition of cryptography components. Module 2: Types of Ciphers and Cryptanalysis. Weeks 2&3: Transposition Ciphers, Substitution Ciphers, Product Ciphers, Exponentiation Ciphers, Knapsack Ciphers. Module 3: Symmetric versus Asymmetric Algorithms Weeks 4: Block and Stream Ciphers. Week5&6: Type of symmetric cryptosystems: Data Encryption Standard. Advanced Encryption Standard (AES). Module 4: Asymmetric Encryption Algorithms Week 7: Public Key Cryptography. Week8& 9: RSA, Elliptic Curve Cryptosystems (ECCs). Module 5: Hash Functions and Data Integrity. Week 10&11: Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) and Digital Signatures. Week 12: Video scrabbling method. Week 13: Revision. E. Method of Grading: Continuous Assessment (30marks) Class test 1 (10marks) Mid-Semester tests (15marks) Other assignments/quiz (5marks) End of Semester Examination (70marks) F. Ground Rules & Regulations: • Lateness to classes is not allowed. • Browsing of internet when lecture is in progress is not allowed • Eating, drinking, distraction is not allowed in the classroom. G. Topics for Term Papers: Term paper and assignment are given at end of each month. H. Alignment with Covenant University Vision/Goals The core values of the university will put into consideration in implementing the course. The course will help to develop students’ potential to become an expert thinker in network security management. I. Contemporary Issues /Industry Relevance: Cryptography application is very relevance in the development of data protection system and network security industry. Applications of cryptography include ATM cards, computer passwords, and electronic commerce. J. Recommended Textbooks: V.K. Pachghare: Cryptography and Information Security, PHI learning Private Limited, New Delhi, 2010. Katz, Jonathan and Yehuda Lindell: Introduction to Modern Cryptography, CRC Press, 2007. Douglas Robert Stinson, Cryptography: theory and practice, Chapman & Hall/CRC, 2006. Richard A. Mollin: An Introduction to Cryptography, Chapman & Hall/CRC, 2000. COVENANT UNIVERSITY 2013|14 ACADEMIC SESSION COURSE COMPACT SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY COLLEGE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRICAL AND INFORMATION ENGINEERING Course Code: EIE526 Course Title: Digital Image Processing (DIP), Units: 2 (Two) Semester: Omega Course Lecturer: Dr S. Adebayo Daramola A. Brief Overview of Course It is the aim of this course to provide understanding of processing digital image and how different type of images can be enhanced and transformed using digital processing techniques. The knowledge of signal and system is a foundation requirement for transformation of image from one form into another. Also application of engineering mathematics will be used to analysis images. B. Course Objectives At the end of this course, serious students will have a good understanding of the following: Image sensing and formation Digital image file format Image representation Sampling and quantization Image enhancement Segmentation and edge detection Morphological operation. C. Teaching Aids and Lecture Delivery Multimedia projection of PowerPoint slides of lecture materials Interactive classroom sessions. Question-and-answer sessions. D. Course Outline: Module 1: an overview of imaging System Week 1: Visible Light Imaging Week2: Imaging beside visible range in Electromagnetic Spectrum Module 2: Image acquisition Week 3: Image formation model. Week 4: Image sampling and quantization Week 5: Image representation. Module 3: Image analysis Week 6: Image enhancement-Contrast stretching and histogram equalization. Week 7: features. Spatial filtering, thresholding via histogram and binary image Module 4: Morphological Filtering and Edge detection Week 8: Basic morphological algorithms: Erosion, dilation, thinning etc Week 9: Edge and line detection- sobel, prewitt, canny etc Module 5: Discrete Transform and wavelet Transform Week 10: Fourier transform, cosine transform etc. Week 11: Wavelet transforms- Haar Week 12: Revision E. Method of Grading: Continuous Assessment (30marks) Class test 1 (10marks) Mid-Semester tests (15marks) Other assignments/quiz (5marks) End of Semester Examination (70marks) F. Ground Rules & Regulations: • Lateness to classes is not allowed. • Browsing of internet when lecture is in progress is not allowed • Eating, drinking, distraction is not allowed in the classroom. G. Topics for Term Papers: Term paper and assignment are given at end of each month. H. Alignment with Covenant University Vision / Goals The core values of the University are put into consideration in implementation of the course. The course will serve to build the capacity of students in order to become an expert thinker in science of signal and system. I. Contemporary Issues / Industry Relevance: Digital image processing is very relevance in law enforcement and security sector to obtain biometric image features for object identification. Also application of digital image processing is very relevant in medicine, entertainment industry where quality image are paramount for successful operation. J. Recommended Text: Scott E Umbaugh, Computer Imaging: Digital Image Analysis and Processing, A CRC press book. Rafael C. Gonzalez and Richard E. Woods, Digital Image Processing, Pearson International Edition, Third edition 2008. Dag Stranneby and William Walker, Digital Signal Processing and applications, newness press, 2nd edition 2004. COVENANT UNIVERSITY 2013|2014 ACADEMIC SESSION COURSE COMPACT SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY COLLEGE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRICAL AND INFORMATION ENGINEERING Course Code: EIE517 Course Title: Applied Electronics, Units: 3 (Three) Semester: Alpha Course Lecturer: Dr S. Adebayo Daramola A. Brief Overview of Course This course is basically to explain the principle operation and designing of electronic circuits and communication systems from the transmitting point to the receiver end, adding the knowledge of the transmission lines from the previous study. B. Course Objectives At the end of this course, students are expected to: Explain the operation of tuned circuits. Learn how to design a series and parallel tuned circuits. Explain the operation rf amplifiers. Learn how to design a small signal rf amplifier. Explain the parameters used to characteristic a power amplifier. Learn how to design two port oscillators. Know application of PLL. Explain video signal and bandwidth. C. Teaching Aids and Lecture Delivery Multimedia projection of PowerPoint slides of lecture materials Interactive classroom sessions. Question and answer sessions. D. Course Outline: Module 1 Radio frequency tuned circuits Week 1 Resonance, circuit Q and bandwidth Week 2 Coupling tuned circuits Module 2 Week 3 Week 4 Module 3 Radio frequency amplifiers Small signal rf amplifier Neutralization and impedance matching network Power rf amplifier Week 5 Broadband amplifier circuit and Class test Week 6 IF amplifier circuit and feedback techniques Week 7 Mid-Term Test Week 8 Scattering parameter and amplifier stability Week 9 Power amplifier and power gain circles Module 4 Microwave oscillator Week 10 One and two port oscillators circuit design Week 11 Voltage controlled oscillator and Phase-locked loop Module 5 Week 12 Week 13 Video and Audio System Video signal - bandwidth and resolution. Revision. E. Method of Grading: Continuous Assessment (30marks) Class test 1 (10marks) Mid-Semester tests (15marks) Other assignments/quiz (5marks) End of Semester Examination (70marks) F. Ground Rules & Regulations: • Lateness to classes is not allowed. • Browsing of internet when lecture is in progress is not allowed • Eating, drinking, distraction is not allowed in the classroom. G. Topics for Term Papers: Term paper and assignment are given at end of each month. H. Alignment with Covenant University Vision/Goals The core values of the University are put into consideration in implementation of the course. The course will serve to enrich the students to become an expert thinker in designing power- electronic communication systems. I. Contemporary Issues/Industry Relevance: Applied electronic in very relevance in power, communication and computer related industries. Application of this course is needed in electronic component and circuit designing companies and also in entertainment industry where high quality electronic systems are paramount for successful operation. J. Recommended Text: R S Sedha, Text Book of Applied Electronics S. Chand, 2008. R S Sedha and B L Theraja, Principles Of Electronic Devices & Circuits Analog & Digital, S Chand & Company Ltd, 2005. Louis E. Frenze, Principles of Electronic Communication systems, Glencoe/McGraw-Hill. Schucler Charles, Electronics, principles and application, Glencoe/McGraw-Hill. COVENANT UNIVERSITY 2013|2014 ACADEMIC SESSION COURSE COMPACT SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY COLLEGE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRICAL AND INFORMATION ENGINEERING PROGRAMME: ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING Course Code: EEE51O Course Title: Control Engineering, Units: 3 (Three) Semester: Alpha Course Lecturer: Dr S. Adebayo Daramola A. Brief Overview of Course This course is basically to explain the structure of a control system. Mathematical model of the system is obtained by evaluate the system response. The knowledge of the mathematical model and the input signal are used to the output of the system. B. Course Objectives At the end of this course, students are expected to know: Mathematical model of physical system. Transfer function of control system. State space representation. State space equation. State model of SISO, MIMO systems. Concept of state controllability and observability. Sampled data control system. Non-linear control system. C. Teaching Aids and Lecture Delivery Multimedia projection of PowerPoint slides of lecture materials Interactive classroom sessions. Question and answer sessions. D. Course Outline: Module 1 Mathematical model of control system Week 1 Differential equation of physical systems. Week 2 Transfer function and Laplace transform. Module 2 Week 3 Week 4 Modern Control system State variable representation of systems. Solution of state space equations. Week 5 Transfer function from state variable model. Week 6 Controllability & observability of state variable model. Week 7 Mid-term test Module 3 Sampled data control systems Week 8 Discrete –time system using differences equation and Z-transform. Week 9 Stability of discrete – time control systems. Week 10 systems. Pulse transfer function, state variable formulation of discrete time Module 4 Non-linear control systems Week 11 Introductory aspects of non-linearity. Week 12 Taylor series, Liapunov’s 2nd method. Week 13 Revision. E. Method of Grading: Continuous Assessment (30marks) Class test 1 (10marks) Mid-Semester tests (15marks) Other assignments/quiz (5marks) End of Semester Examination (70marks) F. Ground Rules & Regulations: • Lateness to classes is not allowed. • Browsing of internet when lecture is in progress is not allowed • Eating, drinking, distraction is not allowed in the classroom. G. Topics for Term Papers: Term paper and assignment are given at end of each month. H. Alignment with Covenant University Vision/Goals The core values of the University are put into consideration in implementation of the course. The course will serve to enrich the students to become an expert thinker in determine structure of control systems. I. Contemporary Issues/Industry Relevance: Control engineering in very relevance in Mechatronic and Computer related industries. Application of this course is needed in determine stability, controllability and other designing parameters of control systems in industries where efficiency of plants is paramount for success operation. J. Recommended Textbooks: C.O Oroge, Introduction to Advance Control Systems – a simplified approach, Clemol publishers, 2003. M.Gopal, Modern Control Theory, Wiley International. J.E.Slotine & W.P.Li, Applied non-linear control , Prentice Hall, USA, CURRICULUM VITAE Personal Data Name: Daramola Samuel Adebayo Sex: Male Date of Birth: 20th September, 1971 Place of Birth: Owo State: Ondo Marital Status: Married Number of Children: Four Contact Address: EIE, Covenant University Ota Residential Address: God’s Mercy lane, Eledi Rd Ota E mail:, sam.daramola@covenantuniversity. Educational History S/N Degree level Type Year Grade Institution a 1st Degree B.Eng 1997 21 Ondo State University AdoEkiti (Now Ekiti State University Ado-Ekiti) b 2nd Degree M.Eng 2002 c 3rd Degree PhD 2008 4.25 University of Port Harcourt Covenant University CanaanLand Ota d PGD Theology 2010 Distin ction Redeemed Christian Bible College. Teaching Quality S/N Name From To Begin End Status Status a University Covenant 2003 - A/L - University Canaan-Land Ota b c Favourite Applied teaching Electronics course (EIE517) Skill and Computer facilities programming in Image processing Scholarship Journals (1) Daramola Samuel and Ibiyemi Samuel (2010) “Novel feature extraction technique for off-line signature verification system”, International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Vol. 2(7), pp 3137-3143, ISSN: 0975-5462. (2) S.A Daramola and T.S Ibiyemi (2010) “Efficient on-line signature verification system” International Journal of Engineering & Technology IJET-IJENS Vol: 10 No: 04 pp48-53, 1110701-8282. (3) S.A Daramola and T.S Ibiyemi (2010) “Person Identification System using Static-dynamic Signatures Fusion”, International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security, Vol. 8, No. 6, pp88-92, ISSN 1947-5500. (4) S.A Daramola and T.S Ibiyemi (2010) “Dynamic Signature Verification System Using Statistics Analysis”, International Journal on Computer Science and Engineering Vol. 02, No. 07, pp 2466-2470, ISSN: 09753397. (5) S. Adebayo Daramola and T. Samuel Ibiyemi (2010) ”Offline Signature Recognition using Hidden Markov Model(HMM)”, International Journal of Computer Applications Volume 10– No.2, , pp17-22, (0975 – 8887). (6) E. Adetiba, J. C. Ekeh, V. O. Matthews, S.A. Daramola and M.E.U. Eleanya (2011) “Estimating An Optimal Backpropagation Algorithm for Training An ANN with the EGFR Exon 19 Nucleotide Sequence: An Electronic Diagnostic Basis for Non–Small Cell Lung Cancer(NSCLC)”, Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering and Applied Sciences (JETEAS) 2 (1): 74-78 © Scholarlink Research Institute Journals, ISSN: 2141-7016. (7) E. Adetiba, V.O. Matthews, S.A. Daramola, I. A. Samuel, A. A. Awelewa, M. E.U. Eleanya (2011) “Nomadic Base Station (NBS): a Software Defined Radio (SDR) based Architecture for Capacity Enhancement in Mobile Communications Networks”, International Journal of Engineering & Technology IJET-IJENS Vol: 11 No: 01 (1110701-8282). (8) Samuel Adebayo Daramola and Oladejo Daniel Oluwaninyo (2011) “Automatic Ear Recognition System using Back Propagation Neural Network”, International Journal of Video & Image Processing and Network Security IJVIPNS-IJENS Vol: 11 No: 01 pp 28-32, (1180013232). (9) S. Adebayo Daramola, E. Adetiba, A. U. Adoghe, J. A. Badejo, I. A Samuel and T. Fagorusi (2011) “ Automatic vehicle Identification system using license plate”, International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology , IJEST Vol. 3 No. 2, pp 1712-1719, ISSN : 0975-5462. (10) S. A Daramola and C. N Nwankwo (2011) “Algorithm for Fingerprint Verification System”, Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering and Applied Sciences (JETEAS) 2 (2): 355-359 © Scholarlink Research Institute Journals, ISSN: 2141-7016. (11) A.U Adoghe, C.O.A Awosope and S.A. Daramola (2012) “Modeling Distribution Component Deterioration: An application to Transformer Insulation” Advanced Materials research Vol. 367(2012) pp117-123. (12) S. Adebayo Daramola and O. Sandra Odeghe (2012). “Efficient face recognition system using Artificial Neural Network”, International Journal of Computer Applications, Volume 41, No21, pp12-15, (0975 – 8887). (13) A.U Adoghe, C.O.A Awosope and S.A Daramola (2012) “Critical review of the reliability centred maintenance (RCM) for Asset management in Electric power”, International Journal of Electrical, Engineering and Computer System (IJET-UK), Vol.2, No.6, pp1020-1026. (14) Ibiyemi T.S, Ogunsakin J and Daramola S.A (2012) “Bi-Modal Biometric Authentication by Face Recognition and Signature Verification”, International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887). Volume 42, No20, pp17-21. (15) S.A Daramola, Tola Sokunbi and A.U Adoghe (2013) “Fingerprint Verification System Using Support Vector Machine”, International Journal on Computer Science and Engineering Vol. 05, No. 07, pp 678-683, ISSN: 0975-3397. (16) Emmanuel Adetiba, F. A. Ibikunle, S. A. Daramola, A. T. Olajide (2014) “Implementation of Efficient Multilayer Perceptron ANN Neurons on Field Programmable Gate Array Chip”, International Journal of Engineering & Technology IJET-IJENS Vol: 14 No: 01, pp151-159. ISSN: 2077-1185. (17) Isaac Samuel, James Katende, S. Adebayo Daramola and Ayokunle Awelewa (2014) “Review of System Collapse Incidences on the 330KV Nigerian National Grid”, International Journal of Engineering Science Invention, Volume 3 Issue4, pp.55-59. (18) S. Adebayo Daramola, Olujimi Ajayi, Tiwalade Odu (2014) “Robust Palm-print Feature for Human Identification” International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT), Volume-3, Issue-4 pp.153 – 155, ISSN: 2249 – 8958. (19) S. Adebayo Daramola, Tiwalade Odu and Olujimi Ajayi (2014) “Effective Face Feature for Human Identification”, IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology Volume: 03 Issue: 04, pp.117 – 120, eISSN: 2319-1163, pISSN: 2321-7308. (20) S. Adebayo Daramola, Ademola Abdulkareem, K. Joshua Adinfona (2014), “Efficient Item Image retrieval System”, International Journal of Soft Computing and Engineering (IJSCE), Volume-4, Issue-2, p109 – 113, ISSN: 2231-2307. Peer Recognition Conferences attended with papers presented( since the last promotion) (21) S. Adebayo Daramola, Joke Badejo, Isaac Samuel and Tola Sokunbi, “Vertical Off-line signature Feature Block for Verification”, Recent Advances in Circuits, Systems, Signal Processing and Communication, 8th World Scientist International Engineering Conference on Academy Circuits, and Society Systems, (WSEAS) Signal and Telecommunications (CSST'14), Tenerife, Spain, January 10-12, 2014. ISSN: 1790-5117. Academic Linkages Member Nigeria Society of Engineers. Alignment with Core Value Name of my current Church: The Redeemed Church of God, Love All Parish, Afobaje, Ota. Date I started attending the church: Dec. 1999. New birth: Yes. Baptized in water: Yes, April 22nd 2002. Baptism of Holy Ghost: Yes, April 22nd 2002. Church Leadership training: Yes, (a) RCCG, Bible College, (b) RCCG, School of Disciple. Service Group: Yes, (a) Pastor in charge of parish (b) Let-go-a-fishing, church planting committee Name and Address of my Senior Pastor: Pastor M. A Omosanya, RCCG miracle zone, Ota. Current Research/Training Opportunity Development of Yoruba Character Recognition System using Hidden Markov Model. Development of Automatic Attendance Register using Fingerprint. Development of Tree Recognition System using Artificial Neural Network. Career Plan and Progression I plan to attend International Conference/workshop before the end of this year. I will work harder to produce textbook on Applied Electronics and Digital Image Processing (DIP) before next promotion. I plan to convert my research findings to product. Department of Electrical and Information Engineering, Covenant University, Ota. Nigeria. 2/5/2014. The Registrar, THRU: H.O.D, Electrical and Information Engineering, THRU: Deputy Dean, School of Engineering and Technology, THRU: Dean College of Science and Technology, Covenant University Canaan-land, Ota. Dear Sir, Application for promotion to the position of Associate Professor. With humility and respect I write to apply for the position of Associate Professor in the department of Electrical and Information Engineering, College of Science and Technology. By God’s grace, I am a forty-three-year old man from Owo, Ondo State, Nigeria. I have eleven years of teaching and research experience in this university and six years of post PhD experience. God has helped me to move forward in my teaching, community service and research work. Presently, I have to-date twenty journal publications and I have presented papers at international conferences. By God’s favour, I am the coordinator of Computer Engineering Programme and the departmental Post Graduate Programme coordinator. I am currently supervising a number of PG students. Thanks for you assistance and cooperation. Yours faithfully, Dr. Daramola S. Adebayo.