MnDOT Design-Build Program Federal Project No. [insert #] 18 MAINTENANCE OF TRAFFIC 18.1 General Book 2—[insert full name of project] Design-Build Project S.P. [insert #] This Section describes requirements associated with maintenance of traffic (MOT), including providing for the safe and efficient movement of people, goods, and services through and around the Project while minimizing negative impacts to residents, commuters, and businesses. It also describes allowable road/lane closures, requirements for a Transportation Management Plan, and the duties of the MOT Traffic Control Supervisor. 18.2 Administrative Requirements 18.2.1 Standards In the event of a conflict between the standards set forth in Book 3 relating to maintenance of traffic, the order of precedence shall be as set forth below, unless otherwise specified: MnDOT Special Provisions MnDOT Standard Specifications for Construction Minnesota Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MnMUTCD) Minnesota Standard Signs Manual MnDOT Traffic Engineering Manual MnDOT Standard Plates Manual MnDOT Work Zone Speed Limit Guidelines MnDOT Temporary Traffic Control Template Sheets for Stationary Work Zones MnDOT Road Design Manual MnDOT Roadway Lighting Design Manual Remaining standards set forth in Book 3 18.2.2 Meeting Requirements Establish an MOT task force, inviting representatives of the Contractor (including the PI liaison), MnDOT, cities, counties, law enforcement agencies, emergency response providers, and other agencies whose operations affect or are affected by the Project Construction or MOT plans. Schedule and chair MOT task force meetings twice each month from Notice to Proceed 1 (NTP1) to Project completion. The meeting schedule and frequency may be adjusted upon the agreement of the MOT task force members. The meetings shall have the following objectives: Further refine and develop the MOT plans Review the Contractor’s MOT details Disseminate Project MOT information to task force meeting attendees Obtain MOT input from task force meeting attendees Develop, refine, and review the Incident Management Plan (IMP) and its implementation Review incidents within the Construction limits 18.2.3 Equipment Requirements RFP Maintenance of Traffic 18-1 MnDOT Design-Build Program Federal Project No. [insert #] 18.2.4 Book 2—[insert full name of project] Design-Build Project S.P. [insert #] Software Requirements Select from various lighting software packages listed in the MnDOT Roadway Lighting Design Manual for analyzing light distributions of different lighting configurations for temporary lighting. Use SignCAD for the design of special signs on the Project. 18.2.5 Permits/Authorizations 18.3 Design Requirements 18.3.1 General 18.3.2 Investigations/Supplemental Work 18.3.3 Design Criteria Design Vehicle MOT shall accommodate a WB-62 design vehicle unless otherwise specified or Approved by MnDOT. Temporary Guardrail, Barrier, Attenuators, and Glare Screen Use temporary guardrail or barrier and attenuators to protect the traveling public from the following: Fixed objects within the clear zone Drop-offs that are not in accordance with the traffic control treatment of longitudinal joint and edge drop-off guidelines in the MnDOT Temporary Traffic Control Zone Layouts Field Manual Slopes steeper than 1:3 (V:H) Follow the requirements of the Traffic Engineering Manual, Chapter 8, for portable precast concrete barrier (PPCB) delineation. Use PPCB linear delineation panels for the first 500 feet of any concrete barrier used in alignment shifts, lane transitions, or bypasses. Use two 34-inch linear delineation panels of the appropriate color spaced 26 inches apart per barrier section. To reduce the headlight glare of approaching vehicles through horizontal curves, place temporary glare screen meeting MnDOT Standard Plate 8326 on top of all PPCB that separates opposing traffic. Ensure guardrail installation conforms to MnDOT Standard Plate 8307. Pedestrian Access Maintain pedestrian access on all existing sidewalks, paths, and intersections unless Approved by MnDOT or otherwise noted. The Contractor must demonstrate pedestrian access cannot be maintained before a detour will be considered by MnDOT. If MnDOT agrees that access cannot be maintained, obtain Approval from MnDOT and all other appropriate governing agencies to close or modify the pedestrian access. If an access closure is granted, provide a signed detour route for the pedestrian access. The alignment of the existing sidewalk or path can be temporarily relocated within MnDOT right of way to avoid pedestrian conflicts with the work area. Provide a safety buffer between the temporary sidewalk or path location and the work area. The temporary shift in the alignment of the sidewalk or path would not be considered a detour and would not require signing or Approval by MnDOT. RFP Maintenance of Traffic 18-2 MnDOT Design-Build Program Federal Project No. [insert #] Book 2—[insert full name of project] Design-Build Project S.P. [insert #] Coordinate with business owners within the Project limits and MnDOT’s Business Liaison for temporary and permanent pedestrian access to their businesses. Maintain pedestrian access to all businesses within the Project limits at all times. General Requirements Temporary 11 foot lane widths during construction on all roadways are allowable, if necessary, although 12-foot lanes should be used wherever practical. Provide a 2-foot or greater paved reaction distance on outside shoulders and a 1-foot or greater reaction distance on inside shoulders for any temporary or permanent barrier device for this Project. If no temporary or permanent barrier device is required, design each shoulder to be at least 2 feet wide. Submit temporary pavement designs to MnDOT for review and comment. Use Portable Changeable Messages Signs (PCMS) even if listed as optional in the MnDOT Temporary Traffic Control Zone Layout Field Manual for this Project. Road Specific Requirements At a minimum, provide and maintain the following requirements during construction. I-[###]: [# of lanes] eastbound (EB) through lanes and [# of lanes] westbound (WB) through lanes Ramps (direct system-to-system movements requirements, with no yield conditions): WB I-[###] to NB TH [###] WB I-[###] to SB TH [###] EB I-[###] to SB TH [###] SB TH [###]to WB I-[###] SB TH [###]to EB I-[###] NB TH [###]to EB I-[###] NB TH [###]to WB I-[###] TH [###] [# of lanes] northbound (NB) through lanes and [# of lanes] southbound (SB) through lanes. [Local Roadways] [# of lanes] through lanes and [# of lanes] left turn lane in eastbound direction [# of lanes] through lanes and [# of lanes] right turn lane in westbound direction. Lane Rentals The Contractor will be assessed lane rental charges in accordance with Table 1. Lane rental does not allow the Contractor to exceed the maximum allowable closures. A day is defined as a 24-hour period starting at Midnight and ending 24 hours later. A Lane Rental is charged for a closure of any portion of that 24 hour period. Table 1: Allowable Temporary Lane Closure—Restrictions and Rental Assessment Rate (24-hour Clock) Direction/Location I-[###] RFP Maintenance of Traffic Allowable Lane Closure Restrictions Event Assessment Rate (Per Closure Event) Saturday, Sunday—0000 to 24:00 Monday thru Friday—0000 to 2400 $2,000 per day Saturday, Sunday $1,000 per day Monday thru Friday 18-3 MnDOT Design-Build Program Federal Project No. [insert #] Book 2—[insert full name of project] Design-Build Project S.P. [insert #] TH [###] Saturday, Sunday—0000 to 24:00 Monday thru Friday—0000 to 2400 $2,000 per day Saturday, Sunday $1,000 per day Monday thru Friday [road name/###] Saturday, Sunday—0000 to 2400 Monday thru Friday—0000 to 2400 $1,000 per day Saturday, Sunday $500 per day Monday thru Friday [road name/###] Saturday, Sunday—0000 to 2400 Monday thru Friday—0000 to 2400 $1,000 per day Saturday, Sunday $500 per day Monday thru Friday Notes: 1. Lane Rentals will be charged in increments of whole days. 2. Failure to remove lane rentals within the allowable timeframes will result in an additional monetary deduction at the rate of $1,000 for each hour or any portion thereof with which MnDOT determines the Contractor has not complied. Allowable Construction Timeframes Construct all Work for the following roadways within the Table 2 timeframes. Table 2: Construction Timeframes Street Location Timeframe Intersection of [name/###] and [name/###] Working within the intersection ([name/###] must be open to Traffic) [##] Consecutive Calendar Days Intersection of [road name/###] and [road name/###] Working within the intersection ([road name/###] must be open to traffic) [##] Consecutive Calendar Days [road name/###] from STA [###+##] to [###+##] [##] Consecutive Calendar Days [road name/###] from STA [###+##]to [###+##] [##] Consecutive Calendar Days Notes: 1. Number of Calendar days begins when traffic is impacted and ends when traffic is in its final configuration. 2. Final Turf establishment, trails, sidewalks, and small retaining walls are not required within these timelines. This work shall be completed within 60 Calendar Days after each roadway is open to traffic. 3. See Book 1, Section 12 for early completion incentives and Book 1, Section 17 for Monetary Deductions. Temporary Signalization Provide temporary signal(s) as needed for MOT in accordance with the following requirements. The temporary signal(s) shall operate at the same level of service and delay of the existing signal it replaces. The temporary signal(s) shall have the same functionality of the existing signal it replaces. Provide temporary signals at the [road name/###] intersection. Electrical Service Coordinate with the local power supplier to provide the electrical service connection for each temporary signal system. Pay the monthly electrical power costs and the hook-up costs of the temporary signal system if an existing signal does not exist at the location. Material Requirements MnDOT will supply the signal controller cabinet and signal controller for temporary signal systems. Submit a written request to MnDOT at least 30 Working Days prior to obtaining any materials from MnDOT. Supply and install all required materials for the temporary signalization. RFP Maintenance of Traffic 18-4 MnDOT Design-Build Program Federal Project No. [insert #] Book 2—[insert full name of project] Design-Build Project S.P. [insert #] Temporary Lighting Design all temporary lighting and prepare temporary lighting plans. Maintain current levels of roadway illumination for all roadway segments and interchanges that are currently lit, which may include the need for temporary lighting. Maintain current levels of illumination for pedestrian and bikeway facilities and crossings, which may include the need for temporary lighting. Provide temporary lighting for all temporary ramps, loops, and intersections. Provide all materials and equipment for temporary lighting installations, using either screw-in bases and poles or wooden poles. In the clear zone, provide only lighting units that are breakaway or protected from crash potential. Provide maintenance for the temporary lighting system. 18.3.4 Reports/Plans Transportation Management Plan Develop, implement, and maintain a Transportation Management Plan (TMP) that includes the following items: Descriptions of the duties of the Traffic Engineer, Traffic Control Supervisor, Public Information Liaison, and other personnel with MOT responsibilities. The TMP shall also include a description of how these personnel will interact and share duties with their MnDOT counterparts. Descriptions of the design methods to be used for temporary roadways. Procedures to identify and incorporate the needs of business owners, emergency providers, and schools in the Project corridor, including access signing. Procedures to identify and incorporate the needs of transit operators and Utility owners in the Project corridor. Procedures for obtaining Acceptance and implementation of lane closures. Procedures for switching traffic. Process for signing and pavement marking transitions during construction from one stage to the next and from interim to permanent signing and permanent pavement marking. Procedures to identify and incorporate the needs of emergency service providers, law enforcement entities, and other related corridor users. Also include procedures to ensure all information needed by these agencies to protect the public is available. Methods and frequency of inspection and maintenance of all traffic control throughout the Project’s limits. Descriptions of contact methods, personnel available, and response times to address any conditions needing attention during off-hours. Identification of measurable limits for repair and replacement of traffic control devices, including pavement markings. Process to identify, produce, and receive Acceptance for designs of any necessary temporary traffic signals. Process to determine the need for revised traffic signal timings. If revisions are required, detail the procedures for the development, Acceptance, implementation, testing, and maintenance of all affected signals. RFP Maintenance of Traffic 18-5 MnDOT Design-Build Program Federal Project No. [insert #] Book 2—[insert full name of project] Design-Build Project S.P. [insert #] An IMP as described in Section, including the process to receive Acceptance of stakeholders of the IMP. Provisions to maintain existing access to all properties within the Project limits for the duration of the Project, except as provided elsewhere in the Contract Documents. Provide appropriate information about access modifications to the appropriate parties. Provisions to provide continuous access to established truck routes and hazardous material (HazMat) routes. Procedures to modify the plans as needed to adapt to current Project circumstances. Procedures to communicate TMP information to the Contractor’s public information personnel and to notify the public of MOT issues in conjunction with the requirements of Book 2, Section 3. Use the procedures developed in the TMP to create the MOT plans, including details of all phases, all required switching procedures, and the IMP. Incident Management Plan (IMP) During construction, MOT will become increasingly sensitive to incidents such as equipment malfunctions, crashes, inclement weather, and special events. Prepare and implement a formal plan after letting to manage these incidents. Identify methods for incident detection and verification, incident response, incident site management, incident clearance, and motorist information. In addition, if any local agencies along the corridor have adopted incident management guidelines, coordinate with local policies and procedures. The IMP shall reflect proposed construction phasing. Modify and implement the IMP in conjunction with planned special events. Provide a mechanism in the IMP to review and capture lessons learned from incidents. Include specific time limits for the detection, verification, and classification of incidents, as well as for the dissemination of information about the incidents. Identify and provide for the incorporation of design elements to aid incident management, including turnarounds for emergency vehicles, emergency access points, incident investigation sites, and signing to help motorists report the location of incidents in the Project. MOT Plans 18.4 Construction Requirements 18.4.1 General Provide maintenance of traffic devices, markings, and signing starting at 12:01 a.m. on the day Work begins on the Project. Continually monitor and maintain the traffic control devices to ensure proper placement and the safe and efficient flow of all construction traffic into and out of the Project. Such responsibility and maintenance shall continue until 11:59 p.m. on the day of Substantial Completion of the Project by MnDOT, unless Punch List items, Work required for the Contractor to receive Final Acceptance, or Warranty work items that necessitate maintenance of traffic are required. Maintain and monitor maintenance of traffic related to Punch List items, items required for the Contractor to receive Final Acceptance, or Warranty work during all times that these items impact traffic. MnDOT may, in writing, temporarily suspend such responsibility in conjunction with an official suspension for weather or other reasons. MOT Traffic Control Supervisor Provide an MOT Traffic Control Supervisor (TCS) to manage and monitor all MOT operations for the duration of the Project. The TCS will be considered a critical component of the Contractor’s management team and shall have prior experience managing MOT operations on similarly complex projects in a coldweather environment. Provide a copy of the traffic control supervisor’s certification to MnDOT. The TCS shall perform drive-through inspections each Working Day and immediately after any shift in MOT setup. If the Project has signalized intersections, the review shall be performed at peak traffic times, and each RFP Maintenance of Traffic 18-6 MnDOT Design-Build Program Federal Project No. [insert #] Book 2—[insert full name of project] Design-Build Project S.P. [insert #] signal cycle shall be reviewed. At least two of the daily inspections each week shall be performed at night so the arrangement and condition of the lights can be reviewed. The inspections shall also include assurances that all requirements of this Section are being met. Document the results of the inspection in a daily report that, at a minimum, lists the exact timeframe of the drive-through inspection and the defects noted. Document any maintenance or corrective action ordered as a result of the inspection and the name and position of the Contractor personnel directed to provide the maintenance or corrective action in the report. The daily report shall state that the MOT setup and all traffic control devices are in substantial conformance with the Contract requirements except as noted and shall be signed by the TCS. Staging Areas Staging areas are sites where equipment or vehicles needed for incident clearance can be stored and have reasonable and safe access to the construction zone. At a minimum, the staging areas shall meet the following requirements: Provide reasonable and safe access to the work zones. Ensure locations outside MnDOT right of way are in accordance with local ordinances. 18.4.2 Construction Criteria Project-Specific Items A minimum of 14 Days prior to beginning Work on the Project, place G20-X2 signs in advance of the construction area on TH [##]and TH [##]for both directions. Provide written notice to MnDOT, [name] County, the City of [name], and other affected parties, as requested by MnDOT, a minimum of 14 Days prior to closing, restricting, or detouring traffic, including temporary lane closures and lane restrictions. Obtain all traffic control permits from the appropriate roadway authority. Have all necessary Request for Construction (RFC) Documents and MOT plans reviewed and Approved or Accepted (as required by the Contract Documents) by MnDOT prior to providing the 14 Day notice. Notify MnDOT and other appropriate governing agencies 10 Working Days prior to pedestrian access closures and provide advanced signing notifying all users of the closure. Erect signing a minimum of seven Days prior to the closure and note the closure duration on signing. Provide a flagger whenever construction traffic accesses a work zone closed to traffic. Locate the flagger at the point of access to prohibit unauthorized vehicles from inadvertently accessing a work zone closed to traffic. If the Contractor restricts traffic beyond the allowances of Section, the Contractor is restricted to the hours and rental assessment rates in Table. 1. Maintain access to all properties within the project limits at all times unless otherwise arranged with the property owner. Pavement Markings During Construction Inspect and replace all damaged or missing pavement markings daily. Clean or replace all pavement markings when they become damaged or lose reflectivity. Replace or clean temporary pavement markings whenever they become damaged or the reflectivity of the markings has deteriorated to 80 percent or less of the value specified for the material when new. Reflectance values shall be measured in accordance with ASTM D4061. Use epoxy pavement markings for temporary striping that will be in place from November 15 to April 15. Use temporary tape for any temporary pavement markings on new concrete surface. Do not grind or use any other method that may damage the new concrete surface during removal of the temporary markings. Temporary Traffic Signals Provide 24-hour notice to MnDOT prior to implementing temporary signal phasing for MnDOT inspection. RFP Maintenance of Traffic 18-7 MnDOT Design-Build Program Federal Project No. [insert #] Book 2—[insert full name of project] Design-Build Project S.P. [insert #] Provide signal timing plans that optimize the signal timing to account for changes in maintenance of traffic schemes for all signal systems within the Project limits impacted by the Contractor’s MOT. Obtain approval from the agency operating the signals before any signal timing plans are implemented. The agency will enter the timing parameters into the signal controller. The agency will be responsible for the operation and maintenance of the signal controllers and signal controller cabinets for temporary signals. Maintain all components of the temporary signal systems, except for the controllers and controller cabinets. Remove all temporary signal system installations upon completion and operation of the new permanent signal systems. Maintain all materials not maintained by MnDOT of the new and revised permanent signal systems from the first day of construction until Substantial Completion. Temporary Lighting If screw-in bases and poles are used for temporary lighting, the bases, poles, and accessories shall remain the property of the Contractor. If wooden poles are used, remove the poles before Substantial Completion. The wooden poles shall remain the property of the Contractor. Power Service Costs Coordinate with the local power supplier to provide the power service connection. Pay all costs charged by the electric power companies for providing power connections, including hook-up costs. Where there is no existing lighting system, pay the monthly electric bills for temporary lighting installed under the Contract until Substantial Completion of the Project. In locations where there is an existing lighting system but the use of temporary lighting is required, the Owner of the existing lighting system will pay the monthly electric bills. Access Provide temporary access to all properties if the existing access is closed. At a minimum, the temporary access surfacing shall be [provide material]. For properties being acquired by MnDOT as shown on the right of way Work Map, maintain access to the property until MnDOT has acquired the property and grants the Contractor permission to access the property. Mailboxes Fill surface depressions resulting from the removal process. In no case shall the property owner or resident be without a mailbox for more than 24 hours. 18.4.3 Materials/Testing Requirements 18.4.4 Instrumentation/Monitoring Plan Video Record Before the start of construction, video-record the entire Project Site and surrounding areas to document the pre-construction condition. Provide a copy of the video to MnDOT prior to the commencement of construction work. Video-record all potential detour routes prior to routing traffic on the detour. MnDOT will have the right to review the videos at any time with 24 hours notice to the Contractor. Towing Contact a towing service or towing vehicle(s) within five minutes of all incidents and vehicle stalls within the Project limits during the hours of 6 a.m. to 8 p.m., Monday through Friday, and whenever the Contractor is performing construction. RFP Maintenance of Traffic 18-8 MnDOT Design-Build Program Federal Project No. [insert #] Book 2—[insert full name of project] Design-Build Project S.P. [insert #] Contractor Response Time From Monday through Friday, 6:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., have at least one employee on call who can respond to and resolve an incident within 30 minutes. Upon arrival at the incident site, that employee shall have the equipment and resources to repair barrier, set up temporary traffic control, or otherwise resolve the incident until the barrier can be repaired. At all other times, have at least one employee on call who can respond to and resolve an incident within one hour. The Contractor will be assessed a monetary deduction in the amount of $750 for each 1/4 hour, or any portion thereof, that the Contractor fails to meet the time limits specified above. 18.5 Deliverables Obtain Acceptance of the TMP prior to issuance of NTP2. The TMP shall be signed by the Traffic Engineer. MnDOT will respond to the submittal within 15 Working Days. Temporary signal plans to MnDOT for Acceptance prior to the need to initiate construction. MnDOT will respond within 10 Working Days of receipt of the temporary signal plans. Signal timing plans to the owning agency for Acceptance 20 Working Days prior to implementation. The agency will respond to the submittal within 10 Working Days. Daily MOT inspection report. Written notice at least 14 days prior to closing, restricting, or detouring traffic, including temporary lane closures and lane restrictions. Notification to MnDOT and other appropriate governing agencies 10 Working Days prior to pedestrian access closures. Provide 24-hour notice to MnDOT prior to implementing temporary signal phasing for MnDOT inspection. Copy of pre-construction condition video to MnDOT prior to the commencement of construction work Temporary lighting plans to MnDOT for Acceptance. MnDOT will respond within 10 Working Days of receipt of the temporary lighting plans. List of all parties invited to take part in the MOT task force and the responses to all the invitations to MnDOT. MOT plans and revisions to the plan to MnDOT for Acceptance. The MOT plans and plan revisions shall be signed by the Traffic Engineer. MnDOT will respond to the MOT plan submittals within 10 Working Days. Distribute the Approved MOT plans to stakeholders at least 10 Working Days prior to implementation, as directed by MnDOT. RFP Maintenance of Traffic 18-9 MnDOT Design-Build Program Federal Project No. [insert #] Book 2—[insert full name of project] Design-Build Project S.P. [insert #] EXHIBITS All exhibits are provided as electronic files. Exhibit 18–A MOT Plan Requirements RFP Maintenance of Traffic 18-10 MnDOT Design-Build Program Federal Project No. [insert #] Book 2—[insert full name of project] Design-Build Project S.P. [insert #] Exhibit 18–A: MOT Plans Requirements Use the procedures in the TMP to provide for all construction staging, construction site security, and access to the construction site. Prepare plans under the direction of the Traffic Engineer and submit as RFC plans. Include the following items: Complete plan sheets and details for construction staging, detours, construction access, security, and appropriate traffic control. Plan sheets or details for handling construction operations, such as material delivery and storage, access and exit of construction and delivery vehicles, haul roads, and other items that may impact traffic. The appropriate details when temporary construction of any of the following is required to maintain traffic: traffic signals, haul routes, detour roadways, bridges, retaining structures, drainage, and other miscellaneous construction. Roadway plan sheets showing all in-place traffic control devices that need to be retained, relocated, or removed and all temporary traffic control devices (including any required directional business signing) that need to be installed, retained, relocated, or removed. Drawings showing dimensions on how to fabricate any sign not detailed in the Minnesota Standard Signs Manual, including background color, and legend. The size and color of all standard traffic control devices. Roadway plan sheets with the exact location of each sign so it can be easily read in relation to the roadway and other traffic control devices. Do not use numbers and letters on the roadway plan sheets as a substitute for sign placement. Requirements for using temporary guardrail, temporary concrete barrier, or attenuators to protect the traveling public. Detail modifications to the Project MOT to address wintertime conditions or periods of suspended Work. Type and location of all signing to be installed, removed, or covered that conflicts with traffic patterns. Signing plan sheets, including layouts showing the locations of ground-mounted and overhead signs, special sign details, and structural and foundation requirements. Type and location of all pavement markings to be installed, removed, or renewed for each stage and location of the final pavement markings. Temporary pavement marking plan sheets, including striping, crosswalks, intersection details, and traffic delineators. A written switching procedure for each control stage change identified in the MOT plans. The switching procedure shall consist of methods, actions, and signing necessary to complete the switch and the number and duties of traffic personnel assigned to perform the switch. RFP Maintenance of Traffic 18-11