IEP meeting agenda and attendance


145 SE Salmon Ave

Student Services Office

Redmond, Oregon 97756

(541) 548-5437

IEP Meeting Guidelines for Attendance/Agenda Page and Meeting Notes


Use the Attendance/Agenda page and Meeting Notes page as the cover pages of your IEP.


Have all participants sign the Attendance/Agenda page at the beginning of the IEP meeting.


Check the type of meeting being held at the bottom of the Attendance/Agenda page.


Conduct the meeting, using the meeting notes page to take detailed notes of what is discussed. Be sure to include information such as, but not limited to, the following: a.

Information shared about the student by parents or teachers b.

List all options considered on any part of the IEP (ie: assessment, ESY, goals, placement) c.

Behavior concerns d.

Disagreements about any part of the IEP (i.e.: PLEP, goals, placement, ESY, assessment options, etc.) Indicate who disagrees and why. e.

Any other issues addressed, such as attendance f.

Document any refusal of services and explain why (be sure to complete an SP-10,

Notice of Special Education Action form.)


It is most efficient to have someone other than the meeting facilitator take notes.

Notes can be done at the meeting on a lap-top computer or hand-written. Best practice would be to type hand-written ones later so that they are legible for all.

Copies of both the Attendance/Agenda form and Meeting Notes are given to parents, as well as placed in the cumulative, Student Services, and working files.

Note: The parent(s) must receive their copies of all paperwork, including the

Attendance/Agenda and Meeting Notes forms, not later than ten school days after the meeting. kmd 1/2010

145 SE Salmon Ave

Student Services Office

Redmond, Oregon 97756

(541) 548-5437


Attendance and Agenda

Student: _____________________________________________

Location: ____________________________________________

Date: ___________________

Time: __________________


Print Name Signature Role




__________________________________________________________________ District Representative

__________________________________________________________________ Special Education Teacher

__________________________________________________________________ Regular Education Teacher

__________________________________________________________________ Person Interpreting Evaluation

__________________________________________________________________ Other

__________________________________________________________________ Other

__________________________________________________________________ Other

__________________________________________________________________ Other


1 . Call to Order, Meeting Facilitator

2 . Attendance Signatures


Review of Agenda and Time Limits


Explain Parental Rights and Give Parents Procedural Safeguards (at least once annually)

Annual IEP Meeting: Meetings for Other Purposes

Review Present Levels of Performance

Review Special Considerations

Special Factors

Non-participation Justification

Extended School Year

Transition/Post-secondary goals/Course of study


Transfer of Rights

Develop Appropriate Annual Goals and Objectives

Determine Needed Services

Specially Designed Instruction

Related Services

Supplementary Aids/Accommodations/Modifications

Supports for School Personnel

Review Participation in State-wide and District-wide Assessments

Determine Placement in the Least Restrictive Environment


Review Meeting Decisions




Referral/ Evaluation Discussion

Eligibility Determination

Manifestation Determination

Transition Meeting

Changes/ Revisions to IEP

Other _____________________________

Documents given to Parents

Procedural Safeguards

Guide to Commonly Used Tests for

Special Education Eligibility &

Program Planning Brochure


A written description of each assessment

tool that is listed on the consent for evaluation

IEP Placement Determination kmd 1/2010
