MINUTES Minutes of the Tennis Canterbury Region Incorporated Board Meeting Details of Meeting: 4.30pm Thursday 4th April 2013, Z Energy Wilding Park Tennis Centre. Present: P Maciaszek (Chair), N Prior, A Radburnd, T Tiller, I Jones, J Glentworth, J Campbell, B McDowell, M Barnes, T Preston, J Thomson Meeting opened at 4.35pm Resolutions for Funding Resolutions for funding from Canterbury Community Trust Special Fund, and Youthtown, for funding towards the interim repairs of the indoor tennis centre will be deferred to the Wilding Park Board meeting. The TCRI Board approves the Resolution for funding for the Christchurch City Council Small Grants fund, for the amount of $5000.00 for mini tennis equipment. Campbell/Tiller Motion Carried The TCRI Board approves the Resolution for funding for the Christchurch City Council Strengthening Communities Fund for $93,500.00 for Delivery of Tennis to the Community. Maciaszek/Tiller Motion Carried Minutes of Previous Meeting 14th March 2013 Wording is to be changed for the paragraph on Advisory Groups. “to prepare regulations to define the roles of the advisory groups” “Neil to provide governance and management advice if needed.” “John will chair the charter process for the group” Subject to amendments, the minutes of the Tennis Canterbury Region Incorporated Board meeting held on 14 th March were approved as a true and correct record of the meeting. Barnes/McDowell Motion Carried Minutes for Publication Copies of the minutes that are to be published on the Tennis Canterbury website were distributed to the Board for review. The majorty of the minutes were reviewed by Board members prior to the meeting. Motion: Publish the minutes on the website as they have been prepared. Campbell/Barnes Motion Carried Peter thanked Tim for reviewing and amending the minutes. Going forward, minutes from the previous meeting will be approved before publishing on the website. TNZ Grant/Loan Settlement TNZ have made a final offer of settlement, and a draft agreement has been sent through to Peter. The agreement will be amended to include the write off of accrued fees to date. The paperwork needs to be completed for ASB to extend the commercial credit facility, and should be settled by the end of the month. There is a general happiness and consensus from the Board on the outcome. Peter thanked Andrew and Jane for crunching the numbers. Motion: This Board approves the settlement, formally of $575k all up. Campbell/Radburnd Motion Carried\ NZI Insurance Settlement Update John Archer from NZI attended the second meeting, and will be making the final decision on the settlement. The key issue at present is over entitlements. Documents and valuations are being checked on the car park and surrounding areas in regards to ground remediation. We have provided up to date market escalation costs to the insurer to put the pressure on. Peter noted that it was disappointing that the stands were not kept as a separate settlement but is waiting to here more from the insurers on this. Ty queried Richard Johnstone’s costs to date on his recommendations. Richard’s costs aren’t up too high yet, and Neil noted that his skills are highly valuable. Indoor Centre – Public Safety Considerations Neil has provided the safety documents. The Board discussed whether they were comfortable as a Board, to allow the indoor centre to open. Tim had reviewed the reports from Spiire and CERA. There was discussion on whether the building should close during snow, and how this is documented in Spiires report. Spiire can explain the degree of risk with the snow loading. Resolution: The Indoor Centre will not open during periods of snow. The Board then discussed whether there should be a review of the safety reports that have been produced by Spiire and CERA. Ty noted that we don’t need a new report to be done, but someone to look over the reports and provide a professional opinion. Peter added that this would be a peer review of methodology. Tim added that there should be definition as to how much details should go into the peer review. There were queries as to whether this Board is questioning the integrity of the Spiire reports, and why the need to go any further with a peer review. Ty noted that the purpose is to define the appropriate information has been gathered, and have a professional advise the Board that it is a quality report. Neil will ask Spiire to provide supporting documentation relating to their recommendations, to form an opinion on the process. It was agreed that there will be a second consultant to conduct a peer review. Motion: That There be a peer review commissioned of the Spiire reports (which Spiire reports relate to the safety of the indoor centre following the temporary repairs so that the building is deemed to be safe for public use), the terms of such peer review and the appointment of the engineering firm to be the subject of discussion of Ty, Tim, Peter and Neil, with a view to formal ratification of terms of reference by the next board meeting on 11th April. Tiller/Maciaszek Barnes against. Campbell and Preston obstained. The motion was put to a vote. 5 were in favour. Motion was carried by majority. The Board then discussed whether the indoor centre should open before the peer review report is obtained. Peter noted that we have got a good report, and the integrity of the report is not in question. There is no reason why the indoor centre should not open on time as planned. Motion: That the Board allow the Indoor Tennis Centre to open on the 15 th of April as scheduled. Preston/Glentworth 5 were in favor and 3 were against the motion. Motion carried. Motion: The Indoor Centre will not open during periods of snow. Campbell/Barnes Motion Carried. Use of Indoor Centre by coaches. This will be deferred to the next meeting. Consideration of an interim report of 16 outside courts at Wilding Park. Neil handed out reports and a plan from Sheppard and Rout. The WPF Board wants confirmation from this Board on what we want to accomplish. Discussion was held on how many courts would we repair as an interim solution. It was noted that the courts would not go to waste in the future, no matter whether there is a split facility or not. The courts will be used, and will not be just a temporary fix. The costs and ability to repair or replace the outdoor courts cannot be compared to the indoor courts as the damage is different. 16 courts are required to host an international tournament, with the same or similar surface. The indoor centre courts can also be used for this purpose, and we should be prepared to compromise the indoor courts for tournaments. Peter left the meeting at 6.40pm and Ty took the lead on the discussion. Each board member was asked to give their opinion on whether there should be outdoor courts repaired, how many should be repaired, and a preferred timeframe. The general consensus was to have 18 quality courts in total at one venue, so that we may host tournaments, and get it done as fast as possible with as little cost as possible. This could mean that the courts could potentially be ready next January. Cost options, scope of works and recommendations will be investigated. Once this information is at hand then further decisions can be made. Meeting closed 7.12pm Next meetings: Thursday 1th April 2013, held at 4.30pm, Z Energy Wilding Park Tennis Centre. Chair Date