August 2015




Representing the Midlothian Villages of Borthwick, Carrington,

North Middleton &Temple, together with the surrounding landward area up to the Moorfoot Hills

MCC MEETING HELD ON WEDNESDAY 5 August 2015 at North Middleton Village Hall

Present: Sue Mitchell (SM) Chair, Derek Scott (DS), Laura White (LW), Malcolm Spaven (MS),

Wendy Fraser (WF), Kate Buxton (KB), Cllr Brian Pottinger (BP), PC Ashley Hinton (AH)


1.1 Apologies: David White (DW), Dave Picken (DP), Lorna Crook (LC), Rosie Newlands (RN)

1.2 Visitors: Brian Quigley (BQ)


Previous Minutes: Minutes of the meeting held on 3 June 2015 were approved. Proposed by KB, seconded by DS.

3 Police Report:

AH reported that there had been 28 calls received to the Moorfoot area for the month of July.

There were 2 violent crimes (both solved) and 3 crimes of dishonesty. Gorebridge had a garage break-in, bike and fishing equipment stolen. A suspicious looking male at the Bells Mains area was subsequently caught. Youths caught on/near railway line. Carrington had a knife incident by a delivery driver (solved). Temple had a house break-in. Public were reminded to contact

Crimestoppers 080055511 or 101 to report crime. 999 if crime currently taking place. Constable

Lee Harper is Community Beat Officer for Moorfoot.

4 Councillor’s Report:

BP reported that there had been £10,000 worth of vandalism done to Hub in Gorebridge which may postpone the completion. Hub will be wind and watertight by 19 August. To be called the

Gorebridge Beacon.

Cllr Catherine Johnstone is the new Leader of Midlothian Council.

The new NCHS will go ahead once financial arrangements in place. Expected, 2 years to build.

New railway to open 6 th September and local events planned.

Newtongrange RBS to close in November. ATM to be retained.

Information Leaflet “Where to get help in Midlothian” passed to LW. Nicole Bethune, Senior

Welfare Rights Officer at MC can provide more info if required.

All councillors serve on the Planning Committee. There is also an Appeals Sub-Committee.

5 Matters Arising

5.1 Middleton Limeworks Quarry Infill 15/00503/DPP

Determination date now to be Sept or Nov 2015. Discussion surrounded MCC objection to certain aspects of proposed measures of delivery of restoration and the management of its effects.

Concerns remain over wheelwashing distance from road, dust and stones being dragged, road and pedestrian safety. Members felt there was a need for a Financial Guarantee in case job ceases prior to completion. Members queried orginial stipulation of returning to agricultural use. Now stating for recreational use. More clarification required re what type of recreation is planned.

Concerns re dangers to public of bat shaft. Top quarry to be completed by end of year. All agreed the project should only be accepted if complying to many stringent conditions, otherwise it should not go ahead. Concerns expressed re these conditions being monitored – Sepa, MC? BP advised to register an” expression of interest” to MC which will keep us well informed. Draft response to be finalised by members and submitted on 10 August 2015.

5.2 Harvieston Farm Housing Development

Nothing further to update.

5.3 Arniston Gas Works Planning Applicaton 15/00335/PPP

The applicant has now appealed the refusal to the Local Review Body. MS to monitor

5.4 Midlothian Local Development Plan

Revised response to MLDP submitted on 11 June 2015. No further update.





5.5 SES Plan

Concerns Midlothian wide regarding lack of a realistic consultation period and the late timing of same. Extra event to be held in Dalkeith on 18 August. Members felt there were huge issues relating to housing demand. MS agreed to attend this event and feedback.

5.6 Hydro Energy Project: No further update.

5.7 Gorebridge Medical Services:

LC had attended the recent meeting. Two new doctors have been appointed. There remains concerns regarding a shortage of health visitors.

5.8 Federation of Community Councils Meeting:

KB had attented last month’s meeting where workshops regarding digital communication had been discussed. These will be held in November at Newton St Boswells. Next Fed meeting to be held on

19 August. MS and DS may attend.

5.9 Moorfoot Neighbourhood Planning: No update available. To be discussed at next meeting.

5.10 Traffic Through North Middleton: No update available at this time.

6 Planning Representative

Members agreed that owing to the ever increasing amount of planning applications and new developments taking place in the area there was a need for the CC to have a dedicated Planning

Representative. MS was unanymously appointed to take on this role. Members also thanked MS for all his hard work in this area.

7 Secretary’s Report:

Forwarded Items during June and July 2015

Community Empowerment Bill inormation/links

MELDAP Newsletter

Public Sector Today digital Newsletter

Community Justice Even 21st October, Edinburgh

Pentlands Regional Park extension/consultation by mid September, refer to website

Review of Electoral Arrangements Local Govt Boundary Commission – 12 weeks consultation

Opportunities for Women 23 Sept COSLA Conference Centre, Edinburgh

Midlothian Integration Joint Board for Health & Social Care looking for 2 volunteers

SES Planning Meeting 6 August in Drumbrae Library

Digital Engagement for CCs/programme of workshops

Community Justice Meeting (not forwarded)

Midlothian Council minutes available in hard copy at meeting, KB agreed to forward all members the link to these on MC website

8 Pentland Hills Consultation

Pentland Hills boundary extension proposals. Require a response by September. To be discussed at next meeting.

9 Nominations for Archie Pacey Community Award











Discussion surrounded possible nominations. DS and LW agreed to progress by 10 September.



10 Local Government Boundary Commission

Moorfoot area is unchanged at present. KB agreed to write and ask to be kept informed in case

anything relevant to this area arises.

11 Village Reports:

11.1 North Middleton

DS reported that the Annual Village Fete will be held on 22 August starting at 2.00 pm.

As part of Midfest, the band “Under the Dogwood Tree” will be playing in the Middleton Hall on

11 September at 8.15 pm.

12 Date of Next Meeting: The next meeting will be held on 02 /09/15 at 7.00pm, in Middleton Hall

