ARCH 3373 SITE ANALYSIS NOTES: THE SITE THE SITE A. Site selected B. At this stage, two concerns to deal with simultaneously 1. Design of detailed site program 2. Analysis of site C. Design of program 1. Many projects function poorly 2. Preclude very use for which they were intended 3. An unsuccessful project has no reason for being 4. Could be doomed because forced on unsuitable site a. Not well designed b. Not a beautiful expression of its function 5. Could be destroyed by friction it creates or generates 6. However, most often, root of failure is fact that the program was never fully considered 7. The complete project with all its essential relationships and impacts was never actually envisioned or totally conceived 8. Our duty as planners is to carry each work to the most successful solution possible 9. To accomplish this aim, to plan the project intelligently, we need to make the modified landscape visually and functionally beautiful 10. Since man instinctively turns to that which is beautiful, and since a normal function of a project is to attract and please man, beauty is often considered an element of function 11. Must first understand nature of the site 12. Must develop project program 13. By research and investigation a. Organize a logical and accurate program of requirements on which to base the design b. establish goals c. collect and analyze facts d. uncover and test concepts e. determine needs state the problem D. Analysis of site 1. At same time program requirements are being studied, thoroughly investigate and analyze site 2. Not only specific site contained in boundary of property 3. But total site, which includes site environs to the horizon and beyond 4. Get feel of the land 5. Some information is given through topographic survey 6. Make site analysis diagram a. Take print of topographic survey to the site b. Observe and plot all factors and features of site that supplement or interpret survey c. Site data determines suitability of site for its purpose d. Not all factors may apply to every situation