H.1L.2 DNA Assessment 2

Proficiency Assessment
H.1L.2 DNA
Standard: Describe the chemical structure of DNA and its relationship to chromosomes.
Explain the role of DNA in protein synthesis.
Title: DNA and Protein Synthesis Model – Show and Tell
DNA structure
 Double helix
 Four bases (ATGC)
 Phosphate and sugar backbone base pairing A-T and G-C
 Coiled tightly to form chromosomes
 Differences between DNA and RNA
 DNA double stranded/RNA single stranded
 Thymine in DNA/uracil in RNA
 Deoxyribose in DNA/ Ribose in RNA
 One type of DNA/Three types of RNA (messengerRNA, ribosomalRNA,
Protein Synthesis
 DNA carries the instuctions/blueprints for making proteins
 mRNA leaves the nucleus
 rRNA(ribosome) reads mRNA
 tRNA brings amino acids that connect to make protein
Vocabulary: DNA, mRNA, tRNA, mutations, double helix, base pair, amino acid, adenine,
complementary, cytosine, guanine, thymine
Possible learning targets:
Describe the chemical structure of DNA.
Describe the relationship of the chemical structure of DNA to chromosomes.
Explain the role of DNA in protein synthesis.
Students will be constructing a model of DNA and the process of protein synthesis. This can be
done using commercially available model kits or kits constructed of paper or other materials. It
is essential that students be exposed to models prior to the assessment. Students will
construct a model of DNA to demonstrate the processes of replication, transcription, and
translation (not just the final product).
Type: Model-building/Essay
Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment
September 4, 2012
Time needed: 2-3 class periods
Materials: DNA-RNA-Protein Synthesis Model Kit, Stamp (or other means of checking off
students’ steps in the process), Paper and pencil – can be typed at teacher’s discretion
Directions: Provide students with model materials, the student directions, and scoring
guide. Using a stamp or some other means of checking off students, check each
student’s progress at each stage of the various processes. Verbal questions can be used
to elicit misconceptions from students.
Suggested Check-off Points
 Unzip DNA
 Matching nucleotides
 Unzip DNA
 Match nucleotides to the 5’-3’ side of DNA
 Unzip DNA-mRNA
 Re-zip DNA
 mRNA to ribosome
 Pairing of mRNA to tRNA
 Formation of peptide bonds
Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment
September 4, 2012
Student Handout
DNA and Protein Synthesis Model – Show and Tell
Show: Construct a model of DNA. Use the model and extra materials to demonstrate the
processes used to make an additional copy of your original DNA.
Tell: On a piece of blank notebook paper, describe the chemical structure of DNA, what its
purpose is, and how that structure makes DNA relatively stable and able to be easily copied.
Draw or describe how DNA is a part of chromosomes.
Show: Using your model of DNA and other materials, physically demonstrate the connection
between a segment of DNA and a protein.
Tell: On your paper, describe the process of creating a protein, step by step. Relate the
structures of the chemicals involved in each step to their function in the process.
Check list
H.1L.2 DNA and Protein Synthesis
Include the Following
Name (First and Last)
Conventions (capitalization, punctuation, paragraphs)
Use vocabulary from state standard: DNA, mRNA, tRNA, mutations,
double helix, base pair, amino acid, adenine, complementary,
cytosine, guanine, thymine
See Directions/procedures
See rubric
Written explanation
Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment
Evidence = X
September 4, 2012
Scoring Guide
H.1L.2 DNA
Standard: Describe the chemical structure of DNA and its relationship to chromosomes. Explain
the role of DNA in protein synthesis.
Explain how the chemical structure of DNA directs the production of
Can complete level 3.0 and can partially complete level 4.0.
Describe the chemical structure of DNA and its relationship to
chromosomes. Describe the role of DNA in protein synthesis.
Can complete level 2.0 and can partially complete level 3.0 or 4.0
Nearly meets
Recognize that chromosomes are made of DNA and that DNA contains
codes for proteins.
Can complete level 1.0 and can partially complete level 2.0, 3.0, or 4.0.
Recognize the physical structure of DNA and that DNA stores chemical
messages, with help
Can produce some evidence of basic knowledge, with help.
Has no
Cannot provide any evidence of knowledge or understanding, even with
Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment
September 4, 2012
Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment
September 4, 2012