2008 - UNDP

Lugansk Region Sustainable Development Program
Lugansk Region Sustainable Development Program has been launched in 2008 and
implemented jointly by UNDP in Ukraine and Lugansk Regional State Administration.
The aim of this project is to render support to the Government of Ukraine as for how
effectively apply the principles and practices of sustainable development at the regional
level in order to improve socioeconomic and environmental situation in most vulnerable
regions of Ukraine. This process has been organized and developed through close
cooperation of public and private sectors and using the environment protection
international financial mechanisms.
The Project activities include three following components:
1. Support for Lugansk region transport infrastructure development;
2. Overcoming of barriers impeding utilization of coalfields’ methane in the Luhansk
region using Kyoto Protocol Joint Implementation Mechanism;
3. Overcoming of barriers in rearrangement of landfills and landfill gas/methane
recovery using Kyoto Protocol Joint Implementation Mechanism.
Relevant scope of works and list of actions required to attain the Project’s objectives for
each component have been duly identified.
Component 1
In 2008, in order to support the development of Luhansk region transport infrastructure,
a feasibility study covering Luhansk Region Transport Infrastructure Optimization and
Development Program using Kyoto Protocol Joint Implementation Mechanism have
been undertaken. The study included the following:
- Lugansk region transport infrastructure analysis and identification of its problems in
terms of economics and environment.
- Analysis of greenhouse gas emissions, CO2 in particular, by motor vehicles in Luhansk
region in correlation with the dynamics of transportation development.
Lugansk Region Sustainable Development Program
- Recommendations to optimized model of carriage of goods by road and passenger
traffic for Lugansk region including potential development of the road network, changes
to the means of transport and traffic control.
- Offered options for reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by using vehicles holding
greater number of passengers and/or having enhanced energy-efficiency. Provided
promising models and ways for transactions and purchases.
- Offered the program that removes economic and information barriers to sustainable
development of Lugansk region transport infrastructure.
- Developed a campaign plan, for the local authorities and local communities, covering
the need for sustainable development of transport infrastructure.
Based on results of economic analysis of Luhansk region transport infrastructure, the
following has been defined:
- In 2007, the regional transportation companies shipped 56.3 million tons of cargo
exceeding thereby this indicator by 9.9% vs. 2006. Cargo turnover has increased by
19.8% and amounted to 4.7304 billion ton/km;
- In 2007, public transport covered 446.7 million of passengers, which is by 8.7% more
compared to 2006. However, during this period the passenger carriage rate has dropped
to 4973.5 million passengers/km, which is by 8.3% less compared to 2006;
- Motorized transport releases nearly 18.1% of pollutant of total emissions by business
entities’ stationary sources and motorized vehicles, whereat gross emission of carbon
dioxide by all types of business entities’ vehicles equals approximately to 60% of carbon
dioxide emissions by stationary sources;
- Due to poor condition of vicinal roads there is a high concentration of traffic on main
highways. Considering 15% annual traffic growth, road surface operational period is
reduced from 12 down to 7 years inclusive of 3-year maintenance period for top
- The highest density of traffic is concentrated in the regional centre - 29% of total
number of vehicles in the region;
Lugansk Region Sustainable Development Program
- In the region the vehicles condition is characterized by a high level of wear and tear;
- Density of emissions per 1 square km by motorized vehicles within the region equals ca.
4.5 tons. Increased emission densities have been observed in the following cities:
Lugansk, Krasnodon, Krasny Luch, Severodonetsk and Alchevsk. In Ukraine, Lugansk
region ranks No. 3 by the gross volume of industrial emissions into the atmosphere
following Donetsk and Dnipropetrovsk regions. Emission density per 1 sq. km exceeds
nearly 5-fold the national average level;
- Decrease of pollutant emissions by motor vehicles may be attained by creating of
pertinent base for fast, easy and safe transport connection between all functional
sections of the region through the extention of the road network; repair and
reconstruction of the existing road system; facilitating renewal of fixed production
assets of all types of transportation vehicles by replacing the obsolete models with the
up-to-date models of buses having greater seating capacity;
- To carry 110 passengers at 100 km by new high capacity buses, almost 3 times less
amount of fuel is required compared to carriage of the same number of passengers by
new buses of lower capacity. Fuel consumption can be reduced at least twice by
replacing the old buses with the new ones with higher capacity.
In 2010, due to the local authorities’ refusal to accept co-financing, the resolution of the
transport issue has been suspended.
Component 2
Pertaining to coalfield methane recovery/utilization, the following activities have been
In order to analyze the situation relating to recovery/utilization of coalmine methane at
Luhansk region coalfields, a relevant Feasibility Study (for Luhansk Region Coalmine
Methane Recovery Program) using applicable Kyoto Protocol Mechanisms have been
To achieve this objective, the following steps have been made:
Lugansk Region Sustainable Development Program
- The situational analysis covering the of coalmine methane and recovery thereof in
Ukraine and Lugansk region for the period of 5 years, as well as analysis of modern
technologies of coalbed methane utilization at the global market have been made;
- Relevant possibilities enabling reduction of emissions for different types of mines
within Luhansk region have been developed and substantiated;
- Eco-friendly technologies for recovery/utilization of coalbed methane and reduction of
coalmine methane emissions have been recommended for the region;
- An analysis of the legal framework covering coalbed methane utilization have been
- The necessity for legislative and legal changes to support the use of methane in
Ukraine has been identified.
"Hrustalskaya" mine have been selected for the pilot project; its economic and
environmental setting have been specified; methane utilization technical model
including pertinent list of equipment have been provided. The options for coalbed
methane recovery/utilization for energy needs of neighboring areas, socioeconomic and
environmental confirmation of project have been proposed; the project strategy has
been developed. The mutual understanding plan, for the local authorities and the public,
covering coalmine methane recovery/utilization, including the options for its ecological
and socioeconomic potentials application, has also been developed.
In 2010, we developed a business plan for
Recovery Project. This project provides for
generation of electric power and heat using
coalbed methane which is currently released
into the atmosphere at the Hrustalskaya and Almaznaya minefields. Thus, generated
thermal energy will be consumed by Hrustalskaya mine and electrical power will be
consumed by Almaznaya mine, residual power will be sold to Ukraine’s integrated power
Lugansk Region Sustainable Development Program
system. This project will reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Greenhouse gas Emission
Reduction Units (ERUs), will also be sold. It is assumed that Kyoto Protocol will remain in
full force and effect, and the emission reduction units will be sold up until 2020.
Annually, it is planned to receive electric power supply in the amount equal to 12000
GW, thermal energy supply - 47.2 GW. Annual reductions of greenhouse gas emissions
(coalmine methane) into the atmosphere are planned to be at 61 000 tons CO2e.
Equipment and technologies provided for by the business plan are currently the most
widely used for such activities. The Project total cost amounts to 3900 thousand USD.
The Project duration is nine years.
Component 3
Environmental contamination with solid domestic wastes (SDW) is one of the most
crucial environmental problems in Ukraine. At present there are ca. 1000 of municipal
solid waste (MSW) landfills across the country, most of which have been put into
operation with violation of sanitary and technical standards more than 30 years ago.
Lugansk region has 29 solid waste landfills that relate to the regional centre and regional
cities, as well as about 160 rural landfills. The total area occupied by landfills equals ca.
450 hectares.
In case of unavailability of gas gathering system at the landfills, biogas generated by
breakdown of wastes gets into the air, contaminating thereof by harmful to human,
animals and plants substances. If airborne biogas concentration exceeds 15%, it is liable
to spontaneous combustion and explosion. Consequences of such explosions vary to a
considerable extent, but all of them require recovery and remedial efforts. To prevent
such events and ensure for the use of the biogas as an energy source, it is provided for
the recovery, collection and utilization thereof from the existing solid waste landfills.
Within the framework of Lugansk Region Sustainable Development Program, in
association with Lugansk regional state administration and a private investor "Nedra
Luhansk" LLC, for the first time in Ukraine and former CIS countries a unique project for
"Collection And Recycling Of Methane Recovered From Lugansk Solid Waste Landfill,
Ukraine" has been implemented. The project provides for installation of the landfill gas
Lugansk Region Sustainable Development Program
gathering and flare package system at Lugansk landfill located in the town of
Aleksandrovsk, Luhansk region.
Lugansk MSW landfill is located in Krutoy Jar flat-bottom valley, 2.5 km from
Aleksandrovsk. This is the only place to dump the wastes from the cities of Lugansk and
Aleksandrovsk as well as from the adjacent villages Ekaterinovka and Yubileynoye. The
landfill falls within the jurisdiction of Lugansk City Council. In 2007, "Nedra Luhansk" LLC
entered into an agreement with Lugansk City Council covering the first phase of the
landfill project.
In 2008, within the framework of Sustainable Luhansk Region Development Program, a
bidding round for performance of the "Feasibility Study For Landfill Methane Recycling
Program In Luhansk Region Under Kyoto Protocol Joint Implementation Mechanism"
has been held. The objective of this work is to study consistent patterns of accumulation
and distribution of biogas based on Lugansk landfill example. Thuswise, the following
activities have been performed by the contractor "Nedra Luhanska" LLC:
- Analysis of landfill methane in Ukraine and Lugansk region over the past 5 years,
anthropological effects of specified area;
- Analysis of currently available technologies for recovery/utilization of landfill methane
and application of such technologies on international market;
- Recommended optimal technologies for recovery/utilization of landfill methane within
Luhansk region, including technological process description;
- Identified the site for disposal/recycling for the pilot project, including feasibility study
and environmental impact;
- Classification of solid waste landfill within a selected area and provision of
recommendations relating to recycling technical model;
- Offered options for recycling and biogas gathering system landfill for the selected site
and adjacent areas;
- socio-economic and environmental feasibility study for the project.
Lugansk Region Sustainable Development Program
The feasibility study has included two alternate options for landfill gas
Option 1: Flaring of landfill gas, and
Option 2: Recovery of landfill gas and generation of power therefrom.
The Feasibility Study For Landfill Methane Recycling Program In Luhansk Region Under
Kyoto Protocol Joint Implementation Mechanism has yielded the following results:
- Today Ukraine accounts for up to 1,000 landfills, most of them have been organized
more than 30 years ago and fail to comply neither with environmental, technical nor
sanitary requirements;
- Annual potential of biogas available for power generation at 90 major landfills equals to
ca. 400 million m3, or 0.3 million tons of fuel oil equivalent. Regrettably this potential
currently “lies idle”;
- Design and installation of equipment intended for biogas gathering and utilization
requires significant financial resources. The experience shows that it is economically
feasible to recover biogas from the landfills having over 5 million tons of waste and the
stack height thereof at least 10 m, where the necessity for biogas is pressing;
- To recover the landfill gas, the following arrangement is typically applied: a network of
vertical drain wells are connected by the pipeline system wherein the compressor
system builds up negative pressure necessary to pump up the landfill gas over to the
point of use;
- The following methods of landfill gas utilization are applied: flaring; direct combustion
of landfill gas for heat generation; use of landfill gas as a fuel for gas engines to produce
electricity and heat; use of landfill gas as a fuel for gas turbines to produce electricity and
heat; increase of methane content (gas enrichment) up to 94-95% for its further use in
the general purpose gas networks;
- For the landfill gas recovery purposes, only solid waste landfill bodies with the stack
height no less than 10m are suitable;
- in the region - 21 landfill sites are used for solid waste disposal in the ground. These are
the landfill sites where at least sometimes relevant engineering works for waste disposal
Lugansk Region Sustainable Development Program
are performed. The total area occupied by aforesaid sites amounts approximately to 163
- Lugansk landfill is the largest solid waste landfill in Lugansk region;
- To recover biogas from Lugansk landfill, it is required to drill 30 wells from 10 to 25 m
deep. It is estimated that efficiency of recovery and utilization of landfill gas will be 75%;
- Implementation of Lugansk Landfill Methane Utilization Project will provide for annual
reduction of approximately 50 thousand tons of CO2e emissions.
This work had been highly appreciated by UNDP Bratislava office which, jointly with
UNDP Ukraine, as a result of joint careful selection, have chosen the Fortis Bank for
provision of carbon finance services including the purchase, management and further
sales on the carbon credits market; which, in turn, has also been instrumental to the
signature of Memorandum of Understanding by and between UNDP and Nedra
Luhanshiny LLC and Letters of Exclusivity by and between Nedra Luhanshiny LLC and
Fortis Bank.
The interest of UNDP Bratislava office has also contributed to the working visit to the
Czech Republic for the purpose of studying international experience of solid waste
management. Representatives of Nedra Luhanshiny LLC, local authorities and the
project management have also participated in the visit.
Considering the fact that most of landfill methane in the region is released by Lugansk
landfill; based on previous analysis, UNDP has held a bidding round "Technical And
Economic Evaluation Of Lugansk Landfill Biogas Utilization" that enabled us to collect
information required to implement the next phase of the project - development of
working documentation. During the development of working documentation contractor
has performed the following activities:
- Gathering of information required for detailed design, including the location of the
landfill, its construction project, the waste composition, waste disposal management,
composition and amount of emitted biogas
Lugansk Region Sustainable Development Program
- Performed topographic survey. Georeferencing of the existing landfill site to the
project site.
- Conducted the following engineering studies: geophysical, geological studies and gaschemical studies. Specified composition and waste storage structure. Defined the
emitted biogas debit and its composition.
- Identified the needs for water, heat, electricity, gas supply; sewerage system, exterior
lighting, drainage system, telephone system, dispatch system, fire safety, as well as for
the special conditions. Acquisition of necessary specifications.
The detailed project provides for technical and biological remediation of the landfill.
Technical remediation of the existing landfill after its closure includes the following
phases: stabilization, slope and ridge flattening, installation of degassing system,
establishment of recultivating multifunctional protective coating and further hand-over
of the site for biological remediation.
The technical remediation is followed by biological remediation - planting of shrubby
culture. The detailed project provides for recovery and disposal of bio-gas commencing
from the first development stage of Lugansk landfill, as well as construction of gas
gathering network of recovery wells to the gas gathering stations and the main pipeline
to the flare unit.
In 2009, within the framework of the project the tender "Determination of most
economically efficient landfill gas use method at the first phase of Lugansk landfill
through the mechanisms of the Kyoto Protocol". Hence, the following tasks had been
- Analysed pertinent international practices and existing technologies for the landfill gas
- Analysed existing conditions and identified opportunities for the implementation of
such practices and technologies at Lugansk landfill;
Lugansk Region Sustainable Development Program
- Factors influencing the environmental and economic efficiency of landfill gas utilization
and specifications thereof relating to waste methane utilization commencing from the
first phase of Lugansk landfill have been Identified;
- The comparative analysis of available technologies and selection of the most efficient
ones based upon environmental factors;
- The comparative analysis of available technologies and selection of the most efficient
one based upon economic factors;
- Identification and substantiation of most suitable method of landfill methane
utilization from the standpoint of economics based upon Lugansk landfill conditions.
In the course of performance of works relevant experts have been involved to conduct
geological and engineering studies at Lugansk landfill, as well as national experts on
utilization of landfill gas.
In 2009, the State Environmental Investment Agency of Ukraine has provided a letter of
support to the Project. The Project has received all necessary permits for the landfill
construction and operation.
Recultivation of the first phase of Lugansk landfill has been funded by Lugansk municipal
To increase the efficiency of
mitigate the environmental
protective screen consisting
of stabilized polyethylene
film and a 3-meter layer of
loam (soil with clay) have
been used.
Lugansk Region Sustainable Development Program
This has caused a number of difficulties as long as Ukrainian National Building Code
provides for installation of protective screen 3 meters high to cover the entire area of the
landfill. Covering of entire landfill’s area with such a thick layer of clay requires enormous
financial costs related to mining, transportation and stockpiling of loam in such
To recover biogas from the landfill, on
"Nedra Luhansk" LLC request, 30 wells
(size: 200mm, depth: 14 – 34 meters)
have been drilled and thereafter cased
with perforated pipe (size: 110mm, wall
thickness: 6.3 mm). The bottomhole
has been filled with 40 - 70 mm
chipstone 0.5 m high. The annular space
all the way down the wellhole has been
filled with 20 ... 40 mm gravel.
Gas-Gathering Network Layout
Lugansk Region Sustainable Development Program
The wellhead annular space has been filled with concrete to the depth of 1.2 m. Well
collars have been protected against mechanical damage by precast concrete rings (size:
1 m, height: 1.5 m). Biogas is recovered from the degassing walls using vacuum pumps.
In 2010 the Project Document was developed according to which the project shall reduce
the emissions by an average of 18,336 tons of CO2e by gathering and flaring of gas.
Emissions are expected to decrease by 124,750 tons CO2e in 10 years.
Anticipated Decrease Of Emissions Volumes,тCO2e
Profits, USD
11 604
162 456
22 189
310 646
21 216
297 024
Total (т CO2e) 55 009
770 126
Average Anticipated Decrease Of Emissions Volumes for Profits , USD
Of A Period Of Crediting (т CO2e)
18 336
256 704
Anticipated Decrease Of Emissions Volumes,тCO2e
Profits , USD
Lugansk Region Sustainable Development Program
20 288
284 032
19 402
271 628
18 556
259 784
17 748
248 472
16 977
237 678
16 241
227 374
15 538
217 532
Total (т CO2e) 124 750
1 746 500
Average Anticipated Decrease Of Emissions Volumes for
A Period Of Crediting (т CO2e)
17 821
Profits , USD
249 494
*Based on the cost of emission reduction units 1 ЕСВ – 14
USD/т СО2е, as per the project
Anticipated Decrease Of Emissions Volumes,тCO2e
т СО2е
25 000
20 000
15 000
300 000
5 000
250 000
200 000
150 000
100 000
Profits , USD
50 000
Lugansk Region Sustainable Development Program
Based on the cost of emission reduction units 1 ЕСВ – 14 USD/т СО2е, as per the project documentation
Through joint efforts of the Ukrainian
and Bratislava UNDP offices as well as
Luhansk Regional State Administration,
on 19 June 2009 the Greenhouse Gas
Agreements between Fortis Bank as a
Purchaser and Nedra Lugansk LLC as a
seller has been signed.
The document of such nature has been signed for the first time in Ukraine and for
the second time in Eastern Europe
and CIS. UNDP and Nedra Luhansk
agreement for provision of services
for development of the project by
MDG Carbon Facility, which is an
commercialization of emission reduction projects.
In order to provide information on the activities carried out during the project and to
receive proposals from the public regarding potential impact of the project on the
environment, in December 2009, owning to joint efforts of UNDP, Nedra Luhansk LLC,
Lugansk Region Sustainable Development Program
Lugansk regional administration and Lugansk city council the public hearings were held.
The hearing have been attended by the representatives of UNDP, Lugansk and
Alexandrovsk city councils, Lugansk and Alexandrovsk public members, local companies
On 23-24 February 2010 Aenor (Spain) representatives visited Lugansk landfill to
perform the determination process. The determination has been carried out on the basis
of UNFCCC criteria as for the joint implementation. It nd confirmed that the project
meets the above criteria and the developed Project Document provides for realistic
assessment of emissions reduction under the project.
Upon the review of the project documentation and approved methodology, the project
was recommended for registration with UNFCCC Secretariat.
Upon the receipt of the determination report and the Letter Of Approval, the National
Environmental Investment Agency, in July 2010, has held a tender for purchase of flare
package for the purpose of recovery and utilization of biogas that provides for safe and
environmentally friendly flaring of gas. Based on detailed review of submitted proposals
Biogas Technology LLC has been selected as a flare package vendor. In the spring of
2010, the flare package has been delivered and installed at Alexandrovsk’s landfill. The
efficiency of this enclosed flare is 600 ncm/h-1 and it includes the following equipment:
- Compressor system,
- Combustion chamber,
- Explosion-proof gas analyzer equipment
- Monitoring system that meets the requirements of “joint implementation” provided for
by the Article 6 of the Kyoto Protocol,
- Control equipment for transfer of data across the Internet.
Lugansk Region Sustainable Development Program
The flare unit is equipped with automatic safety system that controls the flame, fuel
feed, temperature, power, emergency electric circuits. Air is naturally drafted into
combustion chamber.
Lugansk Region Sustainable Development Program
In order to connect the flare unit, a tender for "Connection of the flare unit to the
Alexandrovsk Municipal Solid Waste Landfill (Lugansk region)". At the preparatory
phase - information required for the development of the detailed design has been
reviewed and applicable terms of references have been made. Thereafter, in the course
of performance of works the following activities have been carried out:
- Required technical specifications have been received from the Directorate General of
the Ministry for Civil Defense, Emergency Management and Natural Disasters Response
and the State Inspectorate for Energy Conservation;
- Technical solutions relating to location of the flare unit, gas treatment system
parameters, flare unit connection to power grids and other utilities have been made;
- list, type of equipment and materials have been specified;
- installation design for the unit connection have been made;
- comprehensive state expert appraisal have been completed.
In September 2011, the flare unit
opening ceremony had taken place.
The ceremony has been attended by
Ricarda Rieger (Director of UNDP in
Ukraine), Vladimir Pristyuk (Governor
Development and Construction). This
event has been highly praised by those present and widely covered in the media at the
national and international level.
Lugansk Region Sustainable Development Program
Thereafter the landfill has been
international investors. Thus, in
Minister of Ecology and Natural
Resources Eduard Stavitsky has
made a working visit to the site, as
well as the Head Of External
Association of European Border
Regions Johannes Moisio. During these visits guests familiarized themselves with the
recultivated section of Lugansk landfill and flare unit operation.
Owning to successful implementation of the project for recovery and utilization of
methane at the Lugansk landfill, it was decided to repeat this project in the Lugansk
region. Taking into consideration the characteristics of area selected, as well as prior
national and international experience in utilization of landfill gas sector, relevant
recommendations on repetitive implementation of such projects for utilization of landfill
methane in the Lugansk region were made. While preparing recommendations the
following activities have been performed:
- solid domestic waste landfills for landfill gas utilization project reparations in Luhansk
region have been identified;
- technologies for biogas recovery from solid waste landfills in order to repeat the
Luhansk landfill gas utilization project have been identified;
- technologies for utilization of biogas recovered from solid waste landfills in order to
repeat the Luhansk landfill gas utilization project have been identified;
Lugansk Region Sustainable Development Program
In the course of performance of these activities – relevant national and international
experience have been analyzed, including the existing utilization technologies; Luhansk
region characteristic; data on existing landfills as well as the size and composition
thereof; existing solid waste management.
The release of biogas into the air is a problem that applies not only to our region, but to
the whole world as well. While utilizing methane, the less dangerous greenhouse gas
(carbon dioxide) is released. Environmental effect is planned to be achieved by the fact
that as a result of recultivation, recovery and utilization of gas, it is planned to avoid
periodic self-ignition caused by uncontrollably released landfill gas. Recovery of biogas
from the landfill body and its further utilization provides for improvement of
environmental conditions around the landfill contributing thereby to adherence to
Ukraine's international obligations.
Design and development of landfills: new construction, reconstruction, renewal,
technical re-equipment and rehabilitation of landfills in Ukraine shall comply with the
State Construction Code V.2.4.2-2005. These standards are mandatory for
administrative and supervisory authorities, customers (investors), engineering
companies, contractors, and other legal entities and individuals.
Activates for recultivation of closed down landfills shall be commenced at the landfill
operational stage; in particular, while grading and fixing the slopes, arranging drainage
manifolds and gas drainage
systems. These activities shall be carried out while the
landfill is in operation and at the developed landfill’s sites. Operation of vast majority of
the landfills is carried out with significant deviations from the approved projects causing
thereby continuous increase of the negative impact on the environment, taking in some
cases disastrous proportions.
Lugansk Region Sustainable Development Program
Therefore, in some cases, it is just impossible to recultivate such landfills upon the
completion of operation thereof without application of specific custom design solutions.
The State Environmental Expert Evaluation approvals for such landfills’ projects are
deemed null and void due to failure to adhere to applicable conditions while operating
such landfills.
In order to improve landfills biogas recovery system, as well as to reduce the costs of
future projects planned for 2012, we held a tender for development of National
Standards (including Ukraine’s State Constriction Codes (SCC B.2.4-2-2005)) regulating
rehabilitation of the existing and construction of new landfills in Ukraine in compliance
with current environmental requirements of UNFCCC Secretariat.
As a result, all recommendations, additions and amendments to the existing version of
State Construction Code have been systematized and based thereupon a new version of
Ukraine’s State Building Codes have been drafted. This Draft has been submitted to the
Ministry of Regional Development, Construction, Housing and Communal Services of
Ukraine and the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of Ukraine.
In course of implementation of Lugansk Sustainable Region Development Programme
the investments have been attracted from: UNDP - 5 million USD, Ukraine’s State
Budget - 46 million UAH, private investors - 2.4 million USD. The project has been highly
praised by UNDP representatives, the Ministry of Housing Services And Utilities,
Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources, as well as by the public and local inhabitants.
Implementation of such projects promotes the improvements in environmental and
social spheres, and is instrumental to introduction of new and advanced technologies.