SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION Content: 1. Legends for supplementary figures S1 – S8 2. Supplementary tables S1 – S4 3. Descriptions for files Data S1 and S2 1. Legends for supplementary figures S1 – S8 Figure S1. Schematic representation of constructs used to express amiRNAs in an inducible manner. (a) Artificial miRNAs were placed under the control of the AlcA promoter (AlcApro), which can be activated, after ethanol (EtOH) treatment, by the AlcR transcription factor. (b) Artificial miRNAs were placed under the control of the 6xOP promoter (6xOPpro), which can be activated, after dexamethasone (DEX) treatment, by a fusion between the hormone-binding domain of the rat glucocorticoid receptor (GR) and the chimeric transcription factor LhG4. (c) Artificial miRNAs were placed under the control of the LexA promoter (LexApro; composed of eight LexA operator sequences), which can be activated, after 17estradiol treatment, by the chimeric XVE transcription factor. 35Spro: Cauliflower Mosaic Virus 35S promoter; 3’OCSter: terminator of octopine synthase gene from Agrobacterium tumefaciens; rbcsE9ter: rbcS E9 poly(A) addition sequence; rbcsS3Ater: rbcsS3A poly(A) addition sequence; 3’NOSter: terminator of 1 nopaline synthase gene from Agrobacterium tumefaciens; NOSpro: promoter of nopaline synthase gene from Agrobacterium tumefaciens; Hpt: hygromycin phosphotransferase II coding sequence; G10-90pro: synthetic G10-90 promoter. Figure S2. Kinetic of AP3 knockdown in 35Spro>>AP3-amiRNAGR-LhG4 plants. 35Spro>>AP3-amiRNAGR-LhG4 plants were treated once with a mock-solution or with a solution containing 10 µM dexamethasone. At the indicated time-points, flowers up to stage 10 were collected for analysis and AP3 mRNA levels in mock and dexamethasone-treated samples (gray and black bars, respectively) were determined by qRT-PCR. Error bars indicate standard errors calculated from data of three independent experiments. Figure S3. Genome-wide analysis of genes responsive to induction of an artifical microRNA targeting AP3 using two different inducible promoter systems. (a) The number of genes up- (black bars) and down-regulated (gray bars) in microarray experiments with 35Spro>>AP3-amiRNAGR-LhG4 (left bar) and 35Spro>>AP3-amiRNAAlc (right bar) plants. (b) Selected Gene Ontology terms identified as enriched (FDR<0.05) in the microarray datasets stemming from the analysis of 35Spro>>AP3-amiRNAGR-LhG4 (gray bars) and 35Spro>>AP3-amiRNAAlc (black bars) plants. Stress-related GO terms are shown on the left, and terms known to be associated with AP3 function on the right. Figure S4. Transcriptional response of selected genes after activation of the OPpro/35Spro:GR-LhG4 promoter system. 2 (a) Expression of selected genes (as indicated) in flowers of wild-type (white bars) plants that were treated with a dexamethasone-containing solution relative to mocktreated control plants. (b) Expression of selected genes (as indicated) in seedlings of wild-type (white bars) and 35Spro>>AG-amiRNAGR-LhG4 (gray bars) plants that were treated with a dexamethasone-containing solution relative to mock-treated control plants of the same genotype. Log2-transformed expression ratios derived from qRT-PCR assays of are shown. Error bars indicate S.E.M. of three biological replicates. Figure S5. Transcriptional response of selected genes in response to the expression of a functional amiRNA. (a) Relative levels of AlcR mRNA in seedlings of 35Spro>>AG-amiRNAAlc (white bar) and AP1pro:AP1-GRFIS 35Spro>>CTRL-amiRNAAlc (black bar) plants. (b) Levels of amiRNA precursors in dexamethasone-treated 35Spro>>AGamiRNAGR-LhG4 (white bar), ethanol-treated AP1pro:AP1-GRFIS 35Spro>>CTRLamiRNAAlc (light gray bar), ethanol-treated 35Spro>>AG-amiRNAAlc (dark gray bar), relative to their mock-treated controls. Expression ratios derived from qRT-PCR assays of are shown. Error bars represent S.E.M. of three biological replicates. Figure S6. Schematic representation of constructs used to generate the different floral induction systems. 3 (a) The AP1 coding region was translationally fused to the ligand-binding domain of the rat glucocorticoid receptor (GR). This translational fusion was placed under the control of the Cauliflower Mosaic Virus 35S promoter. (b) The entire AP1 locus, apart from the 3’UTR, was PCR-amplified and the final exon was translationally fused to the ligand-binding domain of the rat glucocorticoid receptor. (c) The AP1 coding region was placed downstream of the AlcA promoter while the AlcR gene was constitutively expressed from the 35S promoter. (d) The entire AP1 locus, apart from the 3’UTR, was PCR-amplified and the final exon was translationally fused to the ligand-binding domain of the mouse androgen receptor (AR). (e) The AP1 coding region was placed downstream of the LexA promoter while the XVE gene was constitutively expressed from the synthetic G10-90 promoter. 35Spro: Cauliflower Mosaic Virus 35S promoter; 3’OCSter: terminator of octopine synthase gene from Agrobacterium tumefaciens; rbcsE9ter: rbcS E9 poly(A) addition sequence; rbcsS3Ater: rbcsS3A poly(A) addition sequence; 3’NOSter: terminator of nopaline synthase gene from Agrobacterium tumefaciens; NOSpro: promoter of nopaline synthase gene from Agrobacterium tumefaciens; Hpt: hygromycin phosphotransferase II coding sequence; G10-90pro: synthetic G10-90 promoter. Figure S7. Characterization of glucorcorticoid-based floral induction systems. (a) Inflorescence of a 35Spro:AP1-GRFIS ag-1 plant ~14 d after treatment with a dexamethasone-containing solution. Petals are narrow and greenish. (b) Inflorescence of a AP1pro:AP1-GRFIS ag-1 plant ~14 d after treatment with a dexamethasone-containing solution. Petals are broader than in (b) and white. 4 (c) Petals from wild-type plants (left) and from AP1pro:AP1-GRFIS (middle) and 35Spro:AP1-GRFIS (right) lines after treatment with a dexamethasone-containing solution. Scale bar: 1 mm. (d-f) A 35Spro:AP1-GRFIS floral induction system containing a cassette that confers resistance to kanamycin. (d) An untreated 35Spro:AP1-GRFIS inflorescence-like meristem. (e) A 35Spro:AP1-GRFIS inflorescence-like meristem 5 d after treatment with a dexamethasone-containing solution. (f) A mature flower formed ~14 d after treatment with a dexamethasone-containing solution. (g-i) A glufosinate-resistant AP1pro:AP1-GRFIS floral induction system line with an alternative genomic insertion site (see Table S4). (g) An untreated AP1pro:AP1-GRFIS inflorescence-like meristem. (h) An AP1pro:AP1-GRFIS inflorescence-like meristem 5 d after treatment with a dexamethasone-containing solution. (i) A mature flower formed ~14 d after dexamethasone treatment. (j-l) An AP1pro:AP1-GRFIS floral induction system containing a cassette that confers resistance to kanamycin. (j) An untreated AP1pro:AP1-GRFIS inflorescence-like meristem. (k) An AP1pro:AP1-GRFIS inflorescence-like meristem 5 d after treatment with a dexamethasone-containing solution. (l) A mature flower formed ~14 d after dexamethasone treatment. Figure S8. Expression of AP1 in an estradiol-dependent manner using the LexApro/XVE system. 5 Two independent second generation Lexpro:AP1/G10-90pro:XVE lines were germinated and grown on 0.5 x MS agar for seven days. Subsequently, seedlings were tranferred to 0.5 x MS supplemented with (+ Est) or without (- Est) 5 M 17estradiol for 24 h. Samples were processed and RT-PCR was performed using AP1specific and control (REF1) primers (see Experimental Procedures). Complementary DNA generated from mRNA of 8-day old wild-type (L-er) seedlings and no template control (NTC) samples were used as controls, respectively. AP1-specific signals first appeared after 25 cycles of PCR in the + Est samples only. 2. Supplementary tables S1 – S4 Table S1. Primer sequences used for generating constructs. The oligonucleotide names and sequences used for PCR amplification of indicated sequences and subsequent cloning. If a restriction site was incorporated, the corresponding sequence is underlined. Oligo ID Sequence (5`->3`) Application DM-177 ATCTCGAGCGTGGTGGTTAG AP1 genomic DM-180 ACATTCTAGATGCGGCGAAGCAGC AP1 genomic DM-658 CAGAAGCTTCCCATCCCAGAAGATGACTGTAT CAC mouse AR ligand binding domain DM-659 GCCTCTAGATTCACTGTGTGTGGAAATAGATG mouse AR ligand binding domain AR-33 AAAACTCGAGGATCAAAAATGGGAAGGGGTA GG AP1 CDS AR-34 AAATACTAGTTCATGCGGCGAAGCAGC AP1 CDS SW481 gaGATACACGTCCGCAAGTGCAAtctctcttttgtattcc CONTROL-amiRNA SW482 gaTTGCACTTGCGGACGTGTATCtcaaagagaatcaatga CONTROL-amiRNA SW483 gaTTACACTTGCGGAGGTGTATCtcacaggtcgtgatatg CONTROL-amiRNA SW484 gaGATACACCTCCGCAAGTGTAAtctacatatatattcct CONTROL-amiRNA FW-100 GGAGCTCCCAGAAGCTCGAAAAACAAAGAAA AAAATC GR in situ probe DM-183 CTTACTTGGCTTTGGCCGCC GR in situ probe 6 Table S2. Primer sequences used for TAIL-PCR. The oligonucleotide names and sequences used for genotyping and TAIL-PCR are indicated. Oligo ID Sequence (5`->3`) Application DM-400 TCCGACAAGATCCTTTGAGCAC pAP1::AP1-5-GR DM-401 ATAAATATGGATTGCACGACGAGTC pAP1::AP1-5-GR DM-456 GCAGCTTCTTCTCTGTCGC pAP1::AP1-3-GR DM-457 AGCTCGAACATGAGATGGAAGAG pAP1::AP1-3-GR DM-359 NTCGASTWTSGWGTT TAIL AD1 DM-360 NGTCGASWGANAWGAA TAIL AD2 DM-361 WGTGNAGWANCANAGA TAIL AD3 DM-492 GCGACATCTATGATAGAGCGCCAC T-DNA Left Border primer 1 DM-493 GGCAGAACCGGTCAAACCTAAAAG T-DNA Left Border primer 2 DM-494 AGTACATTAAAAACGTCCGCAATGTG T-DNA Left Border primer 3 DM-5 TAAGTGGAGAGTGACTTGGTA OPpro:AP3-amiRNA/35Spro:GR-LhG4 DM-6 GTAGCATCTTCAACCAAGACA OPpro:AP3-amiRNA/35Spro:GR-LhG4 Table S3. Primer sequences used for RT-PCR. The oligonucleotide name and sequences used for RT-PCR are shown along with the gene aliases and identifiers. Oligo ID Sequence (5`->3`) Target DM-250 CTGTTGAGGAAACTTGCGTGAGG REF1 (At1g13320) DM-251 CTGAAAGTCGCTTAGCCAGAGGAG REF1 (At1g13320) FW-107 CTCTAGAGATCAAAAATGGGAAGGGGTAGGGTTC AP1 (At1g69120) FW-108 CGGATCCTGCGGCGAAGCAGCCAAG AP1 (At1g69120) Table S4. Primer sequences used for qRT-PCR. The oligonucleotide name and sequences used for qRT-PCR are shown along with the gene aliases and identifiers. Oligo ID Sequence (5`->3`) Target DM-64 CTACAGATGGGCGTAGAGTGTGTGA At4g22212 DM-65 GCTTTCCATTTCAGCACTGCTCTCT At4g22212 DM-66 TGGAGCTTCCGCGCAACA DM-67 AAACAACAACAAGTACGATGAGTACGA KIN2 (At2g02800) 7 KIN2 (At2g02800) HB1 (At2g16060) DM-70 GGAGCCAGCCATTCTAAATACGGT DM-71 GTGACCACATCTCCGGCACTG DM-80 GCTCTCCAAAGGAAGACTGGGT DM-81 AGAAGAGGGTTCTTGGTCAAAGTTGAT NAC1 (At1g56010) SW-679 TTTTTCTTGGAACCACCATCGG WAK2 (At1g21270) SW-680 AGCTCTGTGTTCTTCCGGTGC WAK2 (At1g21270) SW-681 GTAAGCAGAGTGTTGTGAAGC ERF15 (At2g31230) SW-682 caattacaagaTCAACATGAGCTC ERF15 (At2g31230) SW-683 gctttcagcgtgtagtatgttg BG2 (At3g57260) SW-684 tccttatttatgcttgcagctc BG2 (At3g57260) SW-685 GGTGACCAGTTACAGGCATTAAG DMR6 (At5g24530) SW-686 ACAGAAACGATGCGACCGATAG DMR6 (At5g24530) DM-534 ACCAGATTCTTCGTGCAAAGATAGCTG AG (At4g18960) DM-535 AAGCTGCTCGTAGTTAGATCCTCCTG AG (At4g18960) HB1 (At2g16060) NAC1 (At1g56010) AP1 (At1g69120) BT-33 CATGCTCTCTCATCAGCCATCTCC BT-34 GGTTCAAGAGTCAGTTCGAGATCATTCC DM-439 ACTAGTCCATAGTGAGGATCTTCAGCTC DM-440 TCTCTTGGGAATCAGATCGAGACCAC AP3 (At3g54340) DM-442 AAATCAAAGGGATTCAGCAAGCCACTG GR DM-443 TCCAGCAGTGACACCAAGGTAGG GR DM-454 GTGGACCGTCGTTCTTATTCACTCG AlcR DM-455 ACCTCTCTCTAAATCCTTCGCAACCAG AlcR DM-544 AAACACACGCTCGGACGCATATTAC amiRNA precursor DM-545 GGCGACTCGGTATTTGGATGAATGAG amiRNA precursor DM-242 AAGCGGTTGTGGAGAACATGATACG REF1 (At1g13320) DM-243 TGGAGAGCTTGATTTGCGAAATACCG REF1 (At1g13320) AP1 (At1g69120) AP3 (At3g54340) 3. Descriptions for files Data S1 and S2 Data S1. Differential expression of genes in the microarray experiments. The expression of genes in response to activation of the AP3-amiRNA or AG-amiRNA from both the AlcApro/AlcR and OPpro/GR-LhG4 systems are shown. Log2transformed fold-change values, p-values and the average of the expression values of the probes from the untreated samples are shown. 8 Data S2. GO terms identified as significantly enriched among differentially expressed genes from the microarray experiments. The number of genes included in a GO category is represented for both the genes annotated on the microarray (noted as “Genomic”) and the genes identified as differentially expressed in the microarray experiments. P-value and false discovery rate (up to FDR < 0.05) are indicated. 9