Processes of the Lithosphere Study Guide

Processes of the Lithosphere Test Study Guide
1. What are the three types of rocks in the rock cycle?
2. Which processes create which type of rock?
3. Be able to draw, label, and interpret the rock cycle.
4. What are the driving factors of the rock cycle? In other words, what causes it to happen?
5. What are plate tectonics?
6. How quickly do plate tectonics move?
7. Explain the three types of plate boundaries.
8. What are the three different types of convergent boundaries?
9. What features do we get from divergent boundaries? Describe for both continental and
10. What are the features we get from continental/continental collisions?
Oceanic/Continental collisions? Oceanic/Oceanic collisions?
11. What is a subduction zone?
12. What are the three different places in which a volcano can form?
13. Define the following terms and know how they relate to volcanoes:
a. Pyroclastic flow
b. Lahar
c. Ash
14. How do plate boundaries, earthquakes, and volcanoes relate to one another?
15. How does an earthquake generate?
16. What is the difference between the focus and the epicenter of an earthquake?
17. How do P and S waves differ from one another?
18. How do earthquakes generate fires?
19. What are the three fault lines and at which boundaries do they occur?
20. What is a tsunami and how are they generated?
21. How is a tsunami different from your regular “crashing” wave?
22. How may a volcanic eruption have lasting after effects which outlive the actual eruption?
23. What is the difference between magma and lava?
24. Describe some REAL LIFE ways in which lives may be saved during natural lithospheric