Exam 2 for 60 points

Exam 2 for 60 points
1. Describe the four levels of structure in Nucleic Acid. Name the two kinds of Nucleic Acids available in
nature. (2 points)
2. What is the difference between a nucleotide and nucleoside? (2 points)
3. A pairs with T via __________ hydrogen bonds. (1 point)
4. _________ form of DNA is physiological form (1 point)
a. A
b. B
c. Z
d. all the above are physiological forms.
5. Higher % of GC will increase/decrease Tm and why? (1 point)
6. Dicer enzyme is found in _________ method (1 point)
a. RNA Interference b. Transcription c. transposition d. Hybridization
7. What is Semi-Conservative Replication? (1 point)
8. DNA Replication proceeds bidirectional in most organisms – True/False (1 point)
9. Match the following: (4 points)
A. DNA Polymerase I
_____________ DNA glycosylase
B. Helicase
_____________ Okazaki fragments
C. SSB proteins
_____________ joins lagging strands
D. DNA Polymerase III
_____________ Unwinding of DNA
E. Primase
_____________ Stabilizes single-stranded DNA
F. Ligase
__________ produces RNA primer
G. Lagging strand
__________ repair and patching of DNA
H. Base excision repair
__________ Synthesizes DNA
10. Explain the Nucleotide Excision Repair mechanism in mammals. (2 points)
11. DNA replication is complicated in eukaryotes than prokaryotes because of (1 point)
a. Multiple origins of replication b. Timing of cell divisions c. More proteins and enzymes are involved
d. All the above are true statements
12. Which eukaryotic DNA polymerase works as a repair enzyme? (1 point)
a. α b. β c. Ω d. є e. δ
13. Which eukaryotic DNA polymerase works as a DNA synthesizing enzyme? (1 point)
a. α b. β c. Ω d. є e. δ
14. PCNA is the eukaryotic equivalent of the part of prokaryotic enzyme _______________
a. DNA polymerase I b. DNA polymerase II c. DNA polymerase III d. DNA polymerase IV
e. DNA polymerase V (1 point)
15. Altogether _____ numbers of DNA polymerases are present in eukaryotes (1 point)
a. 5 b. 15 c. 10 d. 20
16. Eukaryotic replication was studied in (1 point)
a. Yeast b. Bacteria c. Virus d. Protozoa
17. What is the difference between lagging and leading strand? (1 point)
18. ___________ is the subunit of RNA polymerase in prokaryotes that recognizes promoter. (1 point)
19. Out of the two strands of DNA ______________ serves as template for RNA synthesis and other
strand is known as ____________________. (1 point)
20. ____________ is the DNA sequence that provides direction for RNA polymerase (1 point).
21. Name the four elements that RNA polymerase II will recognize in eukaryotic promoter. Also mention
the elements that are commonly and rarely present in eukaryotes. (2 points)
22. Mention the modifications that take place in eukaryotic m-RNA. Do the same happen in prokaryotes
too? (2 points)
23. Lariats are formed in _____________ (1 point).
a. Introns b. Exons c. Both d. DNA
24. _________________ -Any protein regulator of transcription that is not a subunit of Pol II (1 point).
25. Match the following: ( 5 points)
A. Pribnow Box
_____________ Coding DNA
_____________ Non-coding DNA
C. -35 element to TSS ___________ AAUAAA
D. UP element to TSS ___________ Two inverted repeats
E. UP element
___________ Core promoter
F. Eukaryotic chain termination _________ Transcription Start Site
G. Prokaryotic chain termination ________ Extended Promoter
H. Ribozyme
________ enhances binding of RNA polymerase
I. Introns
_________ - 10 region
J. Exons
_________ Self-splicing enzyme
26. Explain any one salient feature of genetic code. (1 point)
27. How many codons are present in a genetic code? How many of those code for amino acids? (1 point)
28. _______________ is the base that varies in anticodon of Wobble bases. (1 point)
29. Wobble base pairing helps in rectifying misread codons – True/False. (1 point)
30. There are several recognition sites for various amino acids on the tRNA – True/False. (1 point)
31. What is the function of aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase? (1 point)
32. How does the ribosome know where to start translating? (1 point)
a. Shine Dalgarno sequence b. promoter c. Methionine d. Formyl Methionine
33. ______________________ is the ribosome involved in translation of prokaryotes and eukaryotes,
respectively. (1 point)
a. 70 S and 80 S b. 80 S and 70 S c. 40 S and 50 S d. 60 S and 30 S
34. ______________________ the process in which a prokaryotic gene is being simultaneously
transcribed and translated (1 point)
a. Polysomes b. Coupled translation c. Transcription d. Elongation
35. A single mRNA molecule is translated by several ribosomes simultaneously
a. Polysomes b. Coupled translation c. Transcription d. Elongation (1 point)
36. There is no E site on eukaryotic ribosomes – True/False (1 point)
37. Name the subcellular organelle involved in protein degradation __________
a. Lysosome b. Proteosome c. Polysome d. Ubiquitin (1 point)
38. What is Ubiquitinylation? Is it present in both eukaryotes and prokaryotes? (1 point)
39. Mention the three sites (along with their roles in translation) present in 50 S unit of 70 S ribosome in
prokaryotes. (2 points)
40. What is methylation? (1 point)
41. What are the differences between a cloning and an expression vector? (2 points)
42. _______________ is the process of making identical copies of DNA (1 point)
43. ____________ is a small circular DNA that is not part of the main circular DNA chromosome of the
bacterium (1 point)
44. What is Recombinant DNA technology (2 points?)
45. What is a DNA library? (1 point)
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