My 2015 Annual Wildlife Report

2015 Annual report: Short review
Dawn L. Brown - Second Chance Wildlife, Inc. Bear Rehabilitation & Behavioral research
90 Mountain Road
New Sharon Maine 04955
Home Phone 207.778.2902 Cell 207.578.0616 Email Website
Blizzard Arrived:
(Orphaned) 16 lbs.
yearling Bear “Blizzard’’
In need of immediate
care and observationshe was underweight for
a yearling, and, most
case scenario – she
would have not survived
through the den torpor
season without being
Storm Arrived:
12 Lbs. yearling bear
‘’Storm” arrived
In need of immediate
care, and observation –
she was underweight for
a yearling - most case
scenario – she would not
have made it through
the den torpor season
without being rescued.
Bumbles arrived:
(orphaned) Extremely
overweigh yearling
arrived “Bumbles” 100
lbs. + maxed my scale
In need of immediate
care = I administered
gastrointestinal /fast
balance GI amongst
other treatments
(bumbles bone/body
structure could not
handle the capacity of
pure fat (Note: bears are
in prime condition - for
when they have the
combination of fat &
muscle) Bumbles had no
muscle tone! Blood work
results: thyroid, amongst
some other issues going
on, but she started to
show promising
behavior, and feeling
much better – I should
have probably kept her
Supplements were
necessary – to gain
weight+ electrolytes,
worming, and as time
went on - she adapted
into using her natural
foraging skill/instincts in
the Spring in my private
5 acre habitat facility.( I
took her to the vet 2X –
quills removed near her
eye, and treated with
terramycin, amongst
other treatments that
were necessary = I treat
all my rehabilitated
bears often with gastro
intestinal immediate
care products)
Supplements were
necessary – to gain
weight + electrolytes,
worming, and as time
went on - she adapted
into using her natural
foraging skill/instincts in
the Spring - once placed
in my private 5 acre
habitat facility. I treat all
my rehabilitated bears
often with gastro
intestinal immediate
care products too)
Bumbles had adapted for
when she went into my 5
acres, and too foraged
rather well on Greenup. I
have her complete story
on my fb site.
Blizzard was released:
6-8-15 with a radio
collar in the Unity study
area – she had
slipped/dropped her
collar – she is probably
fine = it happens. She
may get trapped during
Spring trapping
season/or she could out
smart them – time will
tell. It would be nice to
get her re-collard if at all
Storm was released on:
5-12-15 into the
Bradford study area –
she was placed with a
vhf/radio collar. I should
hopefully gain further
updates this Winter den
Bumbles was released:
6-8-15 with a satellite
collar in the Unity study
area – she seemed to
have been doing well,
and not going near any
residence at all - I was
rather impressed –
because of the situation
she had come from – she
was in a corn patch near
homes and buildings. I
saw potential with her in
rehab, and just wish I
had kept her longer.
Release: She was still
rather big, and I thought
she would not be
bothered by other bears,
and too – there were not
many bears prevalent in
longer in rehab – It can
be a difficult decision.
Liberty Arrived:
Cub of the year!
18 Lbs. on arrival - she
had an area of some
missing skin on her rear
upper leg, but it
repaired/healed itself
Her mother was shot by
game warden - because
she was near a barn and
horses /residence.
Liberties sibling could
not be caught. Liberties
rescue went well.
In need of immediate
care and observation.
Immediate care
Supplements were
necessary in the very
beginning + electrolytes,
worming throughout the
season. Note : Liberty
was able to use her
instinctive skills
reasonably soon = I
gathered natural food+ I
was able to keep her diet
100% natural once
placed in my acres – she
had amazing foraging
skill - as others do - for
when given the ample
opportunity - to simply
use the skills they have
in place – without
the area – but she was
killed by a large male
bear that had an
enormous range.
This has been a difficult
year – because I have
never had any of my
bears killed by other
bears, ever – until this
year. I must say; that I
was a bit caught off
guard – even though I
know bears can certainly
be territorial. Her
climbing skills were not
good, and that was
potentially her downfall.
Liberty – Is torpor right
now - I have observed
her behavioral patterns
throughout the season;
whereas she has had
100% natural foraging
setting. And have
continued to monitor her
during torpor/den
season. She will be
released with one of my
sat collars in the Spring –
I am in hope of
monitoring her
some/tracking her in the
wild to gain further
Bear cubs I received In
2014 – but were
released in 2015
1-9-15: Brave & Freedom
had gotten collars –
(Brave satellite collar)
(Freedom Radio/vhf
3-16-15: Brave &
Freedom went to the
down east study. In a
den box – Spring release.
(1-9-15 brave weighed
74lbs. 3-16-15 Brave
weighed 64 Lbs.)
(1-9-15 Freedom
weighed 80 Lbs. 3-1615 Freedom weighed
65 Lbs.)
Brave had a satellite
collar, and seemed to
have been doing real
well – as time went on
though she eventually/
supposedly was killed by
another bear – I have a
tough time believing it
though - in particular
with Brave; because her
skills were so adept –
even more receptive
than some other bears I,
have had = she sensed
things – I think it may
have been - from believe
it /or not – her so called
imperfections = though
she only had one ear –
her perception was
extraordinarily keen. I
guess I have to except
her demise – because
otherwise it will just
bother me even more - if
I don’t let it go.
Freedom had gotten a
radio collar, and I was
told it dropped off / for
her neck probably grew
and the collar did what it
should have done –
broke. The food sources
were very good this year
in many landscapes in
Maine The berries + nut
crop (soft & hard mast
did rather well)
Note: I have their complete story on my fb site, YouTube channel, and website. Once I receive bears - I gather an extensive amount of data on
each bear; that I have had & have - in rehab + observation -behavioral patterns. I also gain some data thereafter release – some more than
others. ( I now have/own 4 satellite collars + some of my bears get radio collars from MDIFW + they too den check them ,and may potentially
catch some of my bears during their Spring trapping season - for when they go into the 3 study areas = either : Bradford, Downeast, Ashland.