Personal, Social and Emotional Development Turn taking games – Bear and honey, maths games with dice and shapes Taking turns in role play games/activity Kind hands tree – reintroduce and encourage Trying new foods – porridge/honey/flapjack To develop use of floor book and turn taking in conversations while listening to others. Literacy Together we learn Hart Hill Nursery School and Children’s Centre Medium Term Plan Spring Term First Half Curriculum Focus: Mathematics To have keywords from core stories on graphics table for reading and writing. Variety of trad tales available for sharing. Sequencing pictures of events from the core stories and stages of cooking porridge. Making simple maps for the pigs/bears using diff media. Communication and Language Expressive Art and Design Talking tub linked to bears, building/bridge, 3 Pigs. Generate language linked to topic. To role play traditional tales using appropriate language. To paint and draw pictures of bears, pigs. To read the traditional tales and encourage children to share and recall these. Use signs for stories and story book language when sequencing story events and in role play when retelling stories. Mathematics Making bear masks Physical Development Cut out and sequence story book events. Making houses & bridges, using sticks, bricks, sand, trowels, construction kits, material and drapes New songs – House of the bears, Five little wooly teddy bears, Five little bears, Bear went over the mountain Making Porridge/honey sandwiches using one handed tools. Understanding the World ICT – Research on laptop/I Pad on bears, pigs, goats linked to children’s interests. Role play area to develop understanding of 1:1 correspondence, counting, and sharing out. To play aiming, throwing and catching games in PE sessions using small balls, large balls, bean bags and quoits. Compare bears and dice games, build a bear game. To negotiate balancing equipment inside and out – stepping stones/hoops/strings Making Porridge talking about change. Sorting by size bears/bowls/spoons/houses Manipulating clay – bowls for bears, stick houses for the pigs. Exploring the woodland walk area/Walk in local area. Bridge/house building 3D shapes &construction kits Bears balancing songs adding one more Use BeeBot to negotiate simple routes/bridges. Building houses/homes and Dens – exploring materials Exploring Ice and change in state. .