GOVERNMENT OF INDIA, MINISTRY OF FINANCE IN THE DEBTS RECOVERY TRIBUNAL, OFFICE OF THE RECOVERY OFFICER Cauvery complex , 1670, Trichy Road, Ramanathapuram, COIMBATORE – 641 045 RP No. 104/09 IN DRC No.46/09 TENDER SALE NOTICE The sealed tender on “as is where is and whatever there is basis” are invited from the public for purchase of immovable/movable properties up to 4 PM ( as per DRT Registry’s Clock) on 09.03.2010 at the Office of the Recovery Officer, Debts Recovery Tribunal, Coimbatore-45. Tender Document Cost Tender Document sale Last date & time for Date and time of opening period submission of Tender 02.02.2010 to 09.03.2010 10.03.2010 Rs.1000/08.03.2010 up to 4 pm. At 11.30 AM at O/o. up to 4 pm. Recovery Officer, DRT,Coimbatore DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY In Tirupur Registration District, Pollachi Sub Registration District, Pollachi Taluk, Pollachi Town, in Town Survey Ward 3, T.S.No.514/2, an extent of 1.23 Acres of land; In this an extent of 11,792 Sq.Ft. of land on the western side situate within the following boundaries: North of 450 Sq.Ft.of land in T.S.No.513/1 and Petrol Bunk land in T.S.No.514/2; East of Third Party’s lands in T.S.No.514/1, Ravindran’s property in T.S.No.514/1 and Odai in T.S.No.518; South of Odai in T.S.Nos.517/1, 517/2; West of Property of C.K.Viswanathan & others in T.S.No.514/2 And having the following measurements: 85 Feet East-West on the North; 82 Feet East –West on the South; From there, 60 Feet North-South on the South-East; 114 Feet North-South on the East; 84 Feet North-South on the West and from there, 83 feet North-South on the South; 41 ½ Feet East-West on the South and measuring 11792 Sq.Ft.of land. Further, in Tirupur Registration District, Pollachi Sub Registration District, Pollachi Taluk, Pollachi Town, in Town Survey Ward 3, in Meenkarai Street, T.S.No.514/1, an extent of 32234 Sq.Ft. of land; In this an extent of 720 Sq.Ft. of land on the Eastern side situate within the following boundaries: North of the above property in T.S.No.514/2 and property of third parties in T.S.No.514/1; East of property of third parties in T.S.No.514/1; South of odai; West of above property. Within the above boundaries, the property in a triangular shape having the following measurements: 29 Feet East-West on the North; 64 Feet North-South on the East; 50 Feet North-South on the West; ad-measuring 720 Sq.Ft.of land Thus, a total extent of 12512 Sq.Ft.of land. UPSET PRICE – Rs. 30,00,000/ (Rupees Thirty Lacs Only) Terms and Conditions of sale 1. Tender document can be had from the Office of the Recovery Officer, Debts Recovery Tribunal, Coimbatore on any working day during 10.00 am to 4.00 pm on payment of Tender document cost of Rs.1000/(Rupees one thousand only) (non-refundable, non-transferable) by way of demand draft in favour of Registrar, DRT, Coimbatore. 2. The prospective tenderer/s are requested to submit the quotations in sealed cover superscripting RP No104/09 as well as Lot No._____ if any, in the cover with a DD of EMD (EMD-10% of the upset price) drawn in favour of Recovery Officer, Debts Recovery Tribunal, Coimbatore in RP No. 104/09, for Rs.300000/, on or before 4 pm on 09.03.2010. The intending tenderer/s who submitted the tender alone are entitled to attend the sale on 10.03.2010 at 11.30 AM at Office of the Recovery Officer, Debts Recovery Tribunal, Coimbatore. The Tender quoted below the upset price and DD as not drawn above will be rejected summarily. 3. The first 3 highest offerer/tenderer/s will be asked to bid in the auction and the highest among them will be declared as the successful purchaser. 4. Copy of PANCARD must be enclosed with tender and original must be produced at the time of auction. 5. The successful bidder should pay 25% of the bid amount immediately on the sale being knocked down in his favour and balance money with in 15 days. 6. The successful bidder should bear the charge/fee payable for conveyance such as registration charges, stamp duty etc as applicable as per law in addition to poundage fee of 2% up to Rs.1000/- and 1% above Rs.1000/-. 7. The Sale is subject to confirmation. The Recovery Officer reserves the right to accept, alter or reject the bid without assigning any reason thereof. Property is sold on “as is where is/ on what it is/no complaint” basis condition. 8. The property can be inspected on any working day at least two days prior to sale date. For copy of the sale proclamation order containing other terms and conditions, the undersigned or the Branch Manager, The South Indian Bank Limited, MKG Complex, New Scheme Road, Pollachi—642 001, Phone Nos. 04259 -224 587 or 94438 99767, may be contacted. Dated this the 1st Day of February 2010 (A.PONDURAI ) Recovery Officer Contact Persons; 1.Sri.V.C.Jayakrishnan, Branch Manager – 94438 99767 2. Sri.Biby Augustine, Sr.Manager (Legal) -94864 37345