Oxford History of Western Music

1. An unmatched narrative account of the evolution of Western classical music by one of
the more prominent musicologists of our time. A broad reaching survey of the history of
music in the context of European intellectual history. “Laced with brilliant observations,
memorable musical analyses, and a panoramic sense of the interaction between history,
culture, politics, art, literature, religion, and music, the Oxford History of Western Music is
essential reading for anyone who wishes to understand the rich and diverse tradition of
Western music.” (About page)
2. Starts with the invention of western musical notation more than one thousand years ago,
but covers mainly 17th-20th centuries.
3. Complements GDM – not exactly a reference work or encyclopedia, more like a
monograph, but not an argument.
4. 5 volumes in print (correspond to 5 headings on Browse tab), paperback edition 2009.
1.25 million words, 500 images (nearly all from the paperback edition are included),
1,800 musical examples, 1,700 links to GDM. 69 chapters with bibliographies, notes &
further reading. Pagination same as print edition.
5. My Stuff area, Open URL, MARC records, OHWM search box (resources for librarians),
print, save, cite, email, bookmarks & sharing, library logo
6. No active update schedule
7. See About/News and Reviews for awards
 Spotlight on – provides an overview of the resource .
 Browse (5 volumes divided into sections and chapters: Introduction/preface, detailed
content, expandable chapters, art credits, further reading)
 Display of My chapters (recently viewed chapters) and My searches
 Quick search
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1. 5 headings correspond to the 5 print volumes
2. Music in the Early Twentieth Century/Chapter 3/Off to Russia (ballet, Stravinsky) – links
in text & links to GDM (bottom of left column)
3. Music in the Late Twentieth Century/Chapter 9/The End of Soviet Music
4. Music in the Late Twentieth Century/Chapter 7/Integration without Prejudice? – music in
historical context (racial segregation in the US)
5. Music in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries/Chapter 2/Some Organists –
paragraph 10 on the ‘passacagli’ – interesting comparison of 18c guitar techniques with
modern pop ‘vamping’.
1. ‘st petersburg’ – for variety of results. Search within results for ‘ballet’
2. ‘purcell’ – for image, musical example & GDM links
3. ‘nationalism’ – for political influences
4. ‘miles davis’
Last update 21.11.13
Advanced Search
1. ‘purcell’ & ‘fugal’. The Fugal Style – for musical examples and links to GDM.
2. ‘monteverdi’ & ‘sacred’
3. Full text: women AND Full text: punK, 1 result – A Feminine Redoubt
4. Full text: GershwiN AND Full text: urban life
5. Full text: ballet AND Full text: Russia Search within: Moscow
Last update 21.11.13