October Newsletter - U3A Site Builder Home Page

Keep Fit
Antiques & Collectors,
Card Group, Scrabble 2
Storytelling, Singing
Book Group,
French Conversation,
Shorter Walks (Strollers),Cycling
Luncheon Club, History
Country Walkers
Scrabble, Book Group 2,
Health & Well Being,
The Theatre and NT Groups are not held every week - please check at the
monthly meetings for details of any visits coming up and if interested add your
name to the relevant lists.
If anyone else wants to start a group then please contact Carol Wilson or
Vicky Bayley (contact details below)
Committee for 2015-2016 as confirmed at the AGM
Hon Chairman
Carol Wilson
Hon Vice-Chairman
Vicky Bayley
Hon Secretary
Alethea Thompson 80846558
Hon Treasurer
Ron Brown
Committee Member
Sandra Sare
Committee Member
Cris Madden
Committee Member
Sue Brodrick
Committee Member
Carole Hiskett
Working Alongside the Committee
Sally Johnson
Newsletter & Website Editor
Mike Sare
Speaker Programme
Richard Friend
Lesley Rowe
New Members
We are pleased to welcome Mia Arshad, Ann Currie, Susan Drodge, Yvonne
Earley, Elizabeth Gregory, Charles and Brenda Hundley, Barbara HydeGregory, Carol and Tony Ibbotson, Clare Irwin, Eileen Leakey, Averil Mitchell,
Jean Probert, Maggie Ransom, Roger Rickman and Adrian Watts as recent
new members.
27th Oct
Artists Rifles - Steve Marshall
24th Nov
Cool Climate Wines - Roger Marchbank
15th Dec
Christmas Party – with refreshments
I would like to thank those members who have provided me with information
regarding speakers and would urge anyone who hears of an interesting
speaker to let me know so I can attempt to book them to talk to us.
I will be starting the search for 2016 speakers during the next week or so and
will be sure to keep the powers that be informed of progress so that future
newsletters can let you all know who and what you will be sitting through in
the future.
RIchard Friend
Chairman’s Chatter
The days are getting colder, nights are drawing in. The heating is coming on
and we are thinking about lighting the fire. We are coming to the end of the
year but, sometimes, it feels as though it barely started!! I don’t know why the
weeks and months seem to fly by, but perhaps it is because we are all so
busy; you know what they say - “Time flies when you are having fun” and,
hopefully, having fun is part of what being a U3A member is about.
So, although none of us want to start thinking about (sshhh …... Christmas),
I’d like to let you know that we have invited Sway Hand-bell Ringers to
perform for us at our Christmas Party. They did visit us once before and it
was a most informative afternoon, as well as entertaining, so I - for one - am
really looking forward to listening to them again. And hand-bells are very
Christmassy, aren’t they. I’ll take this opportunity to also clarify the position
with regard to our entrance charge for the Christmas Party; although last
year we didn’t make a charge, this was partly due to a mis-understanding and
partly because we didn’t have a speaker or any other kind of paid-for
entertainment. This year, the normal £1 entrance charge will be applied (£2
for visitors).
I’d also like to mention the position with regard to next year’s Committee;
although the current Committee is in office until next June, we should be
thinking about what will happen at the AGM. Vicky - our current Vice-Chair has had to give notice that she will not be able to take on the role of
Chairman at that time, and Ron - currently Treasurer - will come to the end of
his permitted term of office. So, in addition to any Committee members who
might wish to stand down, we will need three new Officers - Chairman, ViceChairman and Treasurer. For the sake of continuity, anyone who thinks they
might take on one of these roles should really be co-opted onto the
Committee now, to give them time to become familiar with how it all works
(although, to be honest, it isn’t very onerous!)
Can I ask you to please give serious thought as to whether you might feel
able to step up? There are really two issues here; one, without a Committee
and the Officers thereon, we simply will not have a U3A. Secondly, most of
the Officers and Members of the Committee are long-serving and I feel
passionately that we need to introduce new blood, otherwise the Committee
will ossify and eventually, the Group will die.
So, please, give it some serious thought. And if you feel that you can’t do
anything, think about your friends and if there is someone who you know
would make a useful contribution, set about persuading them to come
I look forward to seeing many of you over the next few months. Take care.
Carol Wilson
Book Group 1
Over the past few months we have read quite a variety of books, although
with a preponderance of History Dissolution, by C.J. Sansom. A mystery/thriller set in the times of Henry VIII
and Thomas Cromwell. Anyone who liked Wolf Hall would enjoy this and it
proved very popular with our Group, with some members going on to read
further books in the series.
Arthur and George, by Julian Barnes. A fictionalised account of true events
involving Arthur Conan Doyle and George Edalji. It was interesting to read
about prejudice in everyday life of Edwardian Britain, and the book is very
well written. Again, enjoyed by all.
Crippen, by John Boyne. Another fictionalised account of true events,
although we felt that this one was a more ‘dramatised’ version of the facts.
We were certainly on a roll, because we all enjoyed this one, too.
Split Second, by Cath Staincliffe. Pure fiction, this time, and a modern
setting. Whilst we all found this an easy read, I think we all felt that it was a
book that we would have casually picked up in the library whereas our book
group books are usually one’s that are a bit more challenging. As one
member put it, this one was “an easy read, but instantly forgettable”.
Carol Wilson
Book Group Chapter 2
July – The Other Side of the Dale by Gervase Phinn
This was as an easy, light summer read. The book is one of a number by this
author, all based on his experiences as a school inspector in the 1980s.
Many of us could relate to the incidents described by Phinn and enjoyed his
humour. Rating: 2.6/5
August – Good Omens by Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaimon
This collaboration by two well-known authors was unusual. The group felt
that it was very well written but overall we didn’t much care for the plot. We
acknowledged that the genre is well respected and enjoyed by die-hard fans.
Rating: 1.3/5
September – Murderous Marriage (Agatha Raisin Mysteries) by MC
This is another light-hearted, summer read and was enjoyed by all. We found
it humorous, easy to read and, although far-fetched, we could easily suspend
disbelief. It was packed with good characters and full of action. Some of the
group had read others in the series and gave a favourable account of them.
Rating: 3.5/5
Vicky Bayley
Card Group
We continue to meet on the 3rd Monday of the month round the table in our
dining room. Some of us know various card games already and some of us
are there to learn, this has worked out really well. We have played
Newmarket, Seven's and the card game Uno. At the moment we are full with
eight players. We all have a really enjoyable afternoon, learning and laughing
Susie Ager
Craft Group
In the past few months some members have knitted squares which were
made into a blanket and donated to the ‘Alison McGregor’. We received a
letter of appreciation from them.
Each month sees members busy with various crafts but with December
looming Christmas cards, using different mediums, are being produced.
We have been shown how to make a Christmas wreath using a metal ring
and strips of material. Next month will be a demonstration of present
wrapping using a variety of papers, fabrics, ribbons and bows.
New members would be very welcome to come and join us.
Cris Madden & Sandra Sare
Cycling Group
Our recent rides have included Hilltop to Lepe, stopping at Exbury for coffee
and Hilltop to Boldre with coffee at The Master Thatcher. The third month’s
ride was cancelled due to inclement weather.
We are trying to invent further new rides, so any ideas please let me know.
The Group would welcome any new members. Please contact me at the U3A
meeting or by telephone 02380893929
Mike Sare
French Conversation Group
Many of the group have been on holiday, so at recent meetings we have
spent time talking about their activities. Margaret brought us an article from a
French newspaper about the refugee crisis, which we read and discussed.
We completed one of the crosswords we do from time to time.
Alethea Thompson
Gardening Group
The club is going from strength to strength with new members every month.
So far we have been having speakers, enjoying outings and having a ball in a
member’s garden.
So far the weather has been very kind to us and the venues have been
interesting and rewarding.
If you would like to join us, you are most welcome.
Contact Mrs Jill Evans on Tel: 02380 894294.
Jill Evans
History Group
As we work ever closer to the present day, we are starting to concentrate on
specific topics rather than a generalised look at the events during a monarchs
reign.October has seen us attempting to find on more about the American
War of Independence, its causes progress and conclusions. Each new area
constantly reminds me how lucky we were to have as our original group
leader/tutor Jack Yeatman whose encyclopedic knowledge and great
enthusiasm for history inspired us all.
There is still room for more members and if you are interested please contact
RICHARD for more details on 02380898359.
Richard Friend
Keep Fit Group
The Monday morning get together continues at the club with varying
numbers. After a "short" general catch up with each other the warm up period
begins followed by some gentle stretching. We then move on to some
exercising with weights (small dumbells or water bottles) which are followed
by more aerobic exercises such as skipping hula hooping steps and boxing
(when the dummy bodies are available) We then move on to floor exercises
(limited movement members use chairs) and end with a 5 minute total relax
lie down.
This is on open group with room for more members and is by nature a drop in
drop out group. There is no pressure on exercisers to push themselves and
everyone works as they feel able.
Richard Friend
Luncheon Group
The August lunch was at Seashells and 23 of us had lovely food.
Unfortunately, on this occasion, the service was very slow which was
disappointing as normally this has been one of our nicer venues. I will speak
to them prior to our next visit in 2016 to ensure they are back on track!
In September, a smaller than usual group of us went back to Sir John
Barleycorn in Cadnam which we had not been to for quite some time. I
thought this was, unfortunately, one of the worst experiences in a while as the
staff/manager seemed completely disorganised! Although I had pre ordered
our food we were told on arrival that certain items were not now available and
we had to choose another meal off the menu. I did have a word with them on
leaving asking why they had asked us to pre order food that was not to be
available on the day but they really did not seem able to come up with an
answer!!! We will not be going back for some time.
October saw 30 of us return to La Pergola which is always excellent both for
service and delicious food. People especially love the desserts here which
really are amazing... Definitely one of our regular favourites and we will return
in 2016.
November is to be at The Rockingham Arms at West Wellow. I will relate how
this goes in the next newsletter...
Rose Nolan
National Trust Group
We have no trips planned at present. If anyone would like to help organise
one please let us know.
Mike Sare
Ramblers and Extra Long Walks
We have been very lucky this quarter, with perfect walking weather each time
we have gone out. We have done two exceptionally nice ‘new’ walks
recently; although they were in a similar area, they were very different in
themselves, and we also repeated an old favourite.
In August, Colin and Susie led us on a walk outside Romsey, which was very
lovely and had just about everything you would expect of a walk - woodland,
fields, hills and lanes. Ending with a fabulous lunch at The Bear and Ragged
Staff, where the chef coped really well, considering we were a large group.
Then, in September, we repeated a walk we last did several years ago and
went to the Rufus Stone outside Brook, for the start of a lovely walk. A large
part of this one skirted a beautiful golf course, where there were many players
enjoying the sunshine - we think it was Ladies Day. Lunch at the Sir Walter
Tyrell - a pub I had not visited before but would certainly go to again,
sometime in the future
Then this month - October 2015 - saw us travel back up beyond Romsey for a
walk that started in Stockbridge. Although it covered a very similar area to
our August walk, this time we walked the disused railway between Mottisfont
and Stockbridge before heading up-hill to the ridges above the Test Valley
and some spectacular views. This walk was rather longer than usual,
covering 8.6 miles, and we were very thankful to collapse in the Lilly Langtry
Tearooms for a welcome - albeit rather late - lunch.
All in all, these were excellent walks and we look forward to more over the
coming months; if you would like to join us, please let me know.
Carol Wilson
Scrabble Group
Our group continued to meet during the summer months although sometimes
with a reduced number. This made us be inventive so we adapted the game
to suit five players which led to quick and amusing play which was great fun.
Sadly with all our regulars now in attendance we have no room for additional
players but I am pleased to say that another group has been started.
Sally Croll.
Singing Group (Mellow Tones)
What a successful Macmillan Coffee Morning! Thank you to
all of you who helped raise £786.51, a great donation to
Prior to that in August, we enjoyed an evening meal at Seashells (lovely food
& view) 12 went on the Alison Macgregor first and had a very calm and
pleasant trip over to the Hamble, another worthy cause that relies on
We have been singing at various homes which is always well received and
hopefully another Tuesday in Hythe in aid of Honeypot (had to cancel it this
week as it rained just when we wanted the sun to shine)
We sang at the Waterside Theatre on the 3rd.October for the 'Proms' it was
scary but fun, lots of flag waving when the New Forest Brass Band played
Pomp & Circumstance, really good evening.
Our numbers have increased to 35, meeting at Bethany Hall, Rollestone Rd.
every Tuesday 10.00-12.00, everyone welcome.
Sue Brodrick
We have only been able to hold one skittles meeting this year. Sorry about
that, but events this last year meant it has not been possible to hold any
All being well we will return at the end of January ready to start all over again.
.Tony Madden.
Storytellers Group
Due to various events and commitments we had a long layoff during the
summer but came back in October with renewed vigour with some marvellous
stories on the subject ‘There’s a jungle out there’. It always surprises me
how different people interpret phrases and this was no exception and we had
some great stories If I have whet your appetite just a little we do have a
vacancy in our group.
Kevin Croll
As we had had a lot of rain in the weeks preceding the short walk on October
7th, we decided to do the walk along the cliff top at Lepe, where most of the
walk is on a gravel path. There were 11 people and it was a very pleasant
morning with good visability, after the walk we went to the beach café for
The short walk is always the 1st Wednesday in the month. We still need to
find more people willing to lead one occasionally. You just need to know of a
suitable walk of about 2 miles on the flat, with no stiles, and be prepared to
show people the route. If you are interested please talk to Alethea Thompson
at a Tuesday meeting.
Alethea Thompson
Theatre Group
Details of theatre visits will be announced at the Monthly Meetings.
Richard Friend
Antiques & Collectables
We meet in my home on the second Monday of the month.
We are working through the alphabet. We talk about our treasures and
usually reminisce about childhood memories.
Finish off with a cuppa tea and a slice of cake.
Yvonne Short
The ukulele group meets at the Exbury Club at 7.30pm on the second and
fourth Thursdays of each month.
If anybody is interested in joining us please contact Harry Meadows on (023)
8089 9493 or Email to harry@netconfigs.com
There are no costs involved for those who are Exbury Club members but nonmembers pay £1 to be signed in.
Harry Meadows
Health and Well Being
We are still "talking" a lot about healthier lifestyles! Outcomes and
achievements vary considerably among our group but at least I don't think
anyone has gained weight so that's a bonus. Keeping motivated to do the
right thing isn't always easy but meeting each other in various places can be
helpful for support and encouragement even if some people think "big sister"
is watching! Really I'm not checking shopping baskets or dinner plates and
It's nearly time for party dresses and slinky tops again so that's another goal
we can aim for with achievements to celebrate.
Lynda Friend
On 8th October 46 of us went to Bletchley Park for a very enjoyable day out,
once again the weather was kind to us and on this occasion so was the
traffic. I certainly learned a great deal there, and that is what U3A is about,
learning, and it is so much more fun to learn as a group with friends. We had
lots of positive feedback afterwards which is very rewarding, it is always good
to know we are organising the type of outings you like.
Our next outing is not so much about learning but having a nice day out
before the run up to Christmas. We are going to London on 22nd November
for a carvery lunch, a stroll round the German Christmas market and an after
dark cruise down the Thames. We still have places on the coach, the cost is
That will be our last outing this year so our next task is to plan next year’s
programme, if you have any suggestions please let us know.
Sue, Lesley, Richard and Veronica
Photographic Group
Members of the Photography Group continue to enjoy their activities, and
during the Spring to Autumn period we are able to explore the New Forest
area undertaking our "challenges" when the weather and light are at their
best. Since the last Newsletter our projects have been "Colour in Nature",
"Abstract", and "Past its Best". Additionally, we have had challenges in
Fordingbridge and Ringwood which saw our members, armed with cameras
and lists of things to find and photograph, with some surprising and excellent
results. It is always interesting at each Waterside meeting to see the
photographs of the projects and challenges as there is such a variety on
show. At the end of each display, members choose a few photographs to be
shown on our website, and to appear in the Newsletter, and I hope all our
U3A members will visit the website to see some of the photographs we have
taken, u3asites.org.uk/fawley-holbury then selecting Groups, then
Photography. We still have capacity for a few more enthusiasts to join our
group and anyone interested can contact Peter or Sally Johnson on
02380890582 for further information.
Peter Johnson
Colours in nature
– Cris Madden
Abstract – Mike
Past it’s best – Sally
And Finally......
Nine Important Facts To Remember As We Grow Older
#9 Death is the number 1 killer in the world.
#8 Life is sexually transmitted.
#7 Good health is merely the slowest possible rate at which one can die.
#6 Men have 2 motivations: hunger and hanky panky, and they can't tell
them apart. If you see a gleam in his eyes, make him a sandwich.
#5 Give a person a fish and you feed them for a day. Teach a person to
use the Internet and they won't bother you for weeks, months, maybe
#4 Health nuts are going to feel stupid someday, lying in the hospital,
dying of nothing.
#3 All of us could take a lesson from the weather. It pays no attention to
#2 In the 60's, people took acid to make the world weird. Now the world
is weird, and people take Prozac to make it normal.
#1 Life is like a jar of jalapeno peppers. What you do today may be a
burning issue tomorrow.
Don't ignore this message. This is your only warning.
The 95-year-old ping pong supremo from Holbury has
been spending 20 years of her retirement perfecting her
backhand smash and top spin forehand.
Rita plays every week on Thursday morning at the nifty 50s
group in Fawley and says she has a win rate of around 50 per cent.
Rita, said: “I played for a bit as a teenager for a few years and I started
playing again 20 years ago.”
“It is good fun and not too exhaustingly strenuous. I think it keeps me moving
and keeps me active and probably is quite good for my eyesight too.
Rita encouraged other pensioners to pick up a paddle and give the sport a