Biology Genetics Test

Biology Genetics Test
1. Kubla Khan owned ___ mastiffs.
a. 2000
b. 3000
c. 4000
d. 5000
e. 6000
2. The longest phase of Mitosis is ___, even though only its ____ period is considered part of this cycle.
a. Prophase, G2 b. Prometaphase, S c. Interphase, S d. Interphase, G2
3. During which phase of mitosis does chromosome formation occur?
a. Interphase G2
b. Prophase
c. Anaphase
d. Metaphase
4. The disappearance of the nuclear membrane occurs during which phase of mitosis?
a. Interphase G2
b. Prophase
c. Anaphase
d. Metaphase
5. Kinetochores allow for the ____ to become attached to the chromatids.
a. microfilaments
b. microtubules
c. microwaves
d. microscopes
6. The answer to number 5 uses what as an energy source to drag around chromosomes?
a. glucose
b. ATP
c. ADP
d. oxygen
e. carbon
7. Chromosomes are lined up due to microtubule movement longitudinally in the cell.
During which phase does this occur?
a. Interphase G2
b. Prophase
c. Anaphase
d. Metaphase
8. What process follows telophase, and results in final cell cleavage?
a. interkinesis
b. cytokinesis
c. cytosol
d. cytocide
9. How many haploid cells are produced as a result of Meiosis?
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
e. 5
10. 2/3 of shark attacks occur in ___ ft of water.
a. 2
b. 4
c. 8
d. 16
11. How many chromosomes are in a human haploid cell?
A. 23
B. 46
12. How many chromosomes are in a human diploid cell?
A. 23
B. 46
13. In which phase of meiosis does homologus recombination (which results in genetic variation) occur?
a. Anaphase I
b. Prophase I
c. Interkinesis
d. Telophase I
14. An adult male lion’s roar can be heard __ miles away.
a. 1
b. 2
c. 5
d. 10
15. True or False, during prometaphase the cell’s membrane disappears (the cell wall disappears
In plants).
A. True
B. False
16. The sperm and egg are known as ___, a necessity for sexually reproducing organisms.
a. gametes
b. zygotes
c. somatics
d. paramecium
17. True or False, G2 of Interphase is not present in Meiosis I or II.
a. True
b. False
18. Homologus Recombination (crossing over) occurs during which meiotic phase?
a. Prophase I
b. Anaphase II
c. Prometaphase III
d. Telophase I
19. True or False, chromosomes are oriented at random in the nucleus.
a. True
b. False
20. Trisomy 21, aka Down’s Syndrome, occurs when there are __ chromosomes at the ___ position.
a. 2, 21
b. 3, 22
c. 3, 21
d. 2, 25
21. Which of the following alleles are considered homozygous?
a. BB
b. bb
c. AA
d. aa
e. All
22. Which of the following alleles are considered heterozygous?
a. Aa
b. AA
c. aa
d. BB
23. ____ is a recessive genetic disorder affecting humans.
a. achondroplasia
b. albinism
c. arthritis
d. ketoacidosis
24. The D in DNA stands for which of the following molecules?
a. dextrose
b. dwarfism
c. deoxyribose
d. deoxyglucose
25. Which of the following is not a base found in a strand of DNA?
a. thymine
b. uracil
c. adenine
d. guanine
26. The DNA double helix is composed of a pentose-phosphate backbone, which has __ polymers bound
by hydrogen bonds.
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
e. 5
27. The 2 strands of DNA are considered _____ because they run in opp. directions.
a. parallel
b. anti-parallel
28. True or False, the more complex the organism, the more chromosomes it will contain.
(That’s why humans have the most)
a. True
b. False
29. ___ occurs in all living things because DNA must be multiplied for cell division.
a. Replication
b. Translation
c. photosynthesis
30. Before new copies of DNA can be made, ___ cuts the two strands at the origin.
a. helicase
b. ligase
c. DNA primase
d. topoisomerase
31. This region is rich in ___ and ____, because they are held by 2 hydrogen bonds.
a. adenine, thymine
b. cytosine, guanine
32. Adenine
a. Purines
33. Guanine
b. Pyrimidines
34. Cytosine
35. Thymine
36. ___ ___ adds new bases to the leading strand as it undergoes replication.
a. DNA polymerase
b. RNA primase
c. DNA helicase d. DNA ligase
37. ___ ___ adds new bases to the lagging strand as it undergoes transcription.
a. DNA polymerase
b. RNA primase
c. DNA helicase d. DNA ligase
38. RNA primers are also called ____ _____ for the Japanese scientist who discovered them.
a. Suzuki fragments b. Daiishi fragments
c. okazaki histones
d. okazaki fragments
39. During replication, the actions of helicase can sometimes cause super-coiling of DNA. To alleviate
this problem ___ will cut/unwind these segments.
a. helicase
b. ligase
c. DNA primase
d. topoisomerase
40. ____ can repair broken fragments of DNA during the replication process.
a. helicase
b. ligase
c. DNA primase
d. topoisomerase
41. True or False, SSB’s are used to keep RNA from folding back on itself.
42. An ostrich’s brain is smaller than its ___.
a. ear
b. eye
c. teeth
d. nostril
43. ____ is the biological discipline that studies inheritance.
a. karyotyping
b. genealogy
c. genetics
d. ophthalmology
44. True or False, Gregor Blanco is known as the “father of genetics”.
45. According to the Law of Segregation, each parent passes on ___ gene(s) for each genetic trait they
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
46. Which law states that genes that are unlinked and separate are passed on independently?
a. Segregation
b. Independent Assortment
c. Gravity
d. Thermodynamics
47. True or False, the flow of genetic information is unidirectional.
48. DNA to DNA
a. Transcription
49. DNA to RNA
b. Replication
50. RNA to amino acids(Protein)
c. Translation