Early Years Teacher Status Professional Tutor/Mentor Observation Grading Support Grid (EYITT Teacher Standards) 2015/16 1. Set high expectations which inspire, motivate and challenge all children MEETING THE STANDARDS AT AN OUTSTANDING LEVEL MEETING THE STANDARDS AT A GOOD LEVEL REQUIRES IMPROVEMENT TOWARDS THE STANDARDS FAILING TO MEET THE STANDARDS-INADEQUATE Trainee demonstrates robust evidence in both practice and provision of establishing and sustaining a safe and stimulating environment where children feel confident and able to learn and develop. Good evidence of establishing and sustaining a safe and stimulating environment where children feel confident and are able to learn and develop. Some evidence of establishing and sustaining a safe and stimulating environment where children feel confident and are able to learn and develop. No evidence of establishing and sustaining a safe and stimulating environment where children feel confident and are able to learn and develop. Trainee demonstrates robust evidence in both practice and provision of goals set that challenge children of all backgrounds, abilities and dispositions. Good evidence of goals set that challenge children of all backgrounds, abilities and dispositions. Some evidence of goals set that challenge children of all backgrounds, abilities and dispositions. No goals set that challenge children of all backgrounds, abilities and dispositions. Trainee clearly demonstrates and models the positive values, attitudes and behaviours expected of children, in a consistent manner. Good demonstration and modelling of the positive values, attitudes and behaviours expected of children. Some demonstration and modelling of the positive values, attitudes and behaviours expected of children. No demonstration and modelling of the positive values, attitudes and behaviours expected of children. Expectation – for example by the end of the programme a trainee should be able to: Demonstrate, as a role model, punctuality, appropriate dress, professional attitudes towards others. Treat children with respect (e.g. know their names, give timely feedback). Model the use of appropriate language. Plan and teach sessions which challenge, motivate and inspire. Keep accurate and timely records. Establish a safe environment in which children treat each other with respect Examples of Evidence – Standard 1 Planning documents: Examples of planning showing evidence of differentiation, the setting of challenging goals Examples of planning indicating the careful selection of resources Planning exemplifying a range of appropriate Early Years activities, e.g. visits, Forest School sessions Reflective Documents: Trainee evaluations following their sessions Evidence of focussed evaluations on responses by individual children Observations: Observation records concerning: Health and safety risks communicated to the children Evidence of children being aware of purpose of the activity/learning opportunity The communication of high expectations Professional behaviour and role modelling Enthusiasm demonstrated for a range of creative learning opportunities Instances when inappropriate behaviour has been challenged Where anti-biased and anti-discriminatory practice is evident Peer observations or mentor or practitioner observations of practice Audits: Environmental and inclusive audits, ECERS, ITERS Action plans and evidence of creating change or developing practice Action plans of input to the physical environment e.g. displays, resourced areas Children’s assessment records: Evidence of progress over time for individuals Goals and next steps from children’s Early Years Development Journals Other sources A range of risk assessments/checklists Observations of practice across the age ranges – babies, toddlers and young children Visits to extend the children’s learning Evidence of engagement with specialist staff (e.g. SENCO, LSA, EAL teachers) Development of resources to support the indicators eg. welcome posters, different languages on signs, visual clues, self-registration Comments / verification statements from class teacher/mentor/LSAs/ visiting tutor Reflective tasks 2. Promote good progress and outcomes by children MEETING THE STANDARDS AT AN OUTSTANDING LEVEL MEETING THE STANDARDS AT A GOOD LEVEL REQUIRES IMPROVEMENT TOWARDS THE STANDARDS FAILING TO MEET THE STANDARDS-INADEQUATE Outstanding accountability for children’s progress, attainment and outcomes demonstrated in practice and provision and through robust evidence. Trainee demonstrates outstanding knowledge and understanding of how babies and children learn and develop. Trainee demonstrates outstanding knowledge and understanding of attachment theories, their significance and how to effectively promote secure attachments. Outstanding leadership and modelling of effective strategies to develop and extend children’s learning and thinking, including sustained shared thinking. Consistently effective communication with children from birth to age five, including active listening and sensitive response. Outstanding promotion of the development of children’s confidence, social and communication skills through group learning. Outstanding knowledge and understanding of the important influence of parents/carers and the development of close working partnerships to support the child’s wellbeing, learning and development. Good accountability for children’s progress, attainment and outcomes. Some accountability for children’s progress, attainment and outcomes No accountability for children’s progress, attainment and outcomes Trainee demonstrates good knowledge and understanding of how babies and children learn and develop. Trainee demonstrates good knowledge and understanding of attachment theories, their significance and how to effectively promote secure attachments. Good leadership and modelling of effective strategies to develop and extend children’s learning and thinking, including sustained shared thinking Effective communication with children from birth to age five, including active listening and sensitive response. Some knowledge and understanding of how babies and children learn and develop. Some knowledge and understanding of attachment theories, their significance and how to effectively promote secure attachments. No knowledge and understanding of how babies and children learn and develop. No knowledge and understanding of attachment theories, their significance and how to effectively promote secure attachments. Some leading and modelling of effective strategies to develop and extend children’s learning and thinking, including sustained shared thinking Some effective communication with children from birth to age five, including active listening and sensitive response. Some promotion of the development of children’s confidence, social and communication skills through group learning. Some knowledge and understanding of the important influence of parents/carers and the development of close working partnerships to support the child’s well- being, learning and development. No leading and modelling of effective strategies to develop and extend children’s learning and thinking, including sustained shared thinking No effective communication with children from birth to age five, including active listening and sensitive response. No promotion of the development of children’s confidence, social and communication skills through group learning. No knowledge and understanding of the important influence of parents/carers and the development of close working partnerships to support the child’s well- being, learning and development. Good promotion of the development of children’s confidence, social and communication skills through group learning. Good knowledge and understanding of the important influence of parents/carers and the development of close working partnerships to support the child’s well- being, learning and development. Expectation – for example by the end of the programme a trainee should be able to: Demonstrate, in planning and teaching, knowledge of individuals’ attainment Identify and plan for all to include high attainers, children with SEN, those for whom English is an additional language Acquire some knowledge and understanding of the role of the practitioner in promoting good progress and outcomes by children Provide feedback to children and opportunities for them to reflect on their attainment and how to make progress. Identify and follow – up issues of under-attainment by children e.g. discuss with EYP, parents and wider professionals Can demonstrate their knowledge of attachment theory and the benefits this brings. Shows their excellent communication skills with children of all ages, listening actively using emotional intelligence. Is clear on how to respond to nonverbal/pre-verbal children and to support their developing language. Demonstrate quality interactions with children using sustained shared thinking. Work with parents to promote better outcomes for children. Examples of Evidence - Standard 2 Planning documents Evidence of assessment and observational data used to inform subsequent planning Evidence of clear introductions and subsequent development of ideas Evidence of sequences of sessions incorporating EYFS, parental involvement, next steps. Session planning which takes account of wider objectives, e.g. social and personal skills Session plans which promote independent and collaborative working Session plans that demonstrate the use of open questions to support sustained shared thinking (SST). Reflective Documents Evaluations built on assessment data Awareness of social and emotional factors & cultural and linguistic factors Reflective observation notes Evidence of questioning which builds on answers given and where children are asked to explain their thinking and reflect on their learning Policies (annotated with reflections) Written reflections e.g. on Key Person approach, how attachment theories underpin settling-in policies and procedures etc. Observations Observations of children, which have been used to plan for next steps in development and learning Peer/Mentor/Practitioner observations on key issue e.g. sensitive communication and ‘tuning into’ babies, toddlers and young children or demonstrate SST Children’s assessment records Evidence of regular, up-to date monitoring and assessment records of children’s progress Evidence of contributions to children’s Early Years Development Journals Evidence of feedback given to children e.g. transcripts of conversations with child/group of children Other sources Evidence of the incorporation of educational programmes e.g., PALS, ECAT, letters and sounds , ICAN, SEAL or SEAD during circle time Case studies, for example child on the role of Key Person or how you build relationships/partnerships with parents Reports from SENCO’s Evidence of Reflective tasks/Reflective Logs 3. Demonstrate good knowledge of early learning and EYFS Curriculum MEETING THE STANDARDS AT AN OUTSTANDING LEVEL MEETING THE STANDARDS AT A GOOD LEVEL REQUIRES IMPROVEMENT TOWARDS THE STANDARDS FAILING TO MEET THE STANDARDS-INADEQUATE Outstanding depth of knowledge of early childhood development and how that leads to successful learning and development at school. Good knowledge of early childhood development and how that leads to successful learning and development at school. Some knowledge of early childhood development and how that leads to successful learning and development at school. No knowledge of early childhood development and how that leads to successful learning and development at school. Outstanding/Robust understanding of how to widen children’s experience and raise their expectations. Good understanding of how to widen children’s experience and raise their expectations Some understanding of how to widen children’s experience and raise their expectations No understanding of how to widen children’s experience and raise their expectations Robust, critical understanding of the EYFS areas of learning and development and confident engagement with the educational continuum of expectations, curricula and teaching of Key Stage 1 and 2. Good understanding of the EYFS areas of learning and development and engagement with the educational continuum of expectations, curricula and teaching of Key Stage 1 and 2. Some understanding of the EYFS areas of learning and development and engagement with the educational continuum of expectations, curricula and teaching of Key Stage 1 and 2. No understanding of the EYFS areas of learning and development and engagement with the educational continuum of expectations, curricula and teaching of Key Stage 1 and 2. Robust and confident understanding of systematic synthetic phonics in the teaching of early reading. Good understanding of systematic synthetic phonics in the teaching of early reading. Some understanding of systematic synthetic phonics in the teaching of early reading. No understanding of systematic synthetic phonics in the teaching of early reading. Robust and confident understanding of appropriate strategies in the teaching of early mathematics. Good understanding of appropriate strategies in the teaching of early mathematics. Some understanding of appropriate strategies in the teaching of early mathematics. No understanding of appropriate strategies in the teaching of early mathematics. Expectation – for example by the end of the programme a trainee should be able to: Know relevant external assessment specifications (e.g. National Curriculum, EYFS) and demonstrate sufficient knowledge to teach the required content for the relevant age phase. Be able to demonstrate competence in presentation of subject e.g. coursework, assignments. Demonstrate adequate numeracy and literacy skills Demonstrate willingness and ability to research areas of weakness in knowledge of subject or curriculum Show a clear understanding of early child development and how this relates to learning in later life. Demonstrate a clear understanding of maths and phonics applicable to their work with birth to fives. Examples of Evidence – Standard 3 Planning documents Planning which demonstrates a secure grasp of the concepts, ideas and principles of the Early Years Foundation Stage. Session plans, schemes of work and resources providing examples of a trainees’ ability to design learning opportunities within both Prime and Specific Areas and Aspects Planning indicating appropriate strategies in the teaching of early mathematics Planning to support the development of systematic synthetic phonics in the teaching of early reading Planning demonstrating that children’s needs and interests have been taken into account Reflective Documents Evidence of wider reading which has impacted upon practice Evidence of links between the EYFS, National Curriculum and the educational continuum (Key Stage 1 experience should support this) e.g. how early literacy activities, such as, activities found in phase 1 of ‘Letters and Sounds’ can support the development of systematic synthetic phonics and how this is then developed within schools. Reflections on how children’s experiences have been widened and expectations raised Reflections on the Statutory and Non-Statutory EYFS guidance Observations Observations of how the skills achieved by children link to next steps and school readiness Observations indicating how Prime and Specific areas have been integrated within learning experiences to support children’s development. Children’s assessment records Records of language & literacy learning Contributions made to Early Years Development Journals Completed Two Year Progress Check Early Years Foundation Stage Profile (baseline check when implemented) Other sources Evidence of tasks which demonstrate critical evaluation of aspects of the EYFS and children’s learning as well as deep evaluation of a trainee’s own work Educational visit plans for groups of children that link to the EYFS Audits on the EYFS Statutory guidance Research articles/findings Observation notes made whilst watching colleagues demonstrate good subject and pedagogical knowledge across the age groups Children’ work demonstrating secure subject knowledge Session/practice evaluations Mentor Meeting logs Reflective Logs 4. Plan education and care taking account of the needs of all children MEETING THE STANDARDS AT AN OUTSTANDING LEVEL MEETING THE STANDARDS AT A GOOD LEVEL REQUIRES IMPROVEMENT TOWARDS THE STANDARDS FAILING TO MEET THE STANDARDS-INADEQUATE Outstanding observation and assessment of children’s learning and development and effective use of this to plan next steps. Good observation and assessment of children’s learning and development and effective use of this to plan next steps. Some observation and assessment of children’s learning and development and effective use of this to plan next steps. No observation and assessment of children’s learning and development and use of this to plan next steps. Outstanding planning of balanced and flexible activities and educational programmes that take into account the stage of development, circumstances and interest of children. Good planning of balanced and flexible activities and educational programmes that take into account the stage of development, circumstances and interest of children. Some planning of balanced and flexible activities and educational programmes that take into account the stage of development, circumstances and interest of children. No planning of balanced and flexible activities and educational programmes that take into account the stage of development, circumstances and interest of children. Outstanding promotion of a love of learning and stimulation of children’s intellectual curiosity in partnership with parents/carers. Good promotion of a love of learning and stimulation of children’s intellectual curiosity in partnership with parents/carers. Some promotion of a love of learning and stimulation of children’s intellectual curiosity in partnership with parents/carers No promotion of a love of learning and stimulation of children’s intellectual curiosity in partnership with parents/carers Outstanding use of an effective range of teaching approaches to lead group activities appropriate to the age range and ability of children. Good use of an effective range of teaching approaches to lead group activities appropriate to the age range and ability of children. Some use of different teaching approaches to lead group activities appropriate to the age range and ability of children. No use of different teaching approaches to lead group activities appropriate to the age range and ability of children. Outstanding reflection on the effectiveness of teaching activities and educational programmes to support the continuous improvement of provision. Good reflection on the effectiveness of teaching activities and educational programmes to support the continuous improvement of provision. Some reflection on the effectiveness of teaching activities and educational programmes to support the continuous improvement of provision. No reflection on the effectiveness of teaching activities and educational programmes to support the continuous improvement of provision. Expectation – for example by the end of the programme a trainee should be able to: Plan in detail for all sessions Indicate on plans, how time will be used, suitable subject content, appropriate subject specific pedagogy, differentiation for individuals as well as groups of children Integrate assessment into planning and include evaluation and next steps Plan activities which form a coherent programme and show how evaluation has informed planning Build relationships with parents to support their child engagement in home learning. Demonstrate that their presence is emerging/developing/evident Be able to follow plans and contribute to planning Examples of Evidence – Standard 4 Planning documents Examples of planning where challenging objectives have been set based on prior evaluations, observations and next steps Session plans which demonstrate secure knowledge and understanding of teaching requirements from the EYFS Session plans which demonstrate an increasingly varied approach to assessment, differentiation and group work Session plans which demonstrate different approaches to teaching, such as, adult-led, child initiated, child-led, spontaneous and group learning Evidence of sessions designed to build on children’s interests Evidence where the role of parents and carers in supporting children’s continued learning has been taken into account Planning which provides for a balanced and flexible provision Annotated activity plans Reflective Documents Evaluations of practice based on guidance from others e.g. colleagues’ judgments and subsequent improvements made Evidence of the incorporation of educational programmes e.g., PALS, ECAT, letters and sounds , ICAN, SEAL or SEAD during circle time Examples of how a love of learning has been promoted which stimulates children’s intellectual curiosity Observations Observation records demonstrating a range of observational techniques; Records of observational techniques used to inform and assess the children’s development and learning Observation records which demonstrate enthusiasm for a range of creative learning opportunities Children’s assessment records Records demonstrate how observations have informed planning and assessment processes Contributions made to children’s Early Years Development Journals Examples of appropriate feedback given to children Examples of responses to (We Are Learning To and What I’m Looking For) Other sources Evidence of work in partnership with parents e.g. giving and receiving feedback to support children’s development and interests Prepared resources and evaluations of their effectiveness Observations of practice by class teacher/mentor/link tutor/other practitioner Weekly mentor meeting logs Notes of parent meetings Reflective Log 5. Adapt education and care to respond to the strengths and needs of all children MEETING THE STANDARDS AT AN OUTSTANDING LEVEL MEETING THE STANDARDS AT A GOOD LEVEL REQUIRES IMPROVEMENT TOWARDS THE STANDARDS FAILING TO MEET THE STANDARDS-INADEQUATE Trainee demonstrates a robust understanding of how a range of factors can inhibit children’s learning and development and how best to address these. Trainee demonstrates a good understanding of how a range of factors can inhibit children’s learning and development and how best to address these. Trainee demonstrates some understanding of how a range of factors can inhibit children’s learning and development and how best to address these. No understanding of how a range of factors can inhibit children’s learning and development and how best to address these. Trainee demonstrates a robust understanding of the physical, emotional, social, intellectual development and communication needs of babies and children, and knows how to adapt care and education to support children at differing stages of development. Trainee demonstrates a robust understanding of the needs of all children, including those with special educational needs and disabilities and be able to use and evaluate distinctive approaches to engage and support them. Trainee provides outstanding, robust evidence of supporting children through a range of transitions. Outstanding knowledge of when a child is in need of additional support and how this can be accessed, working in partnership with parents/carers and other professionals. Trainee demonstrates a good understanding of the physical, emotional, social, intellectual development and communication needs of babies and children, and knows how to adapt care and education to support children at differing stages of development. Trainee demonstrates a good understanding of the needs of all children, including those with special educational needs and disabilities and be able to use and evaluate distinctive approaches to engage and support them. Trainee provides good evidence of supporting children through a range of transitions. Good knowledge of when a child is in need of additional support and how this can be accessed, working in partnership with parents/carers and other professionals. Trainee demonstrates some awareness of the physical, emotional, social, intellectual development and communication needs of babies and children, and knows how to adapt care and education to support children at differing stages of development. No awareness of the physical, emotional, social, intellectual development and communication needs of babies and children, and knows how to adapt care and education to support children at differing stages of development. Trainee demonstrates some understanding of the needs of all children, including those with special educational needs and disabilities and be able to use and evaluate distinctive approaches to engage and support them. Trainee provides some evidence of supporting children through a range of transitions. Some knowledge of when a child is in need of additional support and how this can be accessed, working in partnership with parents/carers and other professionals. No understanding of the needs of all children, including those with special educational needs and disabilities and be able to use and evaluate distinctive approaches to engage and support them. No evidence of supporting children through a range of transitions. No knowledge of when a child is in need of additional support and how this can be accessed, working in partnership with parents/carers and other professionals Expectation - for example by the end of the programme a trainee should be able to: Demonstrate in lessons, different approaches to different children, e.g. in questioning, in discussion Use different tasks for different children within a setting Give appropriate feedback to individuals according to their strengths and needs Use different resources to support learning of individuals within a setting Promote holistic wellbeing for all children and support families equitably Be aware of the wide range of transitions and how they can promote and help children in these situations Identify children’ strengths and needs (see Standard 2) Be able to securely discuss children’s progress with parents and wider professionals accessing support where appropriate Examples of Evidence – Standard 5 Planning documents Examples of planning that Identifies children’s needs including SEN, academically able, EAL, average and spread of prior attainment differentiated objectives Examples of planning that sets challenging learning objectives based on assessment of learning from observations, Education, Health and Care (EHC) plans and from previous sessions. Planning which indicates the use differentiated resources for example those which promote inclusion e.g. cultures/gender Reflective Documents Written evaluations of strategies used and targets for progress and developing learning Written reflections concerning the factors that might inhibit children’s development e.g., divorce, bereavement, disability, parental addiction, abuse and birth of a sibling Evidence of response to strategies used to support the above situations Observations Observation records demonstrating engaging and retaining the active participation of children Observations of grouping being used to support inclusion Observation records of individuals who are struggling being supported Observations of situations where the learning of high attaining children is extended and challenged Children’s assessment records Children’s individual learning plans, targets and records of progress Evidence of contributions to children’s EHC plans, Early Years Development Journals, IEP’s Other sources Evidence of support for children through both vertical and horizontal transitions/settling in processes/changing rooms/moving to a new setting or home Audits, such as, environmental and inclusive audits, which demonstrate how the environment has been tailored to be more inclusive and meet the needs of all children Evidence of meetings with SENCo’s, Key People and/or other professionals who provide additional support to children and their families. Documents/records which support effective communication/relationships with parents e.g. parent meeting notes Written tasks Records of discussions with mentor in weekly meeting Reflective Log 6. Make active and productive use of assessment MEETING THE STANDARDS AT AN OUTSTANDING LEVEL MEETING THE STANDARDS AT A GOOD LEVEL REQUIRES IMPROVEMENT TOWARDS THE STANDARDS FAILING TO MEET THE STANDARDS-INADEQUATE Trainee demonstrates a robust and confident understanding of undertaking and leading assessment within the EYFS framework, including statutory requirements. Trainee demonstrates a good understanding of undertaking and leading assessment within the EYFS framework, including statutory requirements. Trainee demonstrates some understanding of undertaking and leading assessment within the EYFS framework, including statutory requirements. No understanding of undertaking and leading assessment within the EYFS framework, including statutory requirements. Trainee provides robust evidence of engaging effectively with parents/carers and other professionals in the on-going assessment and provision for each child. Good evidence of engaging effectively with parents/carers and other professionals in the on-going assessment and provision for each child. Some evidence of engaging effectively with parents/carers and other professionals in the on-going assessment and provision for each child. No evidence of engaging effectively with parents/carers and other professionals in the on-going assessment and provision for each child. Trainee provides robust evidence of giving regular feedback to children and parents/carers to help children progress towards their goals. Trainee provides good evidence of giving regular feedback to children and parents/carers to help children progress towards their goals. Trainee provides some evidence of giving regular feedback to children and parents/carers to help children progress towards their goals No evidence of giving regular feedback to children and parents/carers to help children progress towards their goals Expectation – for example by the end of the programme a trainee should be able to: Acquire knowledge of assessment criteria for all stages and ages taught e.g. EYFS, NC levels Apply this knowledge in practice in marking summative assessments Routinely demonstrate use of formative assessment Use assessment data to inform planning Develop children’ understanding of their assessment targets Work holistically with children, families and other professionals to assess and support children’s learning. Examples of Evidence – Standard 6 Planning documents Examples of planning using WALT and WILF, (We Are Learning To links to the planning’s Objectives and What I’m Looking For links to the Assessment of these Objectives) Evidence within planning where and assessment of prior knowledge has been used to inform the planning of a new topic Plans indicating the use of summative assessment e.g. written assessment, use of past Two Year Progress Check and Early Years Foundation Stage Profile (EYFSP) Examples of planning which demonstrates the use of appropriate Assessment for Learning (AfL) strategies e.g. traffic lights, mini-whiteboards, open and closed questions, peer and self-assessment, concept maps Evidence of group tracking mechanisms which have been used to plan the environment to meet the children’s needs and identify next steps Reflective Documents Records of data which have been annotated/critically evaluated and have informed practice Evidence of when data has been used to inform assessment discussions with assessment coordinator Copies of the statistical information held about a setting and reflections upon how this relates to the national picture Examples of Statutory Assessment procedures, e.g. Two Year Progress Check and Early Years Foundation Stage Profile/Baseline Check (when introduced) Documents relating to government initiatives and current agendas e.g. teaching of phonics/Early Maths Examples of the assessment cycle – copies of theoretical models Written reflections on key assessment issues e.g. How can Early Years Teachers lead and support other practitioners in their knowledge, understanding and completion of assessment, the two year progress check and the Early Years Foundation Stage Profile? What value is there in using different assessment to inform practice? How can the children be part of the assessment process? How do the viewpoints of other stakeholders vary in regards to their experiences and perspectives of the assessment process? Observations Examples of when a range of observational techniques have been used to support the assessment process Observations of formative and summative assessment in practice e.g. AfL strategies Observations of when question and answer techniques have been used to gauge learning Children’s assessment records Evidence of contributions to statutory assessment records, such as, Two Year Progress Check and Early Years Foundation Stage Profile and how you can work with parents to achieve this Evidence of contributions to the formative assessment process of the children’s Early Years Development Journals Records of involvement in ECH, and the formulation of IEPs Other sources Evidence and examples from practice of the different ways and techniques used by settings to assess children Copies of a range of assessment criteria Session plans – specific reference to assessment Records of session observations by class teacher, mentor, link tutor, other practitioners Session evaluations Records of INSET / staff training Records/notes in preparation for/taken at Parent meetings Log/Notes of meetings held with other professionals Reflective Logs/Journals 7. Safeguard and promote the welfare of children, and provide a safe learning environment MEETING THE STANDARDS AT AN OUTSTANDING LEVEL MEETING THE STANDARDS AT A GOOD LEVEL REQUIRES IMPROVEMENT TOWARDS THE STANDARDS FAILING TO MEET THE STANDARDS-INADEQUATE Outstanding knowledge and evidence of acting upon the legal requirements and guidance on health and safety, safeguarding and promoting the welfare of the child. Good knowledge and evidence of acting upon the legal requirements and guidance on health and safety, safeguarding and promoting the welfare of the child. Some knowledge and evidence of acting upon the legal requirements and guidance on health and safety, safeguarding and promoting the welfare of the child. No knowledge or evidence of acting upon the legal requirements and guidance on health and safety, safeguarding and promoting the welfare of the child. Outstanding and robust evidence of establishing and sustaining a safe environment and employing practices that, promote children’s health and safety. Good evidence of establishing and sustaining a safe environment and employing practices that, promote children’s health and safety. Some evidence of establishing and sustaining a safe environment and employing practices that, promote children’s health and safety. No evidence of establishing and sustaining a safe environment and employing practices that, promote children’s health and safety. Outstanding knowledge and understanding of child protection policies and procedures, recognising when a child is in danger or at risk of abuse and knowing how to act to protect them. Good knowledge and understanding of child protection policies and procedures, recognising when a child is in danger or at risk of abuse and knowing how to act to protect them. Some knowledge and understanding of child protection policies and procedures, recognising when a child is in danger or at risk of abuse and knowing how to act to protect them. No knowledge and understanding of child protection policies and procedures, recognising when a child is in danger or at risk of abuse and knowing how to act to protect them. Expectation – for example by the end of the programme a trainee should be able to: Demonstrate they are aware of local and national policy and legal frameworks on safeguarding, health and safety, health and children’s wellbeing. They can employ exemplary practice to ensure children's wellbeing and health and safety is considered at all times. They have a strong knowledge of safeguarding and can take a lead role in protecting children. Examples of Evidence – Standard 7 Reflective Documents Copies of Safeguarding/Child Protection policies with annotations Reflections upon setting policies and procedures, roles and responsibilities relating to child protection, safeguarding and health and safety and how these adhere to specific legislation Charts indicating an understanding of multi-agency working practice e.g. SENCo, Child Protection Officer, Social Worker, LADO Observations Documentary evidence concerning how the observational, record and reporting process works Children’s assessment records Anonymised records of any concerns or issues and subsequent actions taken Documentary information which identifies lines of referral within and beyond the setting Other sources Records of policy and procedures and any reviews and amendments made. Records/Certificates of Safeguarding Training attended Examples of risk assessments Examples of case files where appropriate Reflective Logs Written reflections concerning ethical issues Checklists used to maintain a safe environment Health and safety audits, e.g. those considering allergies, medication policy/procedure, sun cream/hats, hand washing, environment and resources, plug guards, accessible drinking water, gates, safe storage, effects of transition, emotional well-being, healthy eating. Training, quizzes, flow charts, notice boards, posters to support practitioners knowledge and understanding of safeguarding and child protection Documents relating to Intervention and support mechanisms, such as, CAF Lecture notes from Safeguarding sessions 8. Fulfil Wider Responsibilities MEETING THE STANDARDS AT AN OUTSTANDING LEVEL MEETING THE STANDARDS AT A GOOD LEVEL REQUIRES IMPROVEMENT TOWARDS THE STANDARDS FAILING TO MEET THE STANDARDS-INADEQUATE Outstanding promotion of equality of opportunity and anti-discriminatory practice. Good promotion of equality of opportunity and anti-discriminatory practice. Some evidence of promotion of equality of opportunity and antidiscriminatory practice. No promotion of equality of opportunity and anti-discriminatory practice. Outstanding/robust evidence of making a positive contribution to the wider life and ethos of the setting. Good evidence of making a positive contribution to the wider life and ethos of the setting. Some evidence of making a positive contribution to the wider life and ethos of the setting. No evidence of making a positive contribution to the wider life and ethos of the setting. Outstanding/robust evidence of taking a lead in establishing a culture of cooperative working between colleagues, parents/carers and other professionals. Good evidence of taking a lead in establishing a culture of cooperative working between colleagues, parents/carers and other professionals. Some evidence of taking a lead in establishing a culture of cooperative working between colleagues, parents/carers and other professionals No evidence of taking a lead in establishing a culture of cooperative working between colleagues, parents/carers and other professionals Outstanding/robust evidence of trainee taking responsibility for leading practice through appropriate professional development for both themselves and colleagues. Good evidence of trainee taking responsibility for leading practice through appropriate professional development for both themselves and colleagues. Some evidence of trainee taking responsibility for leading practice through appropriate professional development for both themselves and colleagues. No evidence of trainee taking responsibility for leading practice through appropriate professional development for both themselves and colleagues. Outstanding/robust evidence of reflecting upon and evaluating the effectiveness of provision and shaping/supporting good practice. Good evidence of reflecting upon and evaluating the effectiveness of provision and shaping/supporting good practice. Some evidence of reflecting upon and evaluating the effectiveness of provision and shaping/supporting good practice. No evidence of reflecting upon and evaluating the effectiveness of provision and shaping/supporting good practice. Robust/deep level of understanding of the importance of and contribution to multi agency team working. Good level of understanding of the importance of and contribution to multi agency team working. Some understanding of the importance of and contribution to multi agency team working. No understanding of the importance of and contribution to multi agency team working. Expectation – for example by the end of the programme a trainee should be able to: Show how they promote equality of opportunity and model this to others Appropriately challenge practice as and when needed to ensure all children and families are respected. Engage with the setting to widen and support the ethos Assisting with extra-curricular activities Communicate with parents (letters, parents evenings, etc.) Work effectively with staff Contribute to feedback on quality improvement and develop action plans to support this. Establish good working relationships with colleagues Contribute to a multi-agency team Examples of Evidence – Standard 8 Planning documents Examples of planning where there are opportunities for child-led, child initiated, adult-led, free-flow and spontaneous play Examples of collaborative planning undertaken with other practitioners Reflective Documents Written reflections concerning provision, audits and changes made Annotated copies of relevant legislation, for example, Equality Act 2010 Observations Evidence of working collaboratively with other practitioners e.g. evaluation of joint project Peer, mentor or practitioner observations of practice, such as, working with parents or other practitioners, for example, supervision Children’s assessment records Evidence of working with children’s Key Person, parents and other professionals in the completion of the statutory assessment process or Early Years Development Journals Other sources Documentary evidence which demonstrates taking the lead in: carrying out an audit, such as, environmental and inclusive audits/ ECERS, ITERS / developing an action plan with colleagues/taking the lead in creating change or developing practice and how anti-bias and anti-discriminatory practice has been considered or developed Documentary evidence which demonstrates taking the lead in: developing aspects of the setting, such as, policies and procedure, aspects of the environment, resources, events, experiences, outings and trips, activities, paperwork etc. Evidence which demonstrates when practice has been modelled/support given/guidance has been offered to other practitioners and teacher trainees in implementing effective care and education by working alongside them, delivering training, modelling practice Evidence of working with other professionals and agencies, such as, SaLT, Health Visitor, Police, Fire Brigade, Social Worker, child minders etc. Feedback / verification statements from relevant staff Minutes of meetings which show trainee’s contribution Action plans Details of multi-agency working e.g. as evidenced within an IEP Reflective Logs Written responses to reflective tasks