Hypothesis - Mrs. Goodale`s Science 7 Website

Semester 1 Life Science 7 Benchmark Exam
Study Guide
Chapter 1
Ch. 1 Key Terms/Concepts- Scientific method/inquiry- Posing questions, developing a hypothesis,
designing an experiment, analyzing results, drawing conclusions, communicating results
1) Aaron was interested in the effects of five different foods on the energy of the body. He thinks
the eating eggs will help you perform the BEST from the choice given. Which part of the
scientific method is represented? Develop a hypothesis
2) Mrs. Quin assigned her 7th grade science students a research project on a specific genetic
disease. Which of the following is the BEST source for finding detailed information on this
topic? a) dictionary
b) thesaurus
c) Internet (www.) d) Mom
3) Jake makes the observation that you hear frogs more often in the summer than you do in the
winter. Based on this information Jake makes the following hypothesis: “Frogs croak more
often when the temperature is higher.” Jake then designs an experiment where he takes two
groups of three frogs, and counts their croaks over a one hour period of time. Which of the
following frog placements would properly test Jake’s hypothesis?
a) Placing one group in a room at 78 degrees in the morning and placing the 2nd group
in the same room kept at 78 degrees at night.
b) Placing one group in a dark room at 78 degrees and placing the 2nd group in a
lighted room kept at 78 degrees.
c) Placing one group in a room at 68 degrees and placing the 2 nd group in a room at 88
d) None of the above
4) What is a hypothesis? A statement that explains a possible answer to a scientific questions
that can be tested with an experiment.
5) Jane and Jen are lab partners in science. They have been learning all about flowers. They
want to set up an investigation to test how flowers grow. They write the following hypothesis:
“The hotter the temperature is, the faster flowers grow.” Which of the following BEST
summarizes an investigation that Jane and Jen might conduct to test their hypothesis?
a) Plant 5 flowers in regular dirt and 5 flowers in fertilized soil. After 4 weeks, measure
how tall each flower grew.
b) Plant 5 flowers in an air-conditioned room and 5 flowers in a heated room. After 4
weeks, measure how tall each flower grew.
c) Water 10 flowers with different amounts each day. After 4 weeks, measure how tall
each flower grew.
d) Plant 5 flowers in a shady area and 5 flowers in a lighted area. After 4 weeks,
measure how tall each flower grew.
The conclusions drawn from a scientific investigation are based on evidence collect from
__________________. The data received
6) Scientific Method of Investigation: Conclusions---are based on ---Data collected ---from
experiments ---created to test---Hypothesis
A brief concise, yet descriptive title
Statement of the Problem:
What question(s) are you trying to answer?
Include any preliminary observations or background information about the subject
Write a possible solution for the problem
Make sure this possible solution is a complete sentence
Make sure the statement is testable
The statement should reference the independent and dependent variables: such as “The plant group receiving
(independent variable i.e. fertilizer) will (dependent variable i.e. produce more fruit) than the plants that did not
receive (independent variable i.e. fertilizer)
Make a list of all items used in the lab
Write a paragraph or a list which explains what you did in the lab.
Your procedure should be written so than anyone else could repeat the experiment.
This section should include any data tables, observations, or additional notes you make during the lab.
Although some students may wish to recopy original data: it is important to always preserve the original
You may attach a separate sheet(s) if necessary.
All tables, graphs and charts should be labeled appropriately.
Accept or reject your hypothesis
EXPLAIN why you accepted or rejected your hypothesis using data from the lab.
Include a summary of the data – averages, highest, lowest, etc. to help the reader understand your results.
List one thing you learned and describe how it applies to a real-life situation.
discuss possible errors that could have occurred in the collection of data (experimental errors)
Chapter 3
Ch. 3 Key Terms/Concepts- Organelles in a plant cell, organelles in an animal cell, cell wall,
chloroplasts, nucleus, DNA, cell organization
7) In all living organisms, cells function ___________?
a) Differently
b) similarly
c) opposite
d) occasionally
8) Which organelle can be found in plant cells but NOT in animal cells? Chloroplasts
9) Which kind of cell has a cell wall? Plant cell
10) Where in the cell would one be most likely to find the genetic information of an organism?
11) The nucleus stores DNA.
12) What is the order for the organization of the body?
Cell---tissue---organ---organ system
Chapter 4
Ch. 4 Key Terms/Concepts- photosynthesis, chloroplasts, chlorophyll, cell cycle, interphase, mitosis,
cytokinesis, differentiation, respiration
13) In plant cells, the sunlight energy for photosynthesis is captured by chloroplasts?
14) Mitosis results in the creation of Two cells identical to the original cell
15) The cells in the root of a carrot divide to increase the number of cells through a process called
16) The nucleus stores DNA.
17) Cellular respiration occurs in what type of cells? Both plant and animal cells
18) The main pigment found in the chloroplasts of plants is called chlorophyll.
19) What is the correct order of the cell cycle?
Interphase, mitosis, cytokinesis
20) The process by which cells become specialized to perform a particular function in the body is
known as differentiation.
21) True or false, deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is the genetic material of living organisms True
Chapter 5
Ch. 5 Key Terms/Concepts- inherited traits, gene, allele, dominant allele, recessive allele,
phenotype, genotype, chromosomes, various number of chromosomes in species.
22) During sexual reproduction, the offspring inherit their traits from Both parents.
23) The phenotype produced from a pair of alleles is determined by the dominant allele.
24) Tiger the dog has a total of 78 chromosomes. He inherited 39chromosomes from his father.
25) Buster the cat has a total of 38 chromosomes. He inherited 19 chromosomes from his mother.
26) An inherited trait with a simple pattern of inheritance, such as being able to roll your tongue, is
usually determined by only one gene.
27) The two copies of a genes inherited from each parent in animal cells are called alleles.
28) What is the genetic material found in all cells called? DNA
29) How is it possible for a black guinea pig and a white guinea pig to have brown colored
offspring? More than one gene determines fur color
30) How many chromosomes does the human body cell contain? 46
31) DNA is found in chromosomes.
32) A person’s eye color, ability to roll tongue, dimples and cleft chin are examples of an inherited
33) Marfan Syndrome is a genetic disorder that causes the breakdown of connective tissue.
Marfan Syndrome is inherited by anyone carrying a dominant allele. Which of the following
genotypes is LEAST like to have Marfan Syndrome?
a) DD
c) Dd
d) dd