Middleborough Public Schools Title I Handbook For Principals, Teachers and Parents/Guardians Overview of Title 1 Title I of the federal Elementary and Secondary Education Act is the largest and one of the oldest federally funded education programs in the nation. It provides additional funds to local school districts to help at risk students reach proficiency on state and local academic standards. Title I funds must be used to provide services that are supplemental or, in addition to, services normally provided by the school district. Title I funds support extra instruction in reading and mathematics through the funding of additional teachers, instructional materials, and professional development, as well as after-school and summer programs to extend and reinforce the regular school curriculum. Title 1 Funding Funding for Title I is appropriated annually by Congress. Once the amount available is voted upon, the U.S. Department of Education in Washington, D.C. calculates the percentage due each state. The fifty State Departments of Education then distribute a percentage to each local school district. These amounts are determined by the economic need of the area. Title 1, Part A Targeted Assistance Program Title I funds in a Targeted Assistance school must be used to improve the academic achievement of identified Title I students. Students must be identified based on multiple, objective, educationally related criteria. Also, criteria must be generated to determine when a student may exit the Title I program. Title I supplemental services may be delivered in a number of ways, i.e., in-class instruction; pull-out instruction; and/or extended day, week, or year instruction. Title I teacher(s) must be highly-qualified and responsible for providing supplemental services to identified students. Title I staff must coordinate with other school personnel and involve parents/guardians in the planning, implementation, and evaluation of the Title I program. Districts with students placed in private schools of the same level of schooling of which the Title I programs is servicing must consult with private school representatives before making final determinations about the use of Title I funds. Title 1 Targeted Assistance Selection Process Student selection is based on several criteria including classroom performance, teacher recommendation, informal assessment and standardized and/or state tests. The results of these criteria are weighed on a point system. Students with the greatest number of points are selected first. Through the selection criteria, those students who are determined in “greatest need” will be serviced first. Needs Assessment A Title 1 needs assessment on the program is conducted annually. Student data is gathered and analyzed including pre and post Title 1 data, state assessment results (MCAS), and teacher input gathered through survey. Parents of Title 1 students are also surveyed regarding the program’s effectiveness and what needs exist that could be addressed the following year. Parent/Guardian Involvement Parents/guardians are an important part of the Title 1 program and are urged to participate in program evaluation and planning through completion of the needs assessment survey. In addition, the Title 1 program encourages parent/guardian involvement for a family-school partnership through programs during the school year. The concept and focus of parent involvement is to increase student learning. A School-Home Learning Compact is distributed to each Title 1 student and is signed by the Title 1 teacher, the parent/guardian, and the student. Each Title 1 school has a parent outreach coordinator, a liaison between the school and Title 1 families. In addition, each Title 1 school will hold an annual parent reception in the fall to orient parents and guardians to the Title 1 program. At this reception, the district’s Parent Involvement Policy is reviewed and distributed, the Title 1 grant is reviewed, and the needs assessment from the prior year is also reviewed with parents and guardians. Notification of this event is sent home with the students as well as publicized on the district’s web page under Title 1 and on each school’s online calendar. Families in the district designated as homeless are invited to Title 1 events and are encouraged to attend. The Title 1 teachers are available to meet with parents/guardians at parent-teacher conferences and by appointment. Title 1 Service Delivery Title 1 supplemental reading instruction is provided for students in grades one through three. Students receive instruction based on their academic needs, closely aligned to the Common Core Standards, ensuring that students are progressing towards college and career readiness in the domains of reading (literature and informational text), writing, speaking, listening, and language skills. This includes instruction in phonemic awareness, phonics, vocabulary and fluency with the goal of comprehending grade level literature and informational texts. Instruction is provide Title 1 Service Delivery (cont.) through an in-class model, although occasionally students are “pushed in” to another classroom due to scheduling. The classroom teacher and Title 1 staff work closely together in developing a program to best meet the needs of each student. Assessment is used to drive instruction. Therefore, students in the Title 1 program are closely monitored as to their response to instruction and changes to their instructional programs are made as needed. A Title 1 Student Progress report is distributed to parents/guardians mid-year (end of January) and at the end-of year. This is in addition to the district’s trimester report card. APPENDIX Parent Involvement Policy Title 1 Permission Slip Title I Parents’ Choice to Opt Out of Title I Services Title 1 School Home Learning Compact Title 1 Progress Reports Title 1 Contact Information Middleborough Public Schools Title I Parent Involvement Policy A. Each school receiving Title I funds shall, by October 10th of each school year, send a notice home to the parents of each eligible child, in clear, easy to understand language, informing parents: 1. About the nature of the Title I program 2. That parents have the right to participate and be involved in the planning, development, operation, evaluation and improvement of the Title I program 3. That an initial meeting will be held for all such parents in order to discuss the possible form of parent consultation and involvement. 4. Of the time and place of such meetings, which shall be selected in a manner designed to encourage maximum attendance. B. At the initial Title I orientation meeting, school staff shall: 1. Explain the nature of the program at each school 2. Promote understanding between parents and school personnel 3. Explain that one of the purposes of the meeting is for parents and Title I staff to determine what mechanisms they wish to propose for implementing parent involvement, including the Parent Advisory Council. 4. Describe the rights of parents and the obligations of school staff as set forth in Title I, and this policy concerning parent involvement. 5. State that written copies of information about the program including federal statute and regulations, any applicable state or local laws or regulations, and current and prior program applications and evaluations are available. 6. Provide information, which will help build the capacity of parents for strong parental involvement and participation in the educational process. 7. Review the title I Parent Involvement Policy 8. Review the School-Parent Compact. C. Parents and title I staff shall participate in a Parent Advisory Council for the purpose of consulting on topics that include: a. needs assessment, b. determination of program goals and objectives, c. determination of educational strategies, d. implementation of projects, e. development of program applications, and f. program evaluations. D. School staff shall provide a full and timely response to any parent recommendations concerning the program and, to the extent that such recommendations are rejected, shall explain the basis for their decision. If the recommendation is made in writing, the response shall be in writing. E. School staff shall be prepared to offer, upon request, such support and resources as are needed for effective and full parent consultation and involvement including, but not limited to: 1. Reasonable access to meeting space, necessary materials, available communications facilities, and clerical and other support staff. 2. An ongoing and effective program of training for parents which provide educational opportunity for parents to support the learning of their children, programs to be developed in consultation with parents, including needed literacy training, not otherwise available, to help parents with their child’s achievement, parent assistance Middleborough Public Schools Title I Parent Involvement Policy (cont.) 3. and training concerning the No Child Left Behind Act, state content and performance standards, state and local assessments, Title I legal requirements for the program, how the Title I program actually operates, the rights and responsibilities of parents, and how parents can work effectively with each other and with the school in developing and providing parent consultation and involvement. 4. Provisions to parents on request, in a timely manner, of proposed and final projected applications, needs assessments, documentation, district plans, budgetary information, evaluation data, state, federal, and local statutes, regulations and guidelines, and any other information needed for full, effective, and informed parent involvement. 5. Opportunities to request according to school procedures to view the operation of the Title I program, including classroom visits, in order to share in the responsibility of the learning of their children and to acquire the information and experience needed for meaningful consultation. 6. Opportunities for the parents to be involved in the planning of the Title I programs (such as the Family Evening Programs), home learning activities with their children, and the coordination and integration of parent involvement programs and activities with other programs such as Headstart. 7. A budget sufficient to fully fund the parent activities. F. In developing methods and policy guidelines for parent consultation, parents and school staff shall conduct a review of parent consultation to determine the causes of any barriers to full and effective parent involvement. This information shall then be used to review and revise the methods and policies for consultation in order to increase the effectiveness of parent consultation. (Revised 12/2008 by Title I PAC) Middleborough Public Schools Title I Targeted-Assistance Program Mary K. Goode School Date: ________________ Dear Parent/Guardian, Your child has been selected to receive Title I intervention services in reading. The Selection decisions are made after reviewing assessment results, teacher recommendation, and the child’s classroom performance. Title I is a federally funded supplementary program for children, which provides academic assistance to students above and beyond that provided by the classroom teacher. Supplementary education services are provided by highly-qualified teachers. Supplemental materials and programs used in Title I are research based. The goal of the Title I program is to help students become more effective, efficient, and independent learners. As a parent, you are a vital member of the Title I team. You will be encouraged to gain as much from the program as your child. Please consider this learning opportunity for your child. An enrollment form is at the bottom of this letter and can be returned to your child’s classroom teacher. We look forward to meeting you and helping your child. If you should have any questions, please contact the school at 508-946-2045. Sincerely, Mr. Delani Principal Mrs. Dulin Reading Specialist Mrs. Phillips Reading Specialist ****PLEASE SIGN AND RETURN THIS PORTION**** Enrollment for MKG Title I Services Student: ____________________________ Grade: ________ Teacher/Room # ______________ Check One: _________ My child may take part in the Title I Program. _________ My child may NOT take part in the Title I Program. Parent/Guardian Signature:__________________________________________ Date: ________ Middleborough Public Schools Title I Targeted-Assistance Program Henry B. Burkland School Date: ________________ Dear Parent/Guardian, Your child has been selected to receive Title I intervention services in reading. The Selection decisions are made after reviewing assessment results, teacher recommendation, and the child’s classroom performance. Title I is a federally funded supplementary program for children, which provides academic assistance to students above and beyond that provided by the classroom teacher. Supplementary education services are provided by highly-qualified teachers. Supplemental materials and programs used in Title I are research based. The goal of the Title I program is to help students become more effective, efficient, and independent learners. As a parent, you are a vital member of the Title I team. You will be encouraged to gain as much from the program as your child. Please consider this learning opportunity for your child. An enrollment form is at the bottom of this letter and can be returned to your child’s classroom teacher. We look forward to meeting you and helping your child. If you should have any questions, please contact the school at 508-946-2040. Sincerely, Mr. Thompson Principal Mrs. Lakey Reading Specialist Mrs. Maddigan Reading Specialist ****PLEASE SIGN AND RETURN THIS PORTION**** Enrollment for HBB Title I Services Student: ____________________________ Grade: ________ Teacher/Room # ______________ Check One: _________ My child may take part in the Title I Program. _________ My child may NOT take part in the Title I Program. Parent/Guardian Signature:__________________________________________ Date: ________ Middleborough Public Schools Title I Targeted-Assistance Program PARENTS’ CHOICE TO OPT-OUT OF TITLE I SERVICES Student: _________________________________________________ Grade: _______________ Date: ______________________ Circle School: HBB MKG The Middleborough Public Schools procedure regarding a parent or guardian’s choice to opt-out of entry into the Title I Program states: Parents may notify the district of their wish to have their child “opt-out” of the Title I Program. The district will place the student in the general education classroom and document the parent/guardian’s notice to the student’s file. Our district encourages parents/guardians to allow their children to participate in Title I Programs for a limited time before they make a final determination to “opt-out” of the program. The Middleborough Public Schools will continue to keep parents apprised of their child’s progress. When a parent declines his/her child’s participation in a Title I Program, the district will continue to monitor the educational progress of the student to ensure that the student is making effective progress. After meeting with the Title I Program Director and the Title I teacher that would be servicing your child to discuss repercussions of your decision, you will be asked to sign this “optout” form. I, ________________________________, the parent/guardian of __________________________, have decided to deny my child entry into the Title I Program in the Middleborough Public Schools. I understand that my child’s progress will be monitored to make sure that his/her academic needs are being supported. Signed: ______________________________________________ Date: ____________________ Middleboro Public Schools Title I School-Home Learning Compact Welcome to Title I Recent school assessments have shown that your child is eligible for Title I support in reading and/or math. Your child will receive supplemental services and his/her progress will be monitored to ensure that the interventions being used are truly helping. All Title I supplemental instruction services are funded through State and Federal Grant monies. Eligibility for these services is based on student need as determined by the student data from school-wide assessment sores and student performance work samples. Supplemental materials and programs used in title I are research based. We know that as a parent, you are a key contributor to your child’s progress, and a full partner in helping your child to succeed. Parents are provided with copies of their child’s assessment data at regular intervals throughout the year. Title I staff will be available for consultation with parents during parent/teacher conferences, and by appointment, before or after school, during weekdays. Parents have the right to waive Title I services for their child. We offer this Title I School-Home Compact as an agreement between the parents and the Title I school to do all that we can, working together in partnership, to help your child meet student learning expectations. How Title I supports your child… • Highly Qualified Title I staff provide scientifically research based instruction to your child for the areas of concern that supplements the work in the classroom. • Assessment data for your child determines what reading or math interventions will be used by Title I staff. • Reports on your child’s progress will be sent home regularly. •Parent programs and parent-teacher conferences are offered throughout the year to give you the support you need to help at home. How you support your child… • Stay in touch with your child’s teacher and come to all parent-teacher conferences and meetings. • Set aside a quiet place and time for homework or home practice on reading and/or math. • Make sure your child gets the nutrition and rest they need in order to be in top shape for learning each day. *Please sign and return the next page to your child’s classroom teacher. Middleboro Public Schools Title I School-Home Learning Compact Child’s Name: ________________________________________ Grade: ________ School (circle one) HBB MKG Our School-Home Agreement: As a Title I school, we will: •Assess each student’s skills and assist the student in continuing acquisition of learning •Provide a supportive environment that is conducive to learning •Maintain open lines of communication with families through student progress reports, parent/teacher conferences, and parent information nights •Provide information on the Title I web page for parents to access •Help parents to support learning Signature: ________________________________________________ Date: ________________ As a Parent/Guardian, I will: •Send my child to school regularly •Share the importance of education and learning with my child •Read with my child daily and encourage writing opportunities •Encourage opportunities to think mathematically and solve problems using math skills •Talk with my child about school and check their backpacks daily •Participate in school activities, Open House, and parent/teacher conferences Signature: ________________________________________________ Date: ________________ As a student, I will: •Come to school regularly •Come to school ready to learn •Always try to do my best •Be responsible for my behavior •Show respect for myself, my school, and other people •Read at home every day Signature: ________________________________________________ Date: ________________ Middleboro Public Schools Title I Reading Progress Report Child’s Name: ___________________________________ Grade: ______ Date: ____________ School (circle one) HBB MKG Reading Specialist: _________________________________________ Classroom Teacher: ________________________________________ Your Child’s Current Performance: Text Level Accuracy Fluency Comprehension Comments: Mid-Year Expectations: Grade Text Level Accuracy Fluency Comprehension One Two Three 95% or better 95% or better 95% or better 23 words/min 72 words/min 86 words/min 19/28 or better 19/28 or better 19/28 or better End-of-Year Expectations: Grade Text Level Accuracy Fluency Comprehension One Two Three 95% or better 95% or better 95% or better 47 words/min 87 words/min 100 words/min 19/28 or better 19/28 or better 19/28 or better 12 24 34 16 28 38 Middleborough Public Schools Title 1 Contact Information Holly Anderson Title One Director Elementary Curriculum Coordinator Henry B. Burkland School 41 Mayflower Ave Middleborough, MA 02346 Mary K. Goode School 31 Mayflower Avenue Middleborough, MA 02346 Chet Delani Sharon Dulin Diane Phillips Henry B. Burkland School 41 Mayflower Avenue Middleborough, MA 02346 Derek Thompson Jillian Lakey Melinda Maddigan (508) 946-2040 (508) 946-2045 Principal Reading Specialist Reading Specialist cdelani@middleboro.k12.ma.us sdulin@middleboro.k12.ma.us dphilips@middleboro.k12.ma.us (508) 946-2040 Principal Reading Specialist Reading Specialist dthompson@middleboro.k12.ma.us jlakey@middleboro.k12.ma.us maddigan@middleboro.k12.ma.us Helpful Links: Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (Massachusetts Department of Education) http://www.doe.mass.edu Family Involvement Resources http://www.doe.mass.edu/FamComm/f_involvement.html?section=resources Middleborough Public Schools Title 1 website http://www.middleboro.k12.ma.us/TitleI/TitleI-HP.htm