Parent Involvement Policy


Title I Parent Involvement Policy

Holbrook’s Title I Parent Involvement Policy applies to all parents, guardians and caregivers of the district’s Title I students. The

Holbrook Public Schools is committed to the goal of providing a quality education for each student. To this end, the schools will establish partnerships with parents. Parents play a critical role in the success of their child in school. Below you will find the

Parent Involvement Policy. This policy is reviewed annually and will be amended to meet the changing needs of parents/guardians.

1. Parents/Guardians are involved in the planning, review and update of the Parent Involvement Policy through:

 Title I Annual Parent Meeting

 Title I Parent Nights

 Surveys

2. Parent Meetings are held throughout the year to accommodate parent schedules. Ongoing communication between teachers and parents/guardians is important.

 Parent-Teacher conferences twice a year

 Parent –Teacher phone calls

 Meetings per parent request

3. Parents/Guardians will be informed of their child’s progress through progress reports each marking term.

4. Parents/Guardians will receive information about our school’s Title I program through:

 Title I Annual Parent Meeting

 Title I Parent Nights

 Title I Handbook

 Open House

 District Website

5. Parents/Guardians will receive a Parent’s Right to Know letter to notify parents about their rights in regard to the professional qualifications of their child’s teachers.

6. The South School and JFK will provide opportunities for participation of parent with limited English proficiency, parent with disabilities, and parents of migratory children, including providing information and school reports in an understandable and uniform format and including alternative formats upon request, and, to the extent practicable, in a language parents understand.

7. A teacher-parent/guardian-student compact is developed for each Title I student highlighting how parent/guardian, student and teacher can share in the educational process.

 Sent to all Title I parent/guardian for review and signature

 Discussed at Title I Annual Parent Meeting

8. The South School and JFK will provide resources for parents to help parents work at home to improve student achievement.

9. Parent/guardian will be surveyed annually regarding parental participation and barriers to participation, and regarding overall parent policies and procedures.
